Odd Pair

A Look Into Their World

"And this looks interesting." Qri said grabbing a bag garlic flavores squid chips. She was currently in a close by convience store stalking up on snacks for her and the others. They put her under strict orders to buy something 'normal' that they all could eat and share. Qri sighed. She always hated that word, because she didn't understand it. What was really normal? If they had normal tastes what did that make hers? Weird? Abnormal? Qri sighed again and looked at the shelf of snacks.

What is this? She wondered grabbing a new brand of snack. 'Chocolate covered spicy cheese puffs.' She read. Just the sound of the nane sparked her intrest. "This might be good." She muttered, trying to decide if it was worth buying. "Those are good. Actually I preferred the chocolatle covered ranch ones but those are a close second. " a male voice said. Qri looked up trying to see the male through his shades. He was eatting what looked like licorice, using it to point at the bag.

"Excuse me?" Qri asked looking confused. She glanced around to make sure he was really talking to her. "The chips. They are good, a personnal top flavor." He repeated. Smiling to show some of the whitest teeth Qri has ever seen. She wondered how was able to eat and still keep them white. 'Wait a second.' She told herself. "You paid for that right?" She asked him pointing at the candy. He mentioned he was planning to making her tsk. "I will pay for it. Just never do that again. Follow me." She said pointing at the spot beside her.

The male looked at her then the spot, laughing but agreeing to her wishes. "I have a few more things to grab." She told him and continued to shop. This time she focused on the other girl's snacks. She noticed that when she put somthing in for the girls he was also putting things in her cart. When she reached for Soyeon's rice crackers and saw him at the same time reaching for what looked like Ink flavored spondge cakes she had enough. "Will you please stop that? I am shopping for more than just me." She said to him. The male pouted, making Qri scold herself. 'Was I too mean?'

"But you kept looking at this when you reached for that." He pointed out. Qri didn't realize he caught her glancing at the more interesting snacks. "But the others asked for these." Qri said, lifting the rice crackers. "But you want these." The male said lifting the spondge cakes. The two had a stare down until they both smiled, realizing how foolish they looked. "Come on." She laughed, taking the snack from him and putting it in the basket. Qri went to the regestier to ring up the items, scolding the male for eating the candy, again. Walking outside Qri brushed her hair out of her face when the wind blew.

"So, where do you live?" The male asked. Qri told him then paused, 'Wait. I just told a stranger T-ARA's address.' She told herself. The male nodded and took her bag from her. "I will walk you home as thanks." He said, showing her a bright teeth smile. Qri nodded, not knowing what else to say. "What is that candy you are eating anyway? Licorice." Qri asked. The walk was silent on her end mostly with him going on about random things around them.

When he gasped she stopped walking and looked up at him. "This isn't just 'licorice', it's carmel hazelnut flavored licorice. Lolly's newest and hardest to find flavor." He stated, taking a overdramatic bite of the candy, as if to prove his point. "Aish so weird." Qri laughed. The male stopped his foot, she began to realize he seemed to favor big movements. "Not weird. Odd." He stated. When Qri told him it was the same thing he sighed. "Werid is stuff you see as different and impossible to understand. Odd is something that is different but you don't have a problem with it being that way." He explained.

Qri was going to ask him more when her phone vibrated telling her she got a text. She quickly answered it, telling the others she would be home soon. She raised a brow when the male started to laugh. "You call me weird but you are too." He said pointing at her phone case. Qri pouted, she liked her case. It fans complented it for fitting her tastes. "This is cute." She defended. "Weirdly cute." He laughed. "No, its oddly cute." He said changing his mind. Qri hid her smile, thanking him for walking her to her dorm. "Here." The male said handing her a licorice. Qri took it, unsure if it was supposed to be a peace offering.

"Be proud of being odd. It makes us fun and interesting." He said when she grabbed it. "What do you mean?" She asked. He gave a smile, handing her the bag of snacked goods. "You mumble a lot when you were shopping. Talking about 'Not knowing the other's wanted' and why you 'were too weird to understand their tastes.', a bad habit let me remind you." He said, waving a new peice of licorice around. "You just need to find the right ways to explain your tastes to them. So they don't find it so different. Look at me, I am different from most people but I got you to try Lolly licorice." He pointes out. Qri noticed he was right, about her and the fact she was unknowingly eating the candy while listening to him. "You aren't different really. Just more...odd than most." She said, easily following his flow if things.

"We should share snacks some time. See if we have more common tastes." He said smiling as he walked away backwards. Qri nodded, she didn't see a problem with that. "See who is the true odd one?" She asked. "The oddball out of a pair of oddballs." He laughed, leaving her smiling as he walked away.

- - - -

"Hmm, this new flavor is good." Qri told herself. She was waiting backstage for N4 to finish their debut stage. Her and the other remaing members decided to come for moral support. Since her meeting with the strange male she was openly eatting her weird, no odd, snacks. She even slowly got the maknaes to agree on some of the food. "Omo!" She heard a male voice said. She looked up to see Dongwoo from Infinite pointing at her, well her licorice rather.

"Is that strawberry curry flavor?" He asked her. She slowly nodded, not knowing what to do. She hoped the others would come back soon. "Wow, I didn't think you would get used to Lolly's tastes so quickly." He said reaching into her bag and grabbing one for himself. "Wh-what?" She asked, looking at him as if he was nuts. "This flavor is good. Odd yet addicting" He said, smiling at her. Something clicked in Qri's mind after seeing his smile. "You are the weird man....I mean odd man." Qri pointed out, smiling, proud of herself for remembering her odd comrade. "And you are the girl with odd tastes in things." He laughed.


"I guess I do." Qri said shyly looking away as he started to asked if she tried the ink sponge cakes yet.



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[13/10] This updated is so lighthearted I am worried it is bad...


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Chapter 6: this is so nice ^^
indi1hitwaunder #2
Chapter 23: Welcome back!! I mish this one shot!!! Ohhb winner mino and boram!! Tats and odd pairing bt i love.. was a bit pissed wit mino at first.. bt glad its jx a misunderstanding.. update aoon ^_^
1121 streak #3
Chapter 20: Yessss! Finally you're back and congrats... Wow ill be waiting for it :-D
1121 streak #4
Chapter 20: Yessss! Finally you're back and congrats... Wow ill be waiting for it :-D
CoolPrettyGirl #5
Chapter 20: Finally! The days went fast waiting... XD... Congratulation on your award! I´ll be expecting your updates...
Kpop_fan21 #6
Chapter 19: I will wait for the update..T^T