Suddenly Protected

Protected Idol

**Leo's perspective**

I hate waiting, and our manager always seems to disappear recently. My band members and I are waiting near the entrance of the park, but there is no sign of our van or our manager. I sigh again as another ten girls join the growing crowd swarming around us. I know we are popular, but do they all have to smell so good? I take another deep breath and close my eyes as I wish them all away. I feel an elbow nudge my ribs and look over to see Ken giving me a look that meant I should be more sociable. Yeah, that is easy for him since he doesn't have the urges I do.

I look again at the swarm of girls around us, and notice a big black vehicle pull up in front of the park. Over the bobbing heads of the girls around me, I watch as two people dressed in black get out and head straight in our direction. I notice the girl has two gun holsters strapped to her thighs and could not help but think how hot that looked. I shake my head and watch as they quickly push their way through the crowd towards us. This is either going to be really good or really bad, I think to myself. 

The girl pops out of the crowd directly in front of me and she almost touches noses with me she is so close. She barely glances at me before grabbing my wrist and pulling me back through the crowd. I am surprised and excited by her boldness. Her fingers are long and slender but she keeps a very firm grip on my arm as she pulls me along and I let her pull me anywhere she wants. Her partner has pushed through to the other end of my members and is now pushing them in the same direction. We all push through the crowd with much difficulty and increased volume from the swarm of girls. When we finally break through, the girl holding my wrist starts to run faster towards the black vehicle she had pulled up in just before. I easily keep up with her pace, but am rather surprised that she can run almost as fast as me since that isn't normal. We all quickly jump into her car and she speeds us away from the crazed fan girls. 

"Woo!" N exclaims as we all adjust into our seats, checking to make sure all our clothing is in order. 

"Those girls are crazy," Ken says excitedly. 

I feel a tug on my shoulder and look back to see Ravi leaning over the seat. He motions with his eyes to the front seat, most likely referring to the girl that was driving, and then winks before sitting back in his seat. I roll my eyes at his ertedness, but begin to think of my own bad thoughts that involve that girl. She has the bad--chick look down and I like that.

"Two o'clock," the guy sitting in the passenger seat says suddenly.

I look up and see two black motorcycles drive up real close on each side of the car. With no hesitation, the girl speeds up with the motorcycles and begins to race them. Then without warning, she stomps on the brake and whips the car into a side street causing all six of us in the back to have to quickly grab on to something to stop from sliding around even with our seatbelts on. 

"Woah," Ken yells as he pushes off my shoulder. I help hold him steady as she does some more crazy turns and speedy maneuvers before suddenly turning into a parking garage.

She drives into a lower level and pulls the car into a spot before putting it into park. "Naga," she says as she starts getting out. I look around and see everyone remains very still because they are unsure of what to do. The two in front get out, and I motion for the others to follow as I open my door and climb out. They all follow me out, but huddle very close to together. Ken tries to link his arm with mine and I shrug him away so he just pinches the sleeve of my shirt. 

"Ttalawa," the girl says and motions for us to follow her, but immediately she freezes. I look up and notice three large men standing in front of an elevator at the end of the parking garage. This should be interesting, I think.

The guy runs up beside her with his gun drawn and pointed at the men. He suddenly charges towards them shooting in their direction. The girl however does not charge the men and then I notice the reason. She quickly pulls out her gun and aims it upwards, but not in time as a dark figure comes crashing down on top of her. Instinct starts to move me forward, but I stop myself as I notice her fighting back. I'm intrigued at her strength and the speed she had earlier. There is something unusual about this girl, and I want to see it for myself. 



*Author's note: I wanted to give everyone Leo's side of this story. Eotteohge? Leave me comments if you want more. =^.^=

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I haven't been really focusing on my grammar and tense, so please pardon the crudeness... I want to focus on the important parts of Leo's perspective.


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volauren26 #1
I'm anticipating this. I really want to know what you think is going through Leo's mind. It should be a good contrast between his cool character as we hear his thoughts. Good idea Author.