Chapter 7

The Librarian's Story

Hey guys!! I am uplifting my hiatus!!

66 subscribers?!!! Thanks guys!!!

BTW, this chapter will have 2 POVs...





I'm at the airport,alone,waiting for Yoona's arrival to Korea. The waiting lounge is full with people, all with different stories of their own. Beside me is a woman calming her crying baby. The man in front of me is busy with his iPad. I don't have a clue to what he is doing but judging from his appearance, I bet he's a big man in the corporate business.


I'm not supposed to be alone in waiting for her arrival. There should be mom, Hongki and Krystal with me but all of them are busy. Hongki has work matters that he can't get out of. He tried talking to his boss to get a day off but his boss said he's been slacking off lately. Mom wanted to come but she has too many errands to run. I wish Krystal was here. At the very least, she could throw away my boredom. I asked her to come earlier but she rejected my offer without stating a reason. I assumed she's just too shy to meet her. I don't blame her. I'm a bit nervous myself too. It's been a long time since I last saw her and she last saw me but still, the love of my life is returning home and I'm just too ecstatic to meet her.


Hongki told me that she's not coming home for real. It's just for the summer. She's coming here alone and I hope it will stay that way until I see her coming out of the gate. I don't want to be introduced to any random guy who could be her boyfriend or fiance or whatever. I don't want to have my heart broken again. The first time as painful enough and I got so much hurt from her absence. I was depressed for 3 whole weeks when she went to America the first time.


"Atttention to everyone, flight no. KR 117 will be arriving shortly."


The announcer's voice interrupted my reveries. Flight no. KR 117? That's Yoona's flight number! Just a few more minutes away from meeting her. I straighten the crooked edges of the paper that holds the name 'Im Yoona'. I', using this sign for her to know I am waiting for her. I think she already knows since Hongki may have told her that someone will be waiting for her. I don't know how those two contacted each other and frankly, I couldn't cre less. She'll be staying at the Hilton Hotel during her stay here. She's from an affluent family so she can afford the cost of staying there with no difficulties.


A few minutes later, a tall and slender figure carrying a trolley finally made her way towards me. She seems lost since she looks like she's trying to find someone among the huge crowd. I figured she doesn't see me so I waved the sign so she could see it. She did see it and approaches me with a smile and a hint of relief in her face. I can barely hold my breath as she came closer. She is more beautiful than the last time I saw her. She dyed her hair a shade of light brown which brings out her beautiful features. She is dressed in a simple outfit ; white shirt with a pair of faded blue jeans but she cannot look more radiant.


"Minho?" She looks at me from behind her big sunglasses. I smiled and nodded. "I'm so glad to see you!" She exclaimed and pulled me into a hug. I return it, missing the feeling of her in my arms again. "Hey Yoona." We released the hug and I help with her luggage. "So, how old are you this year?" "Shut up." She punched my shoulder lightly and I chuckled.


That has been one of her pet peeve when befriending me. She is actually a year older than me. So every time I see her, I'll ask her age. I offered to call her noona when we first met but she declined, saying she soesn't want a reminder that she's old. We make our way to my car. After loading her suitcases to the car's trunk, I took the driver's seat and she rode shotgun.


"So, where do you want to go first?"

"Let me check in to the hotel first then we'll start our sightseeing."

"Got that." I started the ignition and drove within the speed limit.

"So, what have you been up to?" She asks me.

"Nothing much. I work at my mom's library now. You know, just to pass the time away and get some extra cash while I'm at it."

"Right, your mom owns a library." She nodded knowingly. "What about you? She looked at me. "What have you been up to?"

"Oh, nothing much. I recently enrolled in a fashion college."

"That's good. Hey can I ask you a question?"

"Sure. What is it?"

"What brings you here to Korea?"

"What? I can't come and visit my friends here?"

"No, it's not that. I'm just curious."

"My college is on a summer vacation so I decided to spend my summer here. Besides, it's been a long time since I ate your mom's patbingsoo."


We chatted a little bit more about our life during the absence of one another. She asked me how's my family and Hongki adn I asked her about hers. Then there was a moment of silence. I cocked my head to the side to see Yoona already dozed off to slumberland. I laughed quietly. Of course, she must have been tired after the long flight. Flying from Korea to America is  surely a long and tiring journey.


After a few more minutes of silent driving, I realized we're almost there. I parked the car at a nearby space and turn off the engine. I pat her arm to wake her up. After awhile of trying, she finally did. I help her out of the car an get her luggage out of the trunk. After she settled in her room, I left her so she can get some rest.






The sudden knock on the door woke Krystal up from her evening nap. She was alone in the appartment. The owner, Minho's mother, told her to take care of it while she's gone. Krystal know that Minho is out with his old friend. He offered her to come with him earlier this morning but she declined though she doesn't know why. She just doesn't feel like meeting anyone new for the time being. She know it is Yoona that Minho is out with. She also knew the history between them thanks to Hongki, who she sometime meets at her workplace. But she can't help feeling a bit of jealousy everytime he talks about her. And the worst thing was, he keeps talking about this Yoona like she's some kind of goddess.


She sighed as she realized she was alone in the apartment. The soft knocks suddenly turn into hard pounds as she delay opening it over time. She started to feel scared. Nobody she knew, while her stay here, is that aggressive when someone was late in answering the door. It can't be Minho since he must be too busy with his girl nor could it be his mother. She said she'll be back later than usual. Suspense builds up inside her as she came closer to the door.


She opened it with hesitation. In front of her stood two brooding men in a black shirt and wearing matching black sunglasses. She began to regret her decision in answering the door. The two men looked at each other after staring at the half-trembling girl in front of them. They are certain that she's the one they were looking for all this time.


"Miss Soojung, please come with us." One of the man spoke.


Soojung? She looked around her before reminding herself that she is the only one present at the moment. "I-I-I'm sorry but I think you got the wrong girl. My name is Krystal." The confused men checked the paper they were holding previously. There is no mistake. The girl in front of them is a dead ringer to the picture in the missing poster. But before they can deny her claim, an old women walk between them.


"I'm sorry but the girl you're searching for is not here."


"This is my daughter and I dn't think she knows any of you. Do you, Krystal?"

"N-no eomma."

"Than you'd better leave."

The two men shrugeed. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience maam. We'll leave now." As soon as they left, she closes the door with a bang. She hugged Krystal who is still in shock over what happened.

"Krystal, are you ok? Did those guys hurt you?"

"N-no eomonim. I'm fine."

"It's a good thing I forgot a file and decided to come back. You were too cose to being capture by those guys. Let me call Minho and tell him to accompany you."

"N-no eomonim! I'm fine. I'll make sure to not open the door to any strangers. Just don't tell him."

"Fine. Take care Krystal. I'm going." She took her file and left the house with uncertainty.

"Bye eomonim."


She closed the door and locked it . She leaned her back against the door and hugged her knees closer to her chest. Yes, she was definitely close to being taken by the two men. However, this is not what's bothering her. She was curious about the name they called her. Soojung. Why does the name feels so familiar? There's certainly no one with that name around the neighbourhood. Could it be the name belongs to her?







So I now have 66 subscribers for this fic??? :O

Thanks guys! Thanks for taking an interest for this fic!!

Here are the new subscribers who have waited long since my hiatus..















Thanks for subscribing guys!!


My school has started it's  break and I have about a week and 5 days of peace and relaxation!!!

I wrote 3 chapters including this one and may i tell you that this fic is just going to get more interesting!!!

Chapter 8 would be one of the longest chapter ever and it would take longer for me to type it out...

I had so much fun in writing this story!!

BTW, I made up the flight number cuz i don't know any korean ones..

I was randmly doing stuff with google..

(actually i googled my username..hehehe)

And I found this!

Click on the link to see what i mean..

Now I'm wondering which one of you guys did this...

Anyway, i'm not mad actually i'm quite flattered that someone would do this!

Thanks guys but whatever you do that concerns me please tell me first,kay?!!

Hehehe Bonus!!

Minho and Krystal H2 PICS!!! 


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i totally forgot about this fic! i loved it so much <3 just came here to say that~
ikrystal #2
Chapter 17: Please update soon..
Don't leave this story..
Sumaiya_Sultana #3
Chapter 17: Just think of it as if you're writing a KaiStal story. Think of Minho as Kai. Hwaiting!
Chapter 17: I ship Kaistal too, but this story is just amazing! Probably one of the best I've ever read. And I hope you'll surprise your readers for the ending :) All the best! Hwaiting!
Chapter 16: Make minstal together please !!!!!
Chapter 16: i just finished reading the story from chap 1 until this chap.
its interesting :)
i hope minho will find the way~
and, someone who krystal called is it sulli?
Chapter 17: lol i get you xD dont worry i'll wait
Chapter 17: Glad u finally back author nim
Chapter 17: nooo taestal and kaistal ; n ; minstal asdfghjkl
koyang1234 #10
Chapter 16: Plz update