Rooting For You

A Look Into Their World

He couldn't beleive he was doing this. Again. He sighed as he stared at the female of his hidden affections. She was currently resting, rehearsals just finished for the show so the MCs were given a thirty minute break. He walked slowly to her, careful not to stir her from her much needed rest. He had picked up a bottle of water and asprin for her and was planning on leaving it by her mirror.

'This is becoming sad Chanyeol.' He left the items and as quietly as he entered left the room.

- - - - - - -

Eunjung woke from her nap and cleared as best she could. She had gotten a cold last night and was trying to keep it a bay. To not interfere with her job. 'Oh?' She asked spotting the asprin and water. She looked around wondering who left it. This has been happening a lot recently. Finding small things like snacks, medicine or Rilakkuma trinkets around her. At first she thought it was a staff member trying to cheer her up but when she asked around no one owned up.

'It can't be an idol.' She gathered, opening the pills. Most rookies were warned from hanging around her, in case of bad media. And none of the groups promoting now are close with her or any member of T-ARA for that matter. Well other than BEAST, but they weren't schedule to appear until two more weeks. "Eunjung, time to go on set." Amber called to her. Eunjung nodded, then an idea struck her. "Amber, did anyone enter our dressing room?" She asked her co-mc. Amber thought for a moment then shurgged, mentioning that she wasn't around to really know. The older female pouted, she was hoping she finally was able to get a lead.

She glanced around again, making sure she didn't look over anyone. She listed some of her close friends to Amber, to check and see if they had dropped by. When the younger female denyed all of them Eunjung decided it was best to forget about it. 'Maybe it was my manager.' She concluded.

- - - - -

The show went smoothly. Although her cold was starting to show on camera. "I am fine." She whispered to a staff before coughing roughly into her hands. "Sit here." He ordered, mentioning something about not wanting her to get the other idols sick. Eunjung felt like she was scolded when he said this. She prided herself on no being a bother to others, but his statement was telling her she was. Half of her waited for him mention the over used 'determination' joke she has been hearing for the last year. When it didn't come she knew he left her to fend for herself. 'Great. Just what I need now.' She thought to herself, closing her eyes as the room was becoming to bright for her. It started as a simple headache, then the coughing came. Now she knew it was more than a small cold.

She had so much to do already. Recording, practicing for the concert, mcing and traveling back and forth to Japan. She didn't have time to worry about her health. That was a luxury that she couldn't have. Being sick now was the same as showing weakness. Something she couldn't do. Not with everyone staring at her from every direction. Waiting for her to crack. Coughing again she realized she needed water. She heard some footsteps come nearby but she was too drained to see clearly who it was. "Annyeong, can you please get me some water?" She coughed. When the people, which she could now were female by tell by the giggling, didn't reply she knew they weren't going to help her.

'I forgot I am the lowest ranked person here now.' She thought to herself. She didn't know if it was the cold or the emotional strain, but she felt tears well in her eyes. "It's the cold." She whispered and willed herself to keep the tears away. Feeling them not following her order she laid her head on the cool bench. It was a blessing to her to feel the cooless, although her head did start to ache from the change of movement. Eunjung laid on her side, using one arm to cover her face so no one could see her tears. She could feel the other rookies stare at her. None of them offering to help though. 'I don't care anymore.' She thought to herself.

"Sunbae?" A male voice whispered close to her. When she didn't respond she felt a large hand gently move her arm to check her forehead. "How is she?" A voice, she could tell was Amber, asked. The male mentioned something about a fever. "I will take her to your dressing room, you can get a staff memeber." He said. Next thing Eunjung knew she was being lifted up. "Don't worry it will be ok." The male cooed. Carrying her bridal style to her dressing room.

He laid her on the small sofa in the room, taking her heels off to make her more comfortable. "Eunjung sunbae, Did you take all the pills I left you?" The male asked. She slowly shook her head, saying that she only took one of them. "You have to take all three to feel at least a bit better." He scolded. Even though she was sick Eunjung still pouted, complaining that pills tasted like chalk. She heared him laugh and mention how she was acting younger than him. After three minutes of convensing she took the pills. "A staff member should be here soon." He whispered, careful not to come talk to loud. Eunjung nodded, coughing roughly again.

"Thanks, You should go. I can handle being on my own now." She said, making herself comfortable. When she didn't hear the door she wondered if she wasn't loud enough. "I can handle this. I have worked through worst than a cold." She said, this time a bit louder. She could hear the raspiness in her voice so she knew he would as well. "You need help." He stated. There was a pause before he continued. "You know, I do have eyes Eunjung-sunbae. You always look like you are waiting for someone to acknowledge you. To tell you, 'Good job'. That you don't have to push your body so hard."

Eunjung felt some movement around her .

 'My hand.' Thought to herself, feeling the male was now holding her hand. She openned her eyes and could only make out a blurry outline of him. "Eunjung, you are doing a good job. Now rest so you can get better." He cooed. He gave her a small smile as he brushed her bangs away from her forehead. For a reason she didn't know, she didn't mind that tears were falling from her eyes. That she probably looked weak in his eyes. "Really?" She asked. When he nodded she smiled as well. She doesn't know how long the male stayed by her side. She woke up much later into the day in her dorm room.

Eunjung sat up slowly, peicing together the eariler events. "I wonder if he will show up again." She whispered. Secertly hoping to meet and thank the male for showing up when she needed someone.

- - - - - - - - -

A full week past and Eunjung was back in her usual state. She smiled to a group of rookies and made her way to a custioned bench. She was upset that she didn't run into the mystery male but she didn't it effect her. 'I was probably dreaming the whole thing.' She concluded.

After searching a while she found the perfect resting zone. There was no one around, most of everyone was with their own groups. It was break time at the moment, which meant she could sleep. She laid the back of her head to the wall and lowered her hat to cover her face. Soon she was asleep. "Sunbae?" A worried voice called out. Chanyeol sped walked to the sleeping female, hoping she wasn't sick again. He was about to check her forehead when she gave a light snore.

The sound of his reassured him, making him smile at the fact he was worried for the worst when she was really just tired. "Sunbae, sleeping like that is bad for your neck." He scolded the sleeping female. Glancing in both directions of the hallway, making sure no random faces would pop up, he sat beside her. "I brought you fruit today to help your system." He said, easing her slowly towards him until her head rested safely on his shoulder. "You shouldn't sleep just anywhere it is dangerous." He continued. Chanyeol laughed at how he was now lecturing a sleeping girl. "Remember to don't push yourself too hard. You are doing a good job already." He whispered.

He sighed to himself. He wished he could say those words to her face to face. Let her know that he was always willing to listen to her. That when she needed a friend to talk to he would be there for her. So she didn't have to sit alone, texting her groupmates during the show. No, she could be by his side. Sharing a joke on something minor. Or resting under his watchful eyes. He hated how he started out confident each time the idea to 'Bring her a gift to ease into a conversation' popped into his head, and he would back out the last minute. He glanced at her, she looked healthier than last week. Color had returned to her face and she didn't look as if she was about to fall over. He smiled, remembering how he did step up last week.

He felt like her personal hero. Always in the shadows watching out for her. But he wanted to change that. He wanted to reveal himself to her, before someone else took credit for his deeds. He blushed at the thought of her looking at him as if he was really a hero. As he thought on this the sound of her light snores were getting to him. 'I should leave now.' He told himself. Yawning into his hands. 'Five minutes should be ok though.' His mind echoed before he fell to sleep.

Eunjung woke, feeling someone was leaning on her. Slowly she lifted her head to see an Exo member resting beside her. Though she couldn't put her finger on what his name right away, she remember seeing him from time to time. She didn't want to move to wake him, seeing as they still had a good fifteen mintue break left. She noticed he was holding a bag of fruit and wondered if he was on his way to bring it to his groupmates. 'I hope he doesn't get in trouble for this.' She glanced back up at his face. He didn't look too young like most rookies, probably close to her age. 'He is handsome up close.' She noted, blushing at the thought.

Different Exo members flashed through her mind before she was able to guess who he was. "Chanyeol." She whispered, proud she guessed it on her own. She pulled out her phone to double check herself. Chanyeol stirred awake, blinking slowly, then blushing when he saw Eunjung awake beside him. "Annyeong." She said smiling at him, looking up from her phone. "Annyeong, Eunjung-sunbae." He answered smiling as well. "Thank you for being a pillow. " she sat up, striaghtening her hat, "You should get going before your groupmates get upset." Chanyeol gave her a confused look. "The fruit." She pointed out. He glanced at the bag in his hand and realized what she meant.

"Ani, these aren't for them." He laughed, "They are for someone else." She waited for him to continue. She figured it was for a girl group, like APink or Crayon Pop. "Shouldn't you give them to that person then?" She asked.

'Go for it. Tell it is for her. That you were always helping her when you could.' His mind echoed. Chanyeol took a deep breath, smiling at her confused yet endearing face. "Actually sunbae it is for.......



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[13/10] This updated is so lighthearted I am worried it is bad...


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Chapter 6: this is so nice ^^
indi1hitwaunder #2
Chapter 23: Welcome back!! I mish this one shot!!! Ohhb winner mino and boram!! Tats and odd pairing bt i love.. was a bit pissed wit mino at first.. bt glad its jx a misunderstanding.. update aoon ^_^
1122 streak #3
Chapter 20: Yessss! Finally you're back and congrats... Wow ill be waiting for it :-D
1122 streak #4
Chapter 20: Yessss! Finally you're back and congrats... Wow ill be waiting for it :-D
CoolPrettyGirl #5
Chapter 20: Finally! The days went fast waiting... XD... Congratulation on your award! I´ll be expecting your updates...
Kpop_fan21 #6
Chapter 19: I will wait for the update..T^T