Video Games

Social Ladder


"Do we have to do this?" Baekhyun grumbled, walking beside his tall friend.
"Baek! You promised! And c'mon, they all love you."
"That makes me SO happy."
Chanyeol laughed and nudged his friend. "Hey! Don't you want to be closer to _______, too? Maybe you guys will be good friends!"
The boy barely perked up, then raised an eyebrow at Chanyeol. "You wouldn't mind me being close with _______?"
Chanyeol blinked in confusion. "Why would I?"
"Because she's your girl! What if I stole her from you?"
Chanyeol grinned when he heard "your girl". Was she? Even though she wasn't technically his girlfriend? 
But he blinked again, confused at the second part.
"But.. why would you do that?" he asked, his wide eyes looking a bit betrayed. 
Baekhyun quickly shook his head, knowing how sensitive his friend could be. "No, no, I don't mean it like that! I just mean.. usually guys are a bit protective over the girl they like. They don't usually just allow them to hang out with other guys!"
"Huh? Why?"
"I don't know, I guess they get jealous. Don't you get jealous seeing her with those guys all the time?"
Chanyeol looked thoughtful. "Maybe a little," he admitted, barely frowning before grinning once again at his friend. "But you're my best friend! I trust you, of course!"
Baekhyun barely laughed, rolling his eyes at the boy's naivety. They soon came up to ______'s door, where they had agreed to get her first so they could all walk to Sehun's together. 
"Baekhyun-ssi, it's different seeing you in such casual clothing," _______ commented with a light laugh, looking up at the boy beside her. 
She was walking in between him and Chanyeol, and she wanted to talk to him a bit more. He seemed like a good guy and after all, if Chanyeol was hanging out with all of her friends, she figured she should get along with his friend as well.
"Ah, I guess it is," Baekhyun answered, laughing somewhat awkwardly. He was a bit different around girls; like Chanyeol, he found it difficult to communicate with them very well. But with other guys, he had no problem showing his direct side.
"I hope you managed to get your homework done," she continued talking, determined to have the boy become a little more open with her. "I felt bad that we kind of dragged you away from working on it.."
"Oh, it's no problem!" Baekhyun replied a little too quickly, and Chanyeol couldn't help but laugh softly to himself. It was interesting seeing his best friend so flustered when he normally had such an attitude. 
"Good," she replied, smiling kindly. "Besides, I think Kai is looking forward to seeing you," she joked, laughing softly. She was actually pretty certain that the boy did want to see the sassy, blunt Byun Baekhyun. Kai loved picking on people like that, and he usually only meant it in his own playful, even somewhat caring way.
"Oh, him?" Baekhyun mumbled, shoving his hands in his pockets. "Yeah, I'm looking forward to seeing him too....."
______ giggled softly seeing the boy's sarcastic side coming out. He was actually very funny, and she was glad Chanyeol had wanted to introduce them in the first place. 
"Ah, here we are," she approached the giant gates to Sehun's mansion, keying in the code she already knew so well to open them. Meanwhile, Chanyeol and Baekhyun stared at the large estate with wide eyes and open mouths. They had known Sehun was rich, but not this rich. As they walked through, they saw all types of fancy cars in the long, circular driveway. There was even a giant garage farther ahead, probably with more types of cars and extravagant vehicles.
"Wow..." Chanyeol breathed, his eyes huge behind his glasses. Even Baekhyun, who was usually only fazed by girls, was admiring the sight with amazement.
"I know, right?" _______ laughed  at their expressions, walking with them to the front door. "I couldn't believe it the first time I came here, too."
She rang the bell and a well dressed butler answered the door, smiling warmly. "Hello, Miss _______," he greeted the familiar face, then turned to the boys. "And gentlemen. You must be the new friends Master Sehun was talking about?"
"Master?" Baekhyun mumbled, but gave a slight nod. 
'Friends?' Chanyeol thought, smiling and nodding a bit more eagerly.
"Come in," the butler stood aside, allowing the three to enter. "The boys are in the basement, as usual."
"Thanks, Mr. Park," ______ smiled and led the fascinated boys to the basement. 
"Dammit, Sehun!" Kris growled, jabbing buttons on his controller desperately. The maknae laughed evilly, easily dodging Kris's fires on the giant TV screen. "You at this, hyung," he smirked, frustrating the elder even more.
"Yeah, you're just about as good at it as you are at drawing," Kai joked, watching the two-player game with interest. Luhan laughed and high fived his friend while Kris simply glared at the screen, his fingers moving rapidly.
"Hey, guys~!" ______ called, coming down the stairs with Baekhyun and Chanyeol. Sehun and Kris managed to grunt in response, while Luhan and Kai turned around to greet them properly.
"Hey, _______. Dweebs," Kai greeted Chanyeol and Baekhyun playfully, the twinkle in his eye making Chanyeol feel a little better about the name calling. "Whoa, Bacon. You look like a completely different person in those clothes. You aren't trying to impress us, are you?"
"You wish," Baekhyun immediately scoffed, crossing his arms. "Just because I can dress better than you doesn't mean I'm trying to impress you."
"Man, Kai, he gets you good," Luhan laughed, leaning forward to bump fists with Baekhyun, who awkwardly held out his own fist to bump Luhan's back. "Nice one, dude!"
Chanyeol barely sighed to himself; they had only been in the house for a minute and Baekhyun was already getting attention without even trying. _______ noticed this and held the boy's hand comfortingly, leading him over to one of the couches and sitting down. She looked at the screen, tilting her head. "Playing COD, again?" she asked amused, watching as Sehun crept up behind Kris in the game, only to shoot him again.
"Yeah. Wanna play?" Sehun asked, pausing the game and looking over at her. 
She tilted her head, looking up at Chanyeol. "Wanna play a round with me?" she asked, smiling hopefully. Chanyeol widened his eyes slightly, barely gulping. He wasn't very good at video games, and he was a bit nervous that the guys would make fun of him for it. But he knew he would regret it if he passed on the opportunity, and he didn't want the guys thinking he was a chicken. 
"Ah.. sure, but I've never played it before," he said somewhat shyly, rubbing the back of his neck. 
Sehun took Kris's controller and handed it to Chanyeol before handing his own to _______. "It's not that hard," the boy told him. "Besides, ______ isn't much of an expert on it either." He smiled at the girl playfully and Chanyeol almost did a double take. Sehun rarely smiled like that in school.
"Hey, shut up!" ______ laughed, scooting close to Chanyeol to explain the controls. He listened as best as he could, but he couldn't help but notice how close they were. He could even see Baekhyun staring with wide eyes at their thighs touching.
"Did you get that?" she asked, and he quickly nodded even though he hadn't quite listened to everything. 
"Got it!" he replied nonetheless, doing his best to look confident. He picked out a random gun and exhaled in relief when he didn't get any judgmental comments from the others. The game started and he looked at his screen in concentration, slowly walking around the barren desert that he and ______ were in. Sehun was right, it was a pretty straightforward game. He could see where ______ was on the map, so he just had to follow the blinking dot. When he approached closer and closer, he found himself a good hiding spot to await her.
"Argh... where even is that?!" she exclaimed, studying his screen in confusion. She continued walking slowly, looking all around her. Chanyeol simply grinned; maybe he was good at this, after all. Even the other guys were watching in amusement.
"Maybe Chanyeol isn't so bad after all," Kai commented, leaning back on the couch. 
"Yah," Luhan scolded him, "It's Chanyeol-ssi to you!" 
Chanyeol barely reddened hearing the conversation. "It.. it doesn't matter," he assured them, smiling politely. 
Kai raised an eyebrow, tilting his head. "I'll just call you hyung, then," he stated bluntly, making the taller boy widen his eyes in surprise. Before he could respond, however, Kai was already turning to Baekhyun with an evil smirk on his face. "And I'll just call you Bacon."
"Kai. Leave him alone," ______ laughed softly, eyes still on the screen. "Can't you see how much he hates you already?" she joked, barely looking over at Baekhyun flashing him a playful smile.
He was immediately flustered once again but smiled back weakly, letting out a somewhat awkward laugh. Kai noticed this and smirked amused. "What's wrong? Bacon is suddenly tongue tied?"
"No, I just know how to act civilized around girls," Baekhyun immediately fired, his attitude coming back now that it was Kai he was talking to. Even Chanyeol laughed with the others, finally starting to realize that this group was truly a group of best friends. They teased each other a lot, but at the end of the day, it was obvious they still cared for each other. And even if Kai was the of the joke a lot, he could clearly handle it. (He also asked for it, half the time.)
Chanyeol's eyes suddenly widened when he saw ______ on his own screen, right in front of him. Before she could escape, he sprang out of hiding and jabbed at random buttons, forgetting what the controls were in his excitement. Thankfully, one of them happened to control his gun. 
"Ahhhhh!!" she widened her eyes before pouting. "You got me! You're good at this, oppa!"
"Yeah, are you sure you haven't played this before?" Luhan asked, tilting his head somewhat in awe. "No one ever thinks to hide out there."
"Yeah, this is my first time," Chanyeol laughed slightly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Beginners' luck, I guess?"
"Nice, hyung!" Kai leaned in nonchalantly for a fist bump. Chanyeol blinked a few times in shock before hitting the other's fist lightly with his own; he was now convinced this entire event was a dream. Kai calling him hyung? Complimenting him? Fist bumping him? What was going on?
______ had been watching with amusement when her phone suddenly went off. She looked down at the text and bit her lip.
"Hey, guys. My mom needs me to get something for her from the store. I'll be back in like twenty minutes, okay?" She looked at Chanyeol apologetically. "You'll be fine here, right?"
Chanyeol widened his eyes once again. Alone with the guys? Well, he'd have Baekhyun, at least...
"De," he nodded, biting his lip confidently. "You can go ahead. You don't need help or anything, right?" he added, just in case.
She smiled and shook her head. "I got this. Besides, I don't want to drag you away."
"Come back soon!" Luhan called, leaning over to ruffle her hair playfully as she stood up. She laughed, rolling her eyes and fixing it. "Will do," she called back, slinging her bag over her shoulder and making her way upstairs.
"Now," Kai smirked deviously, suddenly taking the remote and shutting off the TV before looking at Chanyeol almost evilly. "Let's talk, shall we?"
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Chapter 45: Why did the story end just like this? 😔
Chapter 44: Oh my! Kids 😂
Chapter 41: Babies are so cute. I love them.
Chapter 40: Excited.
Chapter 39: Wow a lake party sounds interesting.
Chapter 38: I swear these two are do cute
Chapter 37: Its good that Hyejin will apologise to OC hopefully.
Chapter 35: Sehun can do it
Chapter 34: So cute
Chapter 33: Its not that she doesn't have something very serious