Chapter 2

The future that could never be

Yesung’s p.o.w


I woke up because of movements on both sides of me, what even? I sat straight up and looked around me, where were I?

“Yesungie?” someone mumbled and I looked down.


A hand came up to my face; it definitely was Hyukkie-Umma.

“Did you have a nightmare?”

I shook my head and whispered; “not used to bed company anymore.”

I saw a smile through the darkness on his face, he looked really tired. What time was it now? Probably really early since it still was dark outside.

“You should try to go back to sleep, you look like the world is crashing down on you,” Hyukkie mumbled still caressing my cheek.

I laid down again between them and faced Hyukjae.

“Come here.”

He wrapped his arms around my body and pressed me towards his chest. He has always known that that was the only way for me to relax enough to fall asleep again after waking up. He circles on my back and I got more comfortable and snuggled in to m. Short after I fell asleep again.



I sat up straight in the bed; it was empty if you didn’t count me. Someone was by the door and peeked in on me.

“You awake?”

I squinted my eyes and tried to see who it was in the weird light; the sunscreen had been pulled down in front of the window.

“Barely…” I mumbled.

“Can I come in?”

I just nodded and fell back in to the pillows again. I really hated to wake up in the night because I got so awfully tired when morning came.

“What time is it?” I heard myself ask.

“It’s around 11AM, that’s why I came to wake you up.”

Now I was fully awake, how long did I sleep?

“Wan to explore this place with me, Henry and Minnie today?”

I sat up again and saw Junsu sit on the edge of the bed, how come he was up already? And he was so calm, what’s wrong with the picture?

“How come you’re up already? You usually sleep all day if you get the chance.”

“I know… my lovely brother was feeling nice today so he didn’t want me to sleep all day but take the chance to explore the school. He went to the library already with Wookie and no one knows the reasons to that…”

Finally someone got the revenge on him, I’ve wanted to wake him up really early so many times but never got the chance, so annoying. But now Junho had finally done it.

“Serves you well,” I giggled, “and of course I’ll go with you. I don’t want to be here all by myself and I don’t want to be at my own room either. What if the devil shows himself?”

“You’ll have to sleep in there you know,” Junsu said with a frown, “Yunho-hyung and Teukkie-hyung told us yesterday that it’s not ok to go to another’s room without special permission after they checked that everyone’s in their rooms. At weekends of course its ok, but not schooldays. So tomorrow night you’ll have to sleep in your own bed.”

I just widened my eyes and stared at him. How was I supposed to do that? I shared a room with the devil for crying out loud! I wasn’t supposed to survive this place, was I?

“Oh !” I flew out of the bed dragging the cover down with me.

“What now?” Junsu looked surprised.

“Ddangkoma is all alone in the room. I need to feed him,” I answered as I quickly switched from my pajama to black sweets and a green tank top. I suppose that Hyukjae went to my room yesterday to get it for me, because I don’t remember switching clothes.

“You’re unbelievable,” Junsu muttered, “you’re so extremely shy you can’t speak to people you don’t know, but you can undress yourself right in front of me.”

“So what? You got no interest in me anyway so why should I care?”

Junsu hit his forehead and muttered something under his breath.

“What’d you say? Didn’t hear you.”

“I said, what if Hyukkie-hyung had heard you now. You’re not that innocent after all.”

I cocked my head to the side and looked at him with the hands on my hips not understanding what he’s talking about.

“All talk about you being innocent is bull, I’ve known you long enough to be able to say that.”

“If this just is about me changing in front of you I think you’re kind of childish. It’s not like I haven’t seen you completely and vice versa.”

I mused when I saw Junsu’s face go red, it wasn’t much that embarrassed him but the fact that we have seen each other still embarrass him and I don’t understand why. He obviously has something on that Henry guy, so why bother with me? Oh crap, I forgot Ddangkoma again!

“Come on, hurry up. My poor turtle is all alone,” I said and put my feet in Hyukjae’s furry slippers.

“You really shouldn’t borrow those without asking,” Junsu said and pointed at the slippers.

“Why not? I’ve always done that,” I said, now I was confused because Hyukjae always told me I can wear these if I wanted to.

“It’s your grave,” Junsu just said.


When we came to my room I was glad that the door was locked and no sounds came from there, so I opened, still cautious, and went in with Junsu behind me. There was no one in the room and I breathed out. All my stuff had been brought here the day before I arrived so it stood neatly unpacked beside an empty bed, guess it’s mine, except the terrarium that stood on the desk. I went up to it and peeked inside on the little turtle.

“You still have food? You’re not eating enough,” I complained to Ddangkoma who just stared at me.

“You’re weird, you know that, right?” Junsu said.

“No, absolutely not. Because you never tell me that every time I talk to him,” I answered sarcastically.

“You’re so uncute…” Junsu muttered.

As if I cared what he thought about me? That was not the question either. Well, now I at least know that my turtle has food and that’s the main point here, right? And I have to go back to umma’s room and… wait… why do I have to go back to his room? My shoes are down by the door… why didn’t I think about that from the beginning?


Junsu poked my cheek to get my attention again and I looked at him, what did he want now?

“Are you coming or what?”

I nodded.

“Then get back to Hyukkie-hyung’s room and leave those slippers. I don’t think he want to find them down in the hall when he gets back from classes.”

I cocked my head to the side and didn’t really understand what he meant.

“Hyukkie’s slippers… you still wear them on your feet…”

“Oh…” Now the coin fell to its right place, “why didn’t you say so in the first place?”

Junsu rolled his eyes at me and went ahead out of the room. I giggled and went after him but continued past the stairs instead of going with him to the bottom floor. While inside Hyukjae’s room I hunted down my socks and put them on my feet.


When I came down to the hall the others was waiting for me already.

“About time,” Junsu complained as I put my feet in my shoes.

“It’s not my fault my socks had hid themselves,” I said and shrugged, Junsu was always so impatient. So annoying… “Where do we go first?”

“Dun no…” Junsu answered.

“I want to see the library,” the one I think was Henry said quietly as he held on to Junsu’s arm, he looked so cute.

“Why didn’t you go with my brother and Wookie then?” Junsu asked and I swear there was confusion in his eyes.

“Because they’re no fun!” the boy whined.

Wait a sec… why the hell did the boy whine? And, wait… why does he cling to Junsu like that? Aish, my brain can’t comprehend this, not this soon after getting out of bed. I glanced over on the tall one who leaned on the doorframe and saw that he looked at me. I smiled shortly behind Junsu’s back to him as we headed out of the dorm.


Junsu was still bickering with Henry when we got back inside again. I had a horrible stomachache and I didn’t know where it was from. As soon as I stepped out of my shoes I put my back against the wall and slid down along it until I sat on the floor. Why was the floor swinging? This was so not normal.

“Yesung, how are you?”

I heard the panic in Junsu’s voice and tried to focus my eyes on him, it didn’t go to well so I closed them.

“Please make the floor stand still,” I whispered.

“The floor is still Yesung, do you feel ill?”

I glanced at him again and shook my head, I shouldn’t have done that because now I felt sick. I put my fingers towards my temples started to rub them even though I didn’t have a headache.

“Do you want to go to your room?” Junsu asked.

“No,”  I whispered again close to tears, “I want Umma.”

“But… wait…” Junsu sounded really confused, “you’re homesick?”

“No you pabo! Umma’s here,” I said, being slightly irritated on him.

“He mean Hyukjae-hyung, are you really that stupid Junsu-hyung?”

I opened one eye and saw that Changmin was speaking now. He was so right, Junsu really is dense.

“Oh…” was the only sound coming from Junsu’s mouth.

“I can carry him to Hyukjae-hyung’s room,” Changmin volunteered.

“He won’t let you touch him,” Junsu said.

I so heard the protesting tone in his voice, so annoying.

“Junsu-hyung… drop it. I don’t feel well enough to stand up so it’s ok.” I said in a low voice, “even the dorm head with the scary smile would get permission to carry me right now.”

Oh how I hoped that Leeteuk was nowhere near us right now. I really didn’t want him to hear me say that.

“Ok then,” Junsu muttered, “but it’s not my fault if Hyukkie-hyung gets angry on me for leaving you.”

“It’s ok, I know Changmin a bit since he’s Wookie-hyung’s brother after all,” I muttered back at him. I had won against him for the first time arguing ever. Oh how proud Umma would be now.

“I’m going to lift you up now,” Changmin’s voice was in my ear.

I pried my eye open again and saw him sit down on one knee on my side, and then he just lifted me up bridal style. I kept my eyes closed all the time knowing a lot better than looking down. I’m scared of heights after all and Changmin is a lot taller than Appa. My body started shaking from the thought only.

“I know you know who he is, but you’re shaking like a leaf.”

I knew Junsu would see that, he’s stupid but he got an eye for details… damn it.

“Please just walk away and ignore him,” I whispered in Changmin’s ear and put my arms around his neck in a secure lock even though I knew he would never drop me.

“Can you please let us go now Junsu-hyung?” Changmin asked, “Hyukjae-hyung will get really angry if he gets worse.”

And Junsu let us go, how nice of him… I really have to stop being so sarcastic, otherwise Umma will notice and he won’t treat me like the innocent child anymore. I don’t like that. I’ll have to ask Changmin to help me, but I’ll do that later, I think. When it doesn’t feels like I’m having knifes in my stomach.


I heard him knock on a door, but how the hell did he succeed with that? He didn’t let go of me at all. There were noises from the inside and then the click from the door.

“Yes, what do you… OMO! What happened with my baby? Get in!”

Hyukjae screamed all too close to my ear, poor me. Isn’t it bad enough with my tummy? Does he have to kill my eardrum to? And poor Changmin too, anyone who might have seen this will think that Umma will kill Changmin now.

“Put him on the bed Minnie,” I heard Appa say so I guess that Umma already closed the door, probably locked it to.

I was put down on their bed and pried my eyes open again, closed them quickly and rolled over on the side with a groan. Everything had gone from swinging to spinning and I didn’t want to see it anymore. I put a pillow over my head and held it there to show them I wanted to be outside the conversation.



Changmin’s p.o.w


So, I went up with Yesung to Hyukjae’s room and he felt too light. Doesn’t he eat anything? Well, he hasn’t done that today. And all looks we received when Hyukjae screamed at me to get into his room didn’t make this situation any better. They’ll probably think that I’ve done something really bad or getting the blame for something someone else did to Yesung. But I’m actually worried because I don’t know what’s going on at all. He seemed pretty fine until he got out of his shoes, and now he lay here on the bed and looked like he was in a lot of pain. Both Hyukjae and Han Geng was looking at me as if they wanted me to explain to them what was happening, but how was I supposed to do that when I didn’t know?

“Minnie,” Hyukjae looked at me with a worried expression, “what happened with Yesungie?”

“I actually don’t know,” I answered honestly.

“But didn’t you spend the day together?” Han Geng asked me.

“Yes, but he seemed fine until we got back. He just slid down the wall after stepping out of his shoes.”

I saw them look at each other and then Hyukjae looked at me again.

“Do you know which time he got up?”

“Well, uhm… Junsu-hyung went to wake him up by eleven. Why?”

“Did he get any breakfast?” Han Geng asked me.

“Not as far as I know because we went out as soon as he came down because Junsu was rushing him a lot.”

Now I started to get what they wanted to figure out. They wanted to know if it was someone’s fault that Yesung became like this or if he just was simply sick. But I guess that Junsu will get in deep for this. At least that will be kind of fun to listen too.

“Did you get any lunch?” Hyukjae asked quite annoyed.

“No, we got out of here by twelve and Junsu-hyung was busy bickering with that small cute kid Henry to pay attention to anyone else. We just went around campus to see what it looks like.”

“So Yesungie hasn’t eaten all day?” Han Geng asked.

I shook my head at that question and you could practically see steam coming from Hyukjae’s ears by now, boy was he angry.

“Umma, calm down,” I said in a low voice, “you know you can’t blame Junsu-hyung only for this. I could have gone somewhere with Yesung.”

“I know Minnie, but Junsu is the older out of you three so it’s his responsibility. If Yesung get sick because of this I’m so going to have that dolphins head on a plate!”

Hyukjae is kind of scary sometimes, like, right now. I shuddered and looked away from him; I had enough sleeping problems as it already was without remembering Hyukjae’s scary face when he’s angry.

And then Hyukjae did something that surprised not only me but even Han Heng and Yesung. He grabbed the pillow from Yesung and shoved a thermometer (where the hell did he get that from?) in to Yesung’s mouth with such speed that not even I reacted before Yesung sat strait up and coughed, spitting the thermometer out.

“Umma, why did you do that?” He complained shock written all over his face.

“I want to make sure you don’t have a fever,” Hyukjae just answered simply as he pushed Yesung down and put the thermometer in his mouth again.

I could only hear vague muttering from him and looked at his pale face. Now I understand why Hyukjae acted like that, but he could at least have warned him, right? I glanced over at Hyukjae again, now his soft Umma expression was back on his face, but I can swear that failed dolphin will get what he deserve later on today. And I am so not going to be here when the place explodes. Maybe I should save Heechul from that to, ‘cause if I know him right he will get so disturbed about everything that he’ll end up screaming on Junsu as well.

“Minnie,” I looked at Han Geng, “can you come with me to the kitchen? I’m going to make something for Yesung to eat.”

I nodded and got up from the bed. Han Geng was always nice to me so I could be seen with him outside this room without Jaejoong-hyung exploding in my face. I feel so bad for Yesung though, maybe I should get him some painkillers.

“No, you shouldn’t because then you can count on Hyukjae killing you,” Han Geng said softly and tapped my forehead.

“Sorry, I forgot that you can read minds,” I said sarcastically but smiled.

“It’s not my fault you’re open like a book to read sometimes,” Han Geng grinned as we walked downstairs to the kitchen.



Yesung’s p.o.w


After I finally got something to eat my tummy reacted really strange because it really felt like it was killing me as the first bites of fried rice entered but then it slowly loosened. And the walls, ceiling and floor actually stopped dancing quite soon after that. Hurray! My world stands still again. I slowly got up from the bed after giving my plate to Umma and went over to Han Geng, who sat on the broad windowsill, and hugged him.

“Gomawo Appa,” I said happily.

He laughed quietly and hugged me back. I felt myself smile widely; I was so going to have cramp in my cheeks later on. When he released me from the hug I went over to Changmin and hugged him too.

“And gomawo Minnie for getting me up here. You’re probably the only one except Appa who is strong enough to carry me all the way up here,” I laughed.

Changmin just chuckled in my ear and blew some air on it. I shivered a little.

“Minnie!” Hyukjae slapped him in the back of his head, I know because I saw the hand coming, “Don’t do those erted things to your brother!”

“Do what?” I heard Changmin’s most serene voice as he blew in my ear again.

“That!” Hyukjae exclaimed. He probably refrained from slapping Changmin again; this was starting to get fun.

“Why is it erted to do that Umma?” I asked as innocently as I could and turned around to face Hyukjae, leaning back against Changmin.

He looked like he was thinking a bit, poor Umma. Now he had some embarrassing explaining to do.

“I am so not taking this conversation until you two are older,” he said with a hint of red on his cheeks, “It’s not proper for your ears.”

“Why? We’re eighteen,” I said confused and tilted my head to the side, “and why are you blushing?”

“I’m not,” Hyukjae protested, “Now be gone with both of you. I have things to do.”

And with that he kicked both of us out of the room.

“I so don’t want to know what he’s up to now,” I murmured to Changmin before we parted ways in the hall. I went down the stairs to the common room and sat down in one of the armchairs. I fell asleep immediately, completely and utterly exhausted from the long day.



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Chapter 15: No! No, why! Why!! This is so sad..
eliz930 #2
Chapter 15: WHy!!! WHy!!!! WHy you need to kill him?? ...not fair..huhuhuhu
HaeMyBananaHyukie #3
Chapter 15: What author-nim why im confused wah...π_π *running away*
HaeMyBananaHyukie #4
Chapter 8: Yeah hanhyuk time hahaha but it would have been hella funny and cut if yesung was curled up in their bed when they came back and scared the ou of eunhyuk hehehe
HaeMyBananaHyukie #5
Chapter 7: Where the hell has this been all my life...I was surely missing out <3
eliz930 #6
Chapter 1: wao...nice start..hmm..i will the first chap aldy..