Hot Tub

Social Ladder
Chanyeol sighed in content as he pulled his girlfriend closer to him on the couch, watching some drama on TV. It had been a long day at the house, especially with his little cousins running about everywhere. At the moment, he and _________ were settled on one side of the couch while Jungmin was sitting on the other (and attempting to discreetly inch closer to the girl). Eunmi's bedtime had been about half an hour earlier and the twins were long gone to sleep after an eventful afternoon of playing with the teenagers. Baekbom and Yura had arrived a few hours earlier and were currently chatting with the adults in the other room, drinking wine and laughing over funny family stories. 
"Jungmin, should you be watching this?" Chanyeol questioned with an eyebrow arched, seeing the couple on screen start to make out. 
"I'm not a baby," the younger scoffed, but somewhat awkwardly averted his eyes from the TV when he thought Chanyeol wasn't looking.
_________ laughed softly as she slightly leaned into her boyfriend, holding his hand while his arm was draped around her shoulder. He grinned down at her, resisting the urge to kiss her. It had been a struggle controlling himself all day in front of his family members, and he hoped Jungmin would be going to bed soon. 
"Hey, I know what we can do tonight," Chanyeol murmured into her ear, almost sending shivers up her spine. 
She arched an eyebrow curiously, tilting her head up to look at him. "Mm? What is it?"
"Hot tub." He smiled mischievously, his eyes twinkling. "It's pretty chilly outside, so it'll be nice~."
She smiled barely biting her lip, nodding. "I would like that." 
Of course, it sent thoughts running through her mind. Being alone with her boyfriend half in the hot tub of his lake house? That had to lead to something. 
Chanyeol barely played with her hair as he looked at the screen, smiling to himself. As much as he loved seeing his family, he had been craving some alone time with his girlfriend all day. He wasn't sure what would happen during this alone time, but he knew he was open to anything... 
_________ inspected herself in the bathroom mirror one more time, turning around making sure her bikini was fitted well. The bandeau style was her favorite, and the sky blue color complemented her skin well. She hastily ran her hand up her legs making sure she hadn't missed any spots while shaving, although she wasn't sure what she would have done anyways if she had. It was a bit too late to quickly finish the job considering Chanyeol was waiting outside the bedroom door. 
She walked out of the bathroom somewhat confident in herself, grabbing her cell phone lying on the bed. Luhan had texted her earlier and they had talked for a bit until he had to go, but she hadn't heard from the others. She figured they were all busy with their own families (and several girl friends, if Kai was the boy in question). 
She opened the door of the bedroom and stared at her shirtless boyfriend, admiring how good he looked in his simple navy blue trunks. He didn't have a six pack or anything, but the slightest hint of well toned abs could be seen below his firm chest and the subtle muscle in his arms were more prominent than she remembered. 
Chanyeol found himself staring at her as well. Her flat belly and curvy waist stood out to him the most, but the way her bandeau pushed up her s ever-so-slightly was driving him crazy. He quickly forced himself to stop staring, smiling down at her.
"Wow, that looks really good on you," he commented, barely biting his lip shyly before holding out his hand. "Ready?"
She barely blushed, smiling as she nodded and took his hand. "Aw, thanks. You don't look too bad yourself, you know. Have you been working out?" 
He chuckled and nudged her playfully. "I've always been muscular. It's just natural." 
"Uhhuh," she raised an eyebrow amused as he led her out to the large balcony. The cover was already removed from the hot tub and the bubbles were still on.
"Yura noona and Baekbom hyung were just in here," Chanyeol explained, quickly stepping towards it with her to escape the breezy weather. "They were nice enough to let us use it instead, surprisingly."
She smiled as she slid in with him, humming in content as she leaned back next to the firm jet-like spray of water. He grinned lazily as he threw his arm around her, briefly stretching his long legs and stretching his other arm over the edge of the tub. 
"I'm really glad you could come," he murmured softly, tilting his head back to look up at the starry night sky. "This is already so fun and it's barely been a day."
She smiled in agreement, tilting her head resting it on his bare shoulder. "I'm glad too. Your family is so nice." She giggled softly. "I definitely see where you get it from." 
He chuckled softly, the low rumble of laughter barely echoing among the midst of the crickets chirping in the serene grassy area around the house.
"Sometimes Baekhyun tells me I'm too nice," he mumbled thoughtfully, his voice low and deep.
"I like it," she smiled, holding his hand under the water and playing with his fingers. "And besides, you know when to play around and tease a little. It's not like you're constantly complimenting people and being polite all the time."
"Would you not like that?" he questioned, smiling amused as he looked down at her. 
She shook her head truthfully. "I like that me and you can tease each other. I mean, I care about your feelings a lot, but it's annoying when you constantly have to worry about saying the right thing around really sensitive people, you know?"
He smiled, nodding in agreement. "Is that why you're friends with the guys? None of them really seem like the sensitive type. Besides Luhan, maybe?" 
"Luhan actually isn't TOO sensitive, but he has more... genuine feelings than the others, I guess you could say." She chuckled lightly. "But yeah, I like hanging out with them. Friends are supposed to be people you can be open with. You shouldn't have to change yourself for them."
"Mm," he nodded again, smiling softly as he absentmindedly played with the ends of her wet hair. "I suppose that's why Baekhyun and I are such good friends." 
"You two are cute together," she giggled, making him blink then pout.
"Aish, we aren't a couple!" He nudged her playfully. "How are we cute?!"
She laughed and nudged him back. "You're adorable! The way you focus so much on school together and shove each other around. I swear, I'm the one third wheeling when I hang out with you two."
"You?!" He immediately shook his head, wrapping his arm around her tighter. "There is no third wheel! Why does there have to be?"
She looked up at him and slowly smiled at how cute the boy was. Of course he cared about everyone's best interests- maybe he was too nice, but either way, she loved him. 
She gently took his chin and tilted his head down, slowly pressing her lips to his. The pleased boy responded almost immediately, kissing back framing her face with one hand, his fingers lightly running through her hair. She shifted slightly to face him and the excited boy simply pulled her onto his lap with ease, making her giggle softly against his lips. He took the opportunity to push his tongue into , his other hand framing the other side of her face and his shoulders barely hunched over so he was at her level. 
She hummed in satisfaction as his tongue prodded hers, barely fighting back to explore his own mouth. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she tilted her head slightly as their steamy kiss deepened, all other thoughts in her mind slipping away. 
They finally pulled away and stared at each other breathlessly. Her eyes fell on Chanyeol's bare, wet chest barely heaving under the water. His round eyes were heavy with lust and his tongue was barely visible above his plump lower lip as he looked at her closely. 
He suddenly leaned in and pressed his lips to her neck, gently moving her hair to the other side. 
"Maybe we should go inside," he murmured quietly as he kissed her neck lightly, his lips barely nipping at the flawless skin gently. 
She slowly widened her eyes but tilted her head slightly, enjoying his soft lips against her skin. 
"What about your family..?" she breathed out, closing her eyes enjoying his light nibbling and .
"Mm.. they won't come upstairs," he mumbled almost incoherently into her neck, his tongue barely poking out to run over her skin. "We'll have the entire floor to ourselves.." 
She let out a soft moan as he started a little harder, immediately making harden more, her cheeks barely flushed. 
"Okay.. let's go.." she murmured breathlessly, and he instantly scooped her up as he got up and out of the hot tub. Before he could rush inside, she nudged him barely giggling.
"Don't you need to turn off the jets and cover it up?"
He groaned in frustration and made a face, setting her down and rushed over to it hastily doing what she had said. She had never seen him do anything so fast and hurriedly. Once he was done, he came back to her and lifted her up, a naughty grin crossing his lips as he gave her cheek a kiss before walking inside.
Going to his own bedroom, he gently closed the door behind them so the adults downstairs wouldn't hear.
A/N: I think you know what the next chapter will be.. hehe it will be posted soon, I promise! :) 
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Chapter 45: Why did the story end just like this? 😔
Chapter 44: Oh my! Kids 😂
Chapter 41: Babies are so cute. I love them.
Chapter 40: Excited.
Chapter 39: Wow a lake party sounds interesting.
Chapter 38: I swear these two are do cute
Chapter 37: Its good that Hyejin will apologise to OC hopefully.
Chapter 35: Sehun can do it
Chapter 34: So cute
Chapter 33: Its not that she doesn't have something very serious