The New Room

The Manager's Dilemma

Jin stood silently as the men looked at each other with expressions of mischief. They knew something that she didn’t and it didn’t exactly sit right in her stomach. She looked back at Leo who was standing off to the side, ignoring their words. Jin sighed and decided to ask him, hoping that he wouldn’t be unresponsive. “Leo, do you know what they’re talking about?” He looked down at her and thought for a moment before answering. He nodded his head slightly. Jin smiled just a bit before asking, “Can you tell me?” Leo looked away for a short second and Jin swore that for a brief moment, she saw his cheeks turn a bright shade of pink. The other members seemed to have caught this and laughed at his expression. N, the teasing leader he is, went right out and asked Leo, “Is it hot? Are you hot, Taekwoon?” Leo turned his head in N’s direction and launched himself at the leader. Ravi and Ken stepped forward and stopped him. “Not in front of our new manager.” Ravi spoke in a joking manner. Ken laughed alongside him as he placed Leo back where he was standing before.

Something was going on, and Jin was not happy about not being in on it. She sighed in frustration and walked away from Leo and stood once again in front of the idol group. “Well, since our introductions are over, I’ll say some things about how I expect you all to act. As you can see, I am not my uncle and I will not run off to America and give my niece one day’s notice about a new job.” Remembering the phone call, Jin turned red in anger. She started again, “I’m a generally nice person and I have no reason to get angry with you all unless you make a reason. Since we are near the same age, we should be comfortable with each other. However, you must remember that I am your manager and what I say goes, age doesn’t matter in that relationship.” She paused for a moment before asking, “Since I’ll be living with you all from now on, and I don’t want to be disrespectful, may I ask what the rules are in your dorm?”

Hearing this, N stepped forward, clearing his throat in the process, and saying, “We just ask that you keep everything clean. We have a schedule for cleaning dishes and doing certain chores so we’ll just put you in the place of your uncle. You get a room all to yourself, so don’t worry too much about privacy.” He rubbed his hands nervously before continuing. “We’ll try our best to avoid drama situations. You know, when a guy accidentally walks into you showering or something. So please, please, please, lock your doors when you are changing clothes or using the bathroom. I’m sure you don’t want to be in a situation like that.” Jin cringed, very familiar with the drama situation. She was one who often forgot to lock doors since it was always just her and her mother at home, but after going over to her friend’s house and having her brother walk in on her changing her clothes, she has tried her hardest to lock the door. Jin clapped her hands together. “Okay. I guess we’re good for now. I hope to get along with you all. Please take care of me.” She bowed, covering her chest with her right hand, and then stood back up to see the men bowing as well, say in unison, “Please take care of us.” She smiled brightly, having a positive outlook on the entire situation.

Soon after their greetings, an urgent person came through the entrance of the training room. “We have to leave soon. You’re fan sign is in two hours and it takes an hour and a half to get there. Hurry.” The person making the announcement was the temporary manager who was about to get married in 24 hours’ time. He was young, around 26, and he carried an air of hesitance. Whether it was hesitance about his marriage or managing these idols, no one knew. VIXX and their new manager rushed out the door and down the stairs to get into the Star-Ex van parked out front. They scurried inside and Jin took her seat on the passenger side. As soon as everyone was inside the van, the temporary manager stepped on the gas pedal and rushed to get to the fan sign. Five minutes into the drive, the men sitting in the back of the van were fast asleep. Ravi was snoring loudly, N was fighting with a cat of some sort according to his sleep talk, Ken was quiet and still surprisingly, Hyuk was hugging Hongbin’s abdomen with great force, Hongbin slept with his head against a pillow on the window beside him, and Leo, his headphones secured in his ears and his music blasting, slept with his legs spread wide open with him almost sliding off the seat. They seemed more normal than ever when they slept. The drive was long, so Jin decided to get some sleep as well. She had barely slept last night, what will all the preparation for that day.

They made it to the venue on time. The groggy idols woke up as if on routine and rushed out of the car to get their make-up touched up and fix any other thing that needed to be fixed. Jin walked around the mall where the fan sign took place and absent mindedly counted the number of people that showed up for the event. She was surprised by the number of people since VIXX was a fairly underrated group compared to the other rookies that debuted around the same time as them, like EXO or B.A.P.

She walked through the crowd, trying to get a feeling of how everything would work out and to understand the emotions of the fans. Most of them were jumping around and freaking out about their biases and getting their signatures. They held their repackaged albums close to their bodies in anticipation. Jin smiled, happy that these boys had people that really, genuinely, loved them. She returned to the stage where the VIXX members were beginning to sit down. She stood behind them where the temporary manager, Kim Seo Jun, stood with the coordinators who collected the presents that the fans bought or made for VIXX. The fans passed by one by one and the day eventually ended with the gifts behind the members having piled up. Some gifts were some and some were large, but there was just enough space in the van for them to fit.

The day continued on and so did the schedules. They gave their best when it came to recording the lives and were strengthened by the fans’ cheers and encouragements. The day ended and night passed and around two in the morning, everyone began to head back to the dorm where Jin just recently became a new resident. The temporary manager, whose term had just come to an end, stopped in front of the tall apartment building and the other men flooded out of the van. They opened the trunk and took out all of Jin’s belongings, helping her carry them into the building and up to their dorm. The temporary manager wasn’t able to come up because he had to prepare for his wedding in twelve hours.

“Good luck tomorrow.” Jin said as a parting good bye.

“You, too. Are you sure you don’t need me to clarify anything else?” he asked in concern. Jin shook her head. “I have the basic job description down. If I ever need any help, I’ll just ask my uncle. Thank you for all of your hard work up until now.” She bowed respectfully. He bowed as well, got in the van, and drove away. Jin stood waving for a while before deciding it was okay to go back inside. The VIXX members were waiting in front of the elevator with her bags in their hands.

She blushed a deep red when she saw Leo holding the bag full of her undergarments and other miscellaneous items. She scurried over to him and tried to take the bag away. Leo, leaning against the wall waiting for the elevator, looked away from the elevator doors and saw Jin bending over to take her bag. He straightened up and said, “It’s okay, I can take it up.” The doors to the elevator opened and he stepped inside. “It’s not that…I would just feel more comfortable holding that bag myself.” The other members followed after them. N had a strange look on his face as he saw the interaction between Leo and Jin. “Do you not trust me? I’m fully capable of doing at least this.” She sighed and stepped away from him. “Okay. Sorry.” N gave a little laugh. Hearing this, she looked up at him and the small smirk on his smug face.

“What are you laughing at?” He shook his head as the doors opened once again and everyone stepped out and rushed to get into their dorm. They took off their shoes in an orderly fashion and started rushing for the bathroom and their own rooms. They had set the bags down in front of a room, and the only one not involved in their shenanigans was Leo. “Jin.” He said. Jin looked up at him, standing in front of the door where the bags had been set. “This is your room. Use it how you like.” He said simply. He walked away towards what she assumed to be his room that he shared with others and closed the door. She took a deep breath before opening the door and stepping inside. It was now time for her job to begin. 

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I hope you'll update again soon! I really enjoy this story and miss it. :/
Chapter 6: N just being.. N LOL

I can't wait for the rest anyway ;; that cliffhanger -again-.. You're terrible author-nim ;A; But it's been a while since I last read such a good story so I'm patiently forward more <3
(Our lion being too adorable I'm dying.. ;A; <333333)
kaze27 #3
Chapter 5: Nooo!! Dont go back to Younghun!! T0T
Wonder what Taekwoon would say? :/
Awesome update author-nim! And take your time I'll wait :D
Chapter 5: Yay! Thanks for updating! Oh gosh, I can't tell if that's a "I can't" I'm sorry, or an "I missed you" I'm sorry. DX
xMarix #5
Chapter 5: Oh my goshhh~ you have no idea how much I've missed this! I can't wait till the next chapter! You never disappoint. Thanks for the update :)
Artiste #6
Chapter 5: By the way, guys...There is some foreshadowing of chapters to come in this chapter. Try to find it!
Chapter 4: I've just recently really gotten into Vixx and have been looking for good Leo stories. I've finally found one! XP please update soon! I'm really enjoying this so far. :D
ilovekauai8 #8
Chapter 4: I agree I think Vixx choreography is way more intense....I hope no one hets hurt!!!
xMarix #9
Chapter 4: You're story is so good~ And I agree though VIXX's choreo is dangerous it is sooo cool!
ChaeYo #10
Chapter 3: new reader =)
Leo is like my biggest crush these days..
He looked so lovely during the showcase in Sweden and yeah, I liked him before that, too. But it's nothing in comparison to how I feel now XD