Meeting the Guys; Part 1

Social Ladder


"Hey, Baek. It's me, Chanyeol."
"Oh, hey. Why are you calling so late? Are you working on the biology presentation?"
"Mwoh? Ani, I finished that two weeks ago."
"Same here!"
"I wanted to ask you something, actually.."
Chanyeol bit his lip nervously. He wasn't sure how Baekhyun would react towards his question, but he knew he had to give it a try.
"Yeah, what's up..?"
"Would you be alright with meeting ______'s friends with me tomorrow after school?"
Chanyeol winced, moving his head away from the phone briefly. Clearly, this would be harder than he thought. He was about to reply when the boy suddenly started talking again.
"You're meeting her friends?! As in the guys? Kris, Kai, Luhan, Sehun.."
"D-de.." Chanyeol could not hide his own anxiety about it; he had been fine during the entire date, but when he had gotten home, his stomach had immediately twisted into knots thinking about the introduction the next day.
"Why do you want ME to come with you?!"
"Because you're my best friend!! If I'm meeting her friends then she has to meet you, too!"
"You want me to TALK to her?!"
"It isn't hard!! If I can do it, then you can, too!"
"Aish, why can't I just meet her separately? I don't want to talk to those guys!"
"Hey, Luhan is ranked third in our entire class!"
"And we're above him!"
"Yah, Baek! Don't be like this. Can't you just do it for me? I.. I really care about her, okay? And I'm just as nervous as you are about it!"
"Nervous?! Who said I was nervous? I'm just dreading having to dumb down my speech to have a decent conversation with them."
"Ugh. Fine. But if they annoy me, I'm leaving."
Chanyeol bit his lip slightly but nodded immediately, even though the other couldn't see him. "Deal! Thanks, Baek! You're the best!"
"Yeah, yeah, I know. Hey, dude, why are you even up this late?"
"I just got back from a date, actually..." Chanyeol found himself grinning widely just thinking about it. He felt so cool saying it.
"Mwoh?!?! You went on a second date?? Did you guys kiss yet?" Baekhyun was completely intrigued now. 
"A-ani.." Chanyeol stuttered slightly, barely pouting. Were they supposed to have kissed? He realized that he had been relying on ______ to lead him through the whole dating thing; he would never even dream of kissing her first in case she wasn't okay with it.
"Aish, you've got to kiss her on the third date, then. Girls like when guys do it first. And make it special!"
"How do you know all this...?"
".....I don't know, I hear things, okay?"
Chanyeol laughed softly but still couldn't help but feel a bit worried. How could he possibly kiss her first when he had never even kissed a girl before?
"But what's the deal, are you guys a couple now?" he heard Baekhyun ask, and sighed softly responding.
"No, I don't think so, anyways. We haven't really brought up the terms 'boyfriend and girlfriend', so I think we're just.. dating?"
"Man. That's so mature. Who would have thought you would be so sophisticated in your first time dating?"
Chanyeol rolled his eyes but barely bit his lip wondering what he and ______ would become. Would he have to officially ask her out first, too? Did she even like him like that? 
He sighed to himself. 'Dating is hard...'
"So today's the day, huh?" Luhan smiled at ______, tilting his head. They were sitting in the cafeteria like they always did every morning before classes. ______ had found out that Chanyeol usually sat in the library studying at these times, so she usually stayed with her friends so she wouldn't bother him.
"Neh~" she smiled happily, excited. "Oh, and he's bringing his friend. Baekhyun."
"Another nerd?" Kai raised an eyebrow, popping a grape into his mouth. "One wasn't enough, huh?"
"If Chanyeol's meeting four of us, it's only fair that ______ meet one of his friends, too," Luhan pointed out, stealing a grape from the younger. Kai rolled his eyes, firing back, "It's not 'one of his friends', it's his only friend."
_______ sighed, shaking her head. She knew how stubborn Kai was, but she also knew he wasn't a total douche. As rude as he could be, he could usually manage himself around other people even if he had no interest in them. 
"So today after school, then?" Kris spoke up, not wanting an argument to arise. "We'll wait here."
_______ nodded, smiling. "Araso. I'll get them and meet you guys here." She turned to Kai and Sehun, frowning in a motherly way. "And I want you two to be on your best behavior."
Sehun blinked shocked. "Me? Shouldn't this just be directed to Kai?"
"Ani, you intimidate people! Just try smiling a little more, okay?"
"I intimidate people?" Sehun blinked then smirked to himself. "Sweet."
______ rolled her eyes fondly before looking at Kai. "And you. Please don't be rude to either of them, understood?"
Kai sighed but nodded, shaking his dark hair out of his eyes. "Understood." He looked at the clock on the cafeteria wall and stood up, yawning nonchalantly. "Now I gotta get going. The cheerleaders are usually down in the locker rooms at this time." 
Before Sehun could even reply with a snarky remark, the boy was already out of the cafeteria with his hands in his filled pockets.
Chanyeol waited in the library for ______ nervously, Baekhyun sitting beside him. He had been anxious all day. Scenario after scenario had played in his head of how the first meeting would go. He normally imagined Luhan being friendly and warm, Kris being scary and interrogative, Sehun being quiet but judgmental, and Kai being a flat out jerk.
When ______ walked in the library, he felt his heart skip a thousand beats. It was time.
"Hi, Chanyeol oppa!" she greeted, coming over. She then smiled at Baekhyun, nodding her head respectfully. "And you must be Baekhyun-ssi?"
Chanyeol could see that Baekhyun was temporarily awed at the face to face experience. The only girls that ever talked to them were the female teachers, and maybe some of the smart female students in their AP classes.
"Yeah," he nodded a bit stupidly, but smiled back politely barely raising an eyebrow. "Chanyeol talks about you a lot.."
Chanyeol immediately turned red and nudged his friend. "Hey!!"
_______ laughed, looking at the two of them in amusement before admitting shyly, "It's okay, my friends will tell you the same thing about me with you."
Baekhyun widened his eyes looking at Chanyeol, clearly impressed. He could only smile smugly and weakly in response; he himself was more than surprised to hear this.
"So, should we get going? They're waiting in the cafeteria," she tilted her head slightly. Chanyeol quickly nodded, standing up with Baekhyun and following the girl down to the cafeteria, heart racing with anxiety.
"All I'm saying is that her s are definitely fake. No girl that age can have that big." 
Kai nodded, looking around at the guys at their usual table. They were all waiting for ______, Chanyeol, and Baekhyun, and the conversation had somehow turned into a criticism on the head cheerleader's s- of course started by Kai. 
"Well have you felt them?" Luhan asked, raising an eyebrow but looking just as curious. After all, they were all guys. 
"No. Not yet, anyways. I mean she's always asking to hook up, but then there's Miyeon all over me all the time. I'll just have to wait until Mi's absent one day or something.."
"I dunno, I think they're real," Sehun spoke quietly but thoughtfully. "I've known her since we were little. She was like the first in our grade to go through puberty."
"Hey, guys!" ______ approached the table, smiling eagerly. "This is Chanyeol, and this is Baekhyun," she introduced the boys standing next to her.
"Hey. I'm Kris," the tall man stood up, nodding politely. "This is Luhan, this is Sehun, and this is Kai." He gestured to the boys sitting around the table. Luhan smiled warmly, waving. "We talked on the phone," he reminded Chanyeol, although the boy definitely did not need a reminder. Sehun simply nodded his head, but his impassive expression never changed. Kai lifted two fingers in a cool wave, his eyes studying the two with amusement.
"H-hey," Chanyeol greeted back, smiling as best as he could; it wasn't very hard for him, though. Baekhyun simply nodded, but it was a bit evident he didn't look too interested. "Hello." Chanyeol almost wished he could be as cool and composed as his friend.
"So, what were you guys talking about?" ______ asked smoothly, sitting down at the table next to Kris along with the two boys. Chanyeol sat on the other side of her as fast as he could, not wanting to be separated. Baekhyun sat in between him and Kai- the table was a circle, making them closer together, but Chanyeol wasn't sure if he liked that or not. 
"Lee Sungmi's ," Kai replied nonchalantly, eyeing the two "nerds" with an unreadable expression before looking at ______. Chanyeol blinked in surprise, his cheeks barely reddening at the bluntness of the well renown player. Baekhyun, on the other hand, barely rolled his eyes but feigned an interested expression.
______ raised an eyebrow, taking Chanyeol's hand gently under the table squeezing it reassuringly. "Why? Is there something wrong with them?"
"He thinks they're fake," Sehun spoke up, almost shocking Chanyeol even more. He wasn't aware that the boy actually talked in public.
To everyone's surprise, Baekhyun was the first to reply.
"Well of course they're fake. Her mom is one of the most famous plastic surgeons in the country. She probably got her s done in like, the third grade." Baekhyun shrugged, looking at all of them as if it were obvious. 
There was a long pause as they all stared at him in surprise, including Chanyeol. In fact, he was a little jealous. He wished he could have the guts to speak so blatantly like that.
"....How do you know all this?" Kai finally asked, his expression again unreadable. Chanyeol swore he saw his eyes barely flicker with some sort of amusement.
Baekhyun shrugged again. "I know a lot about everyone, I guess. Gotta know who your competition is. And as long as they're in the same grade, even ditzy cheerleaders can be considered competition. Especially if they're rich."
Kai slowly laughed and whacked the boy's back playfully, completely amused now. Baekhyun coughed in surprise and looked at him annoyed. "Yah, what was that for?!"
"Take it as a compliment, dork," Kai replied, but ______ could sense the playfulness in his voice. Was Kai actually starting to warm up to the boy? She could tell the others were just as shocked, but soon Luhan was laughing as well.
"Oh, man, I completely forgot about her mom being a plastic surgeon. You're right, her s are definitely fake!"
Chanyeol looked around slightly nervous at the entertained boys looking at Baekhyun. He was happy for his friend (even if Baek couldn't care less) but he needed them to like him, too. He held ______'s hand anxiously, hoping that he would have a chance to prove himself. 
A/N: Eee sorry I didn't want to make the chapter too long, so this will be split in parts. Also omg thank you for the upvotes and for subscribing fesjfijaiewjieagf I seriously love you guys and your comments make my day!!! I'm really glad you're liking this story so far :) Thank you thank you thank you~
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Chapter 45: Why did the story end just like this? 😔
Chapter 44: Oh my! Kids 😂
Chapter 41: Babies are so cute. I love them.
Chapter 40: Excited.
Chapter 39: Wow a lake party sounds interesting.
Chapter 38: I swear these two are do cute
Chapter 37: Its good that Hyejin will apologise to OC hopefully.
Chapter 35: Sehun can do it
Chapter 34: So cute
Chapter 33: Its not that she doesn't have something very serious