Chapter 2 (Minho's POV)

The Librarian's Story

This chap is still in MInho's POV...






"Minho! I didn't know you go out during the daylight."

"Very funny, Hongki."

"Ooohhh...Vampire Minho is very touchy today."

"Just shut up."

"Seriously, dude. What's the matter? Thinking about Im Yoona again?"



Im Yoona. I haven't seen her for such a long time. She's my best friend and I've known her since we're in diapers. She is my first love and always will be though I doubt she actually knows it. She moved to America a few years ago. I still haven't told her my true feelings. She once told me that she never wants to have a boyfriend thus explains her decision to reject every person who confesses to her. She's very pretty with her doe-like eyes, slender body and smooth milky skin. She's my cho sarang and there's no way on earth I can forget her...



"No, that's not what's bothering me."




I'm at the mall with Hongki, one of my best friends at school. He's the one I tell my secrets too. Right now, he's having his lunch break so I offered to buy him lunch which he accepts without further hesitation. He works at a local diner just to pass the time during this long break. 


The vampire stuff is a joke between us two . He's forever calling me that because I hardly go out during tje day and spend my time around books. I work a day shift so it's hard to have time off. Luckily, today I managed to convince Donghae-hyung to cover for me while mom's out.


"I just need to get out of the house. It's getting pretty stuffy in there."

"I thought you live with your mother and no one else. How can it be full? Did your mother get fat?"

"Yah! My mother's not fat. Don't make stupid assumptions."

"Sheesh, I was just kidding. If you don't want me to make more stupid assumptions then tell me what happened that got the vampire out here."


I let out a sigh before telling him what happened a few days ago. He listened with full attention. That's what I like about him. Whenever you have a problem, he will listen to you with undivided attention. Though his solutions are not always the best. After I finished talking, he nodded with the expression of I-know-exactly-what-to-do on his face.


"I see, I see.. So... is this girl pretty?" I punch his shoulder as a response to this stupid question. Hongki is always known for his playboy trait.

"Yah! What are you talking about? I want your opinion on this not introducing you to your next girlfriend."

"Hehe, chillax Minho. I was just thinking that maybe if I know what she looks like, maybe I can help you."

"Yeah, right." 

"So... can I?"


"You know, see this Krystal?"

"Yeah sure, why not. Come to my house after you finished your shift."





- -  - - - -




I walk back to the house lazily. The distance from Hongki's workplace to my house is really very close so I don't bother wasting money for transport. The gate is open so mom and that freeloader must have come home. Mom brought her to the hospital to check her conditions. Ever since she came, my life has been nothing but hell.


It's not that she does anything bad to me. Actually, we never have start a conversation. Mom has been paying less and less attention to me and more to her. She keeps treating her like a princess. All her meals was brought to her on bed. Usually, I was the one who got stuck cooking it while mom chats away with her. I can't help but feel neglected.


The girl claimed that she can't remember anythng and I think that's absurd. How can anyone not remember anything about her life but remembers how to walk, talk and eat? She says that her name is Krystal but that's hardly a Korean name. What is she? A foreigner? I bet this is a scam created to enable her freeloading in our haven.


Sure, she might be injured and "cannot walk properly". Her bandages have to be changed often since the blood always sepps through it. But all this could be fake especially the blood. And the scratches are obviously a trick of the eye. I may have never touched her to know for sure but isn't it obvious? However, she didn't waver when mom said she is taking her to the hospiteal earlier.

As I enter the room, I can see my mom and the freeloader chatting away happily.


"Minho-yah, where have you been? I thought today is your shift."

"It is but Donghae-hyung said he wants to cover for me since he's been taking breaks a lot," I lied smothly while making a mind note that I should apologise to him later on.

Really? But I don't recall..." I cut her off before she notices my whte lie.

"Anyway mom, how was the check-up?" That completely distracted her.

" It was hard st first because they ca't find someone with the name Krystal on their system." Figures, she's a fraud.  "But then I said it's okay, just put it under my name. The doctor said she must have hit her head hard. She haas amnesia. Luckily, there was no head concussion involved so she didn't have to stay at the ward."

"Thanks for taking me eomonim! I'm going to my room now," she bowed and skipped off happily.

"Yah! That's my room you're talking about.!" I called off after her.

"Eoma! How could you let a stranger live in our house? What good would she bring?"

"Minho-yah, she's our guest. We have to treat her nicely."

"But she's been here for 3 days, eomma! My back's been hurting because of that couch!"

"Just be patient for a little while, Minho."


"Look, if you really want your room back then go share with her." Then, she stormed off to the kitchen.



She wants me to share a room with her?! I can't stand living in a roof with her let alone one small room. I give this a long thought. My goal is for her to get out of my life. But mom won't do that and she seems pretty happy here herself. So, the only way I can get rid of her is by making her want to do it herself. I'll have to make her want to leave so bad she won't even think twice of coming back here. 


And the only way to do this is to get close to her... 


I change my originally routed plan to take a shower and head towards the kitchen to find my mom braising meat for lunch.

"Eomma, I'll take you up on that offer."

"What offer?"

"You know, the one where I have to share the room with her if I don't want to sleep on the couch." She can't possibly forget that easy, right?


"You're the one who suggested it so I'm just following your orders." I smiled tirumphantly while my mom let out a sigh.

"Fine. Go take the spare mattress. You have to let her sleep in your bed."


"Annyeonghaseyo! Is anyone here? It's me, Hongki!"


Hongki! I totally forgot about him. He came to see Krystal. If he meet her than he would definitely fall in love with her. Because Krystal herself is a very beautiful girl, I acknowledge that but she's nowhere near a goddes like Yoona. Knowing Hongki, he would stop at nothing to get a girl and girls usually can't help but fall for this charming guy.


If Krystal falls for him then she won't want to get out of this house.That would ruin my plans. I rushed to the door to stop Hongki from coming in any further.


"Um, sorry Hongki but you can't come in."

"What?! I thought you want me to see this girl?"

"Yeah, there's been a change of plans. I've found the solution to my problem, so you don't have to see her anymore."

"What? Why are you hiding this girl from me? Do you actually like her?"

"Hell NO! It's just that if you see her than it would ruin my plan."

"Crap, Minho! You've made me obsessed with this girl and now you don't want me to see her?"


"So, she must be very pretty for you not wanting me to meet her. Ok, you win this round Choi Minho but there'll be a time when I finally get to see her and you can do nothing to stop me."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Just go. I'll see you later."

"Fine, I'm going."


He walk away from the door as I close it. I let out a sigh of relief. 


That was a close call...











This chapter is not yet finshed!!

I haven't finish writing it on paper...

Sorry guys!! I'm too busy this week...

But.. I'll promise that next week will have the full complete chapter 2 and 3

and also probably one chapter of My Hot Summer...


If you want to blame anyone then blame my teachers for giving me alot of things to think about and not to mention a truckload of homework.....

I'll work harder this week!!

To all my new subscribers...













I can't describe how much regret I feel now for not being able to finish this story!!!

I'll work harder!!!






Hehee....The story has been updated!!!

Enjoy...Chap 3 coming soon...

Hehee... Minstal at collab stage!!!


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i totally forgot about this fic! i loved it so much <3 just came here to say that~
ikrystal #2
Chapter 17: Please update soon..
Don't leave this story..
Sumaiya_Sultana #3
Chapter 17: Just think of it as if you're writing a KaiStal story. Think of Minho as Kai. Hwaiting!
Chapter 17: I ship Kaistal too, but this story is just amazing! Probably one of the best I've ever read. And I hope you'll surprise your readers for the ending :) All the best! Hwaiting!
Chapter 16: Make minstal together please !!!!!
Chapter 16: i just finished reading the story from chap 1 until this chap.
its interesting :)
i hope minho will find the way~
and, someone who krystal called is it sulli?
Chapter 17: lol i get you xD dont worry i'll wait
Chapter 17: Glad u finally back author nim
Chapter 17: nooo taestal and kaistal ; n ; minstal asdfghjkl
koyang1234 #10
Chapter 16: Plz update