Luhan! Serious?

Who to choose?...
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"Run!" Screamed Baekyeon

You all ran like there was a gigantic monster about to crush you. You felt a hand on your arm and looked up to see Chen who grabbed your arm. The more you ran, the more his hand went down your arm and into your hand. He lend you to a place full of people and sat down. You both panted really hard and he got up and called the others. They came in panting as well but even harder. The man had completly disapeared and you, Apink, and Exo were sitting together. It was pretty squishy considering that there were 12 people in exo. 


Minhyuk's Pov  *Surprise!* :P

Btob and I have been walking around until we saw our sunbaenims running across the street infront of us. They ran so fast that when we called they couldn't hear a word. We followed them and they were in an ice cream store with Apink. Na Ri was really beautiful. She was glowing and she was just beautiful. She wore this dress:

Then, we went up to them.

"Hello, Btob Imida."

Alot of fans started to turn to us and was really excited. Luhan seemed a bit serious as he got up to get some ice cream. He seemed so weird when he got up and asked Na Ri to go with him. I followed them to see what had happened and to my surprise, I had heard something i didn't want to.

Yay!!! I had added Minhyuk's Pov. I still can't believe Sungjae is Blonde!!! Soo cute :D 

I have finally updated! Sorry, I was lookin for a Post

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nice story ^^
Chapter 14: Please update!!!!!!! Im waiting!! This is the kind of story I was waiting for!! ^^`
Chapter 4: Better study LUHAN!!! My bias
Jan-Di-ah #4
Chapter 9: Hahahaha are you learning the dance from exo growl to ?? ^^ hahahah Your story is DeaBakk~~ !!
Chapter 5: Awww thank you! You're so sweet. I can't wait for more updates. You should check out my fics too~
Chapter 1: This fic seems interesting, and for your first fic, its actually pretty okay.
But there are some small details that can be fixed, but overall, good job so far~