
Social Ladder


"Chanyeol. Chanyeol. Are you SURE it was a date? Because 'hanging out' isn't the same thing as a date. She must have said hanging out, right??"
"Baekhyun!! I'm telling you, she said 'date' before I did! It was an actual date, now can I actually tell you about it?! We've been arguing about this for half an hour!"
Chanyeol sighed loudly hearing his friend argue back on the phone. Baekhyun was having an extremely difficult time comprehending the fact that Chanyeol had gone on a date and that it was with ______. He would have hung up on the stubborn boy a while ago, but he had no other friends to share his exciting night with. 
So the always sassy and factual Byun Baekhyun was his best bet.
"What were her words EXACTLY?"
Chanyeol sighed in frustration, but answered the boy's question as patiently as he could.
"I asked her if I could take her out somewhere, and honestly, I wasn't even thinking of it as a date when I asked. But SHE said 'Like a date?' and I said why not?"
"You did not say 'why not', Park Chanyeol."
"Okay, fine! But I said it could be a date, so it was a date!!"
Chanyeol had decided to leave out the things ______ had told him about Cho Jaekyung; it was personal, and she probably didn't want it going around. Not that Baekhyun had many people to share it with anyways, but he still wanted to respect her personal life.
Besides, he felt extremely special that she had shared her story with him, of all people.
"Aish, okay, okay, I believe you," Baekhyun finally submitted. "Tell me about it, then!"
"Well, I took her to the playground and-"
Chanyeol winced, immediately pulling the phone away from his ear before speaking again.
"I took her to the playground, okay?! And she loved it!!"
"Buddy, are you SURE? Because I know you aren't that good at reading people and girls fake a lot of-"
"Baekhyun!! She loved it, okay?! Now can you let me talk?!"
"Okay, I'm sorry! Continue."
"You. YOU. You. Y-O-U. As in... YOU."
"Yes, Kai."
"Went on a date with Park Chanyeol."
"For the hundredth time, yes, Kai."
"As in Dumbyeol."
"Also for the hundredth time, stop calling him that!"
______ resisted the urge to slap her friend at the cafeteria table and turned away to look at Kris, Luhan, and Sehun who were just as dumbfounded. Kris looked like he had just drank rotten milk, Luhan looked like a deer stuck in headlights, and Sehun looked like... Sehun. 
It was the next morning and she had decided to tell them the news in person, mostly because she wanted to see their reactions face to face.
At first, ______ had found it amusing. She had even laughed at their priceless expressions, wishing she had a video camera to record it all.
But now she was getting a little annoyed. Was it really so weird to them that she went on a date with Chanyeol? She didn't find it weird, especially considering the things he had done for her.
"Did you... did you have fun..?" Luhan finally managed to ask, clearing his throat. She looked at his naturally sweet eyes and smiled slightly, happy that he was actually asking a legitimate question.
"It was amazing," she said softly, smiling. "I know he seems so awkward and all, but it was really comfortable being around him.."
"But.. but why him?!?!" Kai exclaimed, his voice raising still in shock. "You wouldn't go on a date with me!!"
"Kai, I specifically remember you asking her on a date after mentioning that you had to stop by the store and buy more condoms."
The boy pouted childishly turning to Sehun.
"So?! Would she rather me not use a ?!"
"I would rather you not use anything at all, including your !" ______ interrupted, rolling her eyes. She couldn't help but smile slightly though; although her friends could be idiots sometimes, she still loved them.
"So.. you had a good time, right?" Kris finally spoke, his deep voice sounding soft and curious. She smiled at him and nodded immediately.
"I did.."
"Did he kiss you?" the tall man asked, a hint of protectiveness and concern in his low voice. 
She laughed softly, shaking her head.
"Ani. It was only our first date, Kris, and you know how shy he is. We hugged, but that's it."
No one even had to look at the boy who spoke next to know who it was. 
".....Did he get a ?"
"Did you seriously just ask that?"
"Sehun, it's an important question."
"How is that important in any possible way?"
"Well it tells us a lot of things-"
"Hyung, shut up."
The other three looked over at the maknae in amusement. He and Kai often bickered a lot, but at the end of the day, they were still best friends. Kai seemed to only take shutdowns from Sehun without any argument at all, and no one was sure why. 
"Well I'm glad you had fun," Luhan spoke, smiling genuinely at his friend. "As long as it isn't Jaekyung or some other bastard you're dating, we're okay with it."
"Are you going on another date?" Kris asked almost immediately, looking at the girl in his overprotective manner once more. She laughed softly, taking Kris's hand playfully squeezing it.
"I don't know, Kris, probably. But don't worry, as tough and scary as he is, I think I'll be okay."
He rolled his eyes but barely chuckled, squeezing her hand as well. "Yeah, yeah. But I swear to god if he hurts you.."
"With what, his protractor?" Kai giggled, then quickly stopped seeing her look.
"Look guys, he's really nice. He's nothing like Jaekyung and he never will be, I'm positive." She laughed trying to even imagine it. Chanyeol doing drugs? She couldn't even picture the boy skipping one night of homework. 
Kris and Luhan watched her intently as she smiled to herself. Being the eldest, they took it on themselves to watch out for her the most- especially because Kai was a erted jokester half the time and Sehun was a bit on the quiet side. They only wanted to see their best friend happy, and if that meant her dating the dorky Park Chanyeol,
they would allow it. 
"______, maybe we should meet him sometime," Luhan spoke up, tilting his head slightly. "I mean, as long as he's your friend.. then he's our fr-"
"Are you kidding me?!" Kai spoke up, widening his eyes. "Who says we all have to be friends with him?!"
"Kai, what is your deal?" ______ turned to the boy, frowning. She wasn't even sure if Kai was joking at this point. He seemed to be completely against the two dating.
"______, I just think you deserve someone normal. And he's.. he's..."
"You act like he's a mutant, for god's sake. He's completely normal. The only difference between him and us is that he's abnormally smart is all!" She tilted her head slightly, gesturing to Luhan. "Luhan is pretty close to his level. He's ranked third in the entire senior class, and Chanyeol is first."
"Yeah, but Luhan has friends."
"Chanyeol has a friend," Luhan said, vaguely remembering. "I see him in the hallways with some other guy often."
"I said friendS. Plural."
"Well now you guys can be his friends," ______ spoke up insistently, biting her lip slightly hopeful. "If you wanna meet him, I can introduce you guys.."
Luhan nodded before Kai could protest, smiling at the girl. "That's fine with us. We have to see if he's good enough for you, anyways!" He smiled playfully, and she laughed happily. She was excited to introduce Chanyeol to new people, especially her friends.  Maybe he would start to feel more comfortable and less self conscious. 
She hated seeing him so nervous around other people, especially when he was a thousand times better than them. 
A/N: Hehe sorry, you guys were expecting a kiss weren't you? >.< As cute as that would be, their first kiss can't be THAT perfect. Hehe ;) Also thank you for the comments, I know I at replying but I absolutely love reading them all so feel free to leave more :3
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Chapter 45: Why did the story end just like this? 😔
Chapter 44: Oh my! Kids 😂
Chapter 41: Babies are so cute. I love them.
Chapter 40: Excited.
Chapter 39: Wow a lake party sounds interesting.
Chapter 38: I swear these two are do cute
Chapter 37: Its good that Hyejin will apologise to OC hopefully.
Chapter 35: Sehun can do it
Chapter 34: So cute
Chapter 33: Its not that she doesn't have something very serious