Free Day

Finding Love
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Kris and Tao stood in the living room, awkwardly looking at each other.

“Why don’t you, uh, shower and brush your teeth first, Zitao?” Kris nodded.

Kris paced the living room while Tao showered. Finally, he heard the water turn off and Tao emerged a few minutes later. Kris laughed when he saw Tao wearing another hooded panda sweater. “What?” Tao pouted.

“Nothing, panda Taozi,” Kris teased as he left for the bathroom.

While Kris was showering, Tao was too embarrassed to enter the bedroom. Kris finished his shower and emerged only to find Tao still in the living room playing with Peach, “Tao?”


“Come in to sleep.”

“Y-yes,” Tao blushed as he slowly made his way over. He blushed harder when he saw the two beds connected beside each other, “G-ge!”

“What?” Kris said as he got on his bed.

“Wh-why are th-they…” Tao gestured at the two beds.

“Yeah, we ended up putting it like that because there’s no room. I was thinking of just buying one larger bed to replace them. Then we can just share that. What do you think?”

“A-ah, n-no. Th-this is fine,” Tao felt that it would be even more embarrassing if the two shared a single bed together.

Kris smirked and decided to tease the panda some more, “Why not, Taozi?”

“I-I umm…”

“Don’t want to sleep on the same bed with me?”

“N-no! I-it’s not that! I-I just I-I!”


“I-I do! I-I just!” Tao gasped when he heard what he just said. “I-I mean – ”

Kris’ eyes widened when he heard that Tao wanted to share a bed with him. He didn’t know if the innocent Tao knew what he was saying, but Kris knew he wanted the panda beside him. Kris leaned up and pulled Tao down. Tao gasped as he fell on top of Kris, “Yifan gege!”

Tao struggled to get off, but Kris held him tightly. Kris breathed in Tao’s scent, “Ah, you really smell like peaches, Taozi.”

Tao blushed when Peach suddenly jumped onto the bed. “Ah, Yifan! P-peettc-chuu is here!”

“So?” Kris turned to the side and put his leg over Tao’s legs.

“Sh-she’s looking!”

Kris chuckled, but didn’t let go, “So?” He quickly lifted one arm to pull the covers over them.

“Y-yifan gege!” Tao tried again, but Kris already closed his eyes and was drifting off to sleep.

Tao felt his heart rate speeding up when he looked at Kris’ sleeping face. Wh-why am I like this?!

The last thoughts went through his mind as Tao drifted off to sleep. And why is Yifan gege hugging me to sleep?

Kris opened his eyes and looked down at the sleeping figure in his arms. “You’re so cute, Taozi,” he whispered before pulling the boy closer to his chest.


The next morning, Tao woke to find himself in Kris’ arms, “Y-yifan ge! Let go!”

Kris groaned as he pulled Tao closer, “No.”

“W-we need to get up, gege!”

“No we don’t. It’s Saturday.”

“I’ve got to go work at the convenience store soon! Then we need to work at the restaurant after.”

Kris mumbled incoherently as he nuzzled his head into Tao’s neck.

“Y-yifan ge!”

Kris sighed as he let go of Tao. Tao got up to leave when his phone rang. It was Luhan.

“Helllooooo!!” Luhan chirped.

“Hello Luhan!”

“You don’t

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Chapter 45: Please update soon! I love this!!
Chapter 45: I'm always trash for fluff fics pleasensndfjshh i love you so much for this
Kirinnekoghh #3
Chapter 27: whoooaaa they life together *-*
Kirinnekoghh #4
Chapter 18: Kyaaaaaa!!! I love this.. Tao is sooooooo cuuuteeee
Chapter 33: Thank god i thought i have to wait for another decades for SuLay to confessed to each other...
Chapter 24: Ommggggg suho and lay ugghhh just confess already...
I remember this fic as one of my first fanfics I really liked. Your story was the reason why I started liking fanfiction, specifically ot12 holy ships. I'm about to reread this and hopefully you could maybe start updating again
Otakulover3245 #8
Chapter 41: Wu shoclaship isn't that kris's school as well?!
Chapter 19: I should seriously go to bed since it's getting kind of late and I have to wake up in a few hours but your story is sooo good! All these feelss! I also find it funny! And then the fact that I feel like imma wake the whole neighborhood with how loud I'm being... UGH!! That's it..
kirkemari #10
Chapter 45: Chapter 45: This is soo cute oh my god *drools*, I hope you can update soon and add in some ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)