The Unlocked Door

The Manager's Dilemma

“I…” Jin opened to speak, but was stopped immediately. “Before you say you can’t be with me, listen to what I have to say first.” He took a deep breath. “Even if you say you don’t want me anymore, that you don’t love me anymore, I will continue to go after you. I haven’t given up on us, and I don’t think I ever will.” Jin held his face between her hands and it with her thumb. She smiled and said, “I’m not giving up on us, either. I love you.” She pecked his lips one more time. A small laugh came out of Young Hun’s mouth and he grinned from ear to ear, ecstatic about his saved relationship with Jin. He bumped his forehead on her’s and pulled her in for a hug. The two stayed like that for a while. They talked about many things before they realized that dawn was soon approaching. They held hands and walked back to the dorm. Before sending Jin up, Young Hun held her, kissed her, and promised to call her the next day. She smiled and waved at him as the elevator doors closed. When she started to go up, she let go of the breath she felt she’d been holding for a long time. She covered her cherry red face with her dainty hands and squealed as she jumped around in joy. It’d been a while since she’d felt so happy for herself. When she got to the 21st floor, she composed herself quickly and went back inside the dorm.

    Waiting inside were the six members of VIXX. Once she saw them, she found it very hard to keep her smile from showing. Curious, N asked what went on between Young Hun and her. Jin smiled and felt that she didn’t want to keep anything in. “A few things happened. We had a talk. We kissed. We decided to get back together. He walked me home. Here I am.” She said everything so fast that the rest had a hard time comprehending what she said. “Wait, you kissed?” Ravi asked. “You got back together?” Ken asked. “He’s your boyfriend again?” Hyuk asked. “Are you happy?” Hongbin asked. “Of course she’s happy! Look at her face!” N shouted. The five of them rose and gave her a hug, congratulating her on her relationship. The only person who stayed put was Leo. He had his eyes closed on the couch, pretending to be asleep. In his mind, many different things rattled around, mainly questions to himself. He wanted to feel happy, but why did he not? Why did he feel as if something he owned had been torn from his grasp? Was it because he saw her as his little sister and felt that he didn’t want her to grow up? But they went out way before she met VIXX. Why did he feel this way now? He swallowed his emotions and slowly opened his eyes, acting as if the noise from the others had woken him up.

    “Taekwoon! Our little Jin is dating again!” Leo glared at N. “What do you mean ‘our little Jin?’” He groaned as he got up from the couch and walked over to where everyone stood. N coughed and turned back to Jin. “Nevermind that. Now you get to flaunt your relationship in our lonely faces, don’t you?” Jin smiled ever so slightly and looked towards the ground, slightly embarrassed by all of the comments. Leo stood in front of her and pat her head gently. “As long as you’re happy, I’m happy.” She felt a rattling within her chest, but quickly dismissed it as nothing. She smiled and thanked him. He soon returned to the couch and lay down, facing the back of the piece of furniture.

    Jin wanted the little conversation to break up quickly so she clapped her hands and announced, “Okay! Enough about me. You guys need to get some sleep. We have a packed schedule tomorrow.” Everyone nodded and soon retired to their rooms. As she watched and hustle and bustle within the dorm as the members readied themselves for bed, she stood looking out the window at the lively city below. She sighed quietly  and hugged her arms around herself. “Did I really make the right decision?” She said to herself. She turned away from the window and retired for the night, exhaustion overcoming her.

    The next few weeks went off without a hitch. Each and everyone completed their schedules completely and the beginning of the promotion of ‘Thanks for Being Born’ was greatly successful. As the members hurried backstage after completing their performance, Jin was once again taken aback by Hongbin’s hair. She still wasn’t used to it. She had to admit that whatever hairstyle or clothes he wore, he continuously looked amazingly beautiful. Even though it took her some time to get used to the new hair, she had to admit that she didn’t mind it as much as she did in the beginning. Leo’s hair made her even happier. She could remember the time he had it bright red during the ‘On and On’ promotions when she was merely an onlooker. She loved the color red on him. The subdued red in his hair made her smile every time she saw him. She herself dyed her hair back to a black, tired of constantly dyeing it varying shades of red to hide her fast growing roots. N came up behind her and tapped her shoulder. “What are you doing just thinking over here? Shouldn’t you be congratulating us on a successful performance.” Jin shook herself out of her daze and weakly said, “Yeah, good job.”

    N scowled and walked away from her. Ken then approached her with a smiling Ravi. “Did we do well?” Ken asked. Jin smiled and nodded her head. “Was my voice fine? I’m made for rapping, not singing.” Ravi asked. Jin nodded her head again. She was anxious to get out of the waiting room and go home to an ever patient and caring Young Hun. The last few weeks had been a bit hectic for their relationship since Jin was always working and never had much time to herself. That night, however, Jin promised to go home after taking the VIXX members to their practice room so that they could have some time alone. It was a rare day where the boys got to finish up their schedules a bit earlier. They wanted to take advantage of it by practicing as much as possible for the rest of the day and then sleeping a little earlier at home.

    As she drew herself out of her recurring daze, she could just barely make out Hyuk’s ‘bam ba bam ba bam’ in the background. The members were waiting to go up on stage for the ending and were getting their makeup and hair redone by the stylists. Jin, restless, continually checked her phone to see the time passing slowly. Leo came up behind her and looked over at her phone with no applications open. “What are you doing?” He asked. Surprised, she looked  behind her to see Leo hovering close to her face. She leaned back a bit and answered, “I’m just checking the time.”

    “You’re checking it every thirty seconds, though. I’m sure it’s not going to change that often.” Irritated by his comment, she replies, “Time is always changing.” He scoffed. “That’s very profound of you. Just say you can’t wait to meet the love of your life after you take us to practice.” Jin blushed a deep scarlet and turned away from Leo. He smirked slightly and sat down next to her on the bench in the middle of the room. “It’s written all over your face. You can’t really hide it from us. You’re ditching us to go do the do.” Jin became confused at his choice of words. “Do the do?” She asked. Leo looked away and shyly said, “I heard Hyuk say it once and I guess it stuck.” Jin laughed softly. “That does seem like something he would say.” The two laughed together. “It’s been a while since we’ve talked like this.” Taekwoon stated. Jin looked over to him while thinking of the last time the two talked about something other than work. “You’re right. It has been a while.”

    “How are your brothers handling the fact that you didn’t end up with one of us?” He inquired. Jin chuckled. “Woo Jin is so angry at me, which is weird considering he was planning my wedding with Young Hun just earlier last year. Tae Jung, on the other hand, could not be happier. He’s always been really close to Young Hun so when we broke up, I think he was sadder than I was.” She chuckled softly. “Well, at least it’s better than him threatening your relationship, which I’m sure Woo Jin Hyung is probably going to do.”

    “You just might be right, Taekwoon.” He patted her head and then returned to where one of the stylists stood to fix his hair and makeup. Jin fixed her hair and headed for the door to go to the restroom. Outside, she greeted many of the staff and other idols that were loitering around their dressing rooms, either waiting to go on stage or waiting for the ending. In the restroom, she reapplied whatever makeup she needed to and redid her hair, anxious about seeing Young Hun after so long apart, the only conversation between the two being over the phone. She left the restroom and walked briskly back to the dressing room. The boys were ready and the ending was starting in a little under ten minutes. After those ten minutes passed, they headed out and Jin waited in the dressing room, alone. While no one was around, she called Young Hun.

    “Hello?” he answered.

    “Hey. I’m almost done here.” Jin informed. Without knowing, a smile appeared on her face as she talked to him. She heard his voice everyday, but still yearned for it even more whenever they talked. “Good. I just left work so I’ll be waiting for you.” Jin smiled widely, looking forward to when she could relax in his arms. “You know the code, right?” she asked.


    “Okay. I’ll see you in a little while.” As soon as she hung up the phone, she could hear the VIXX members shuffling back into the dressing room. They picked up their stuff and got ready to leave the vicinity. Jin, overly excited, rushed them out and into the company van. When everyone was situated in the car, she drove straight to the company and dropped them off. They all said their goodbyes and Jin rushed home, unable to wait any longer. After parking the van, she ran towards the elevator and pressed the button for the 21st floor. Once she got to the dorm, she stood outside the door and fixed herself up, making sure she didn’t look like a mess in front of her boyfriend. She took a deep breath and entered the dorm.

    Once inside, she saw Young Hun standing in the middle of the living room, facing the front door. A smile adorned both of their faces and they ran towards each other, their arms wide open. Jin jumped on his, her legs around his waist and he lifted her up. “I missed you so much.” She whispered in his ear. Young Hun grinned and kissed her as she placed her back on the ground. Once they pulled away from each other, Young Hun asked, “Are you hungry?” Jin shook her head. “Not at all.” He replied, “Same here.”

    “I have an idea what we can do, though.” Jin said playfully.

    “And what is that, may I ask?” A smirk played on Jin’s lips and she tugged him by the arm and led her to her bedroom. “I’m pretty sure we’ve both been missing out on this.” Young Hun’s face blushed a deep red and he followed her while running his hands through his soft hair. Jin closed the door behind her and wrapped herself in his arms. The two fell to the bed and caressed each other, their hands exploring every inch of the other’s body, eyes on fire, passion ablaze. The only sound heard in the room was their rough breathing. In that room, they both reaffirmed their love for the other and gave themselves up whole.

    In the Jellyfish practice room, the music blasted loudly as the members practiced their dances so as not to forget each and every one. They were taking a break. Each with a water bottle in their hands, took a large swig of water and sat down on the floor, trying to catch their breath. Time passed by like a cheetah and it was soon past midnight. “I wonder if Jin is already asleep.” Hongbin asked to no one in particular. “She probably is. It’s been a while since she’s gotten a break, too.” Ken replied. They started to undress and took turns taking showers before going home. Once they were dressed and ready to go, Leo spoke up, “Maybe we should wait a bit before we leave?” He knew that Jin probably still wanted to be alone with Young Hun so he wanted to give them some more time together. N answered, “No way. I am dead tired. I just want to sleep.” He rushed out of the building and got into another company van. The other followed him without further command, also feeling very tired. A staff member volunteered to give the members a ride home so that they wouldn’t disturb Jin. Leo sighed and followed suit. They made it to the dorm in no time and N typed in the code quickly so as to get in and go straight to bed. Once they got in and took their shoes off, they decided to check if Jin was still awake, as they did whenever she was home before them. The light was still on in her room, so they assumed she was on her laptop. Ravi slowly opened the door and the other five peeked inside.


[A/N]: I know, I know. I'm very mean. Anyways, sorry for not updating as often as I wanted to during this break. For once, I actually ended up going out more than staying home, so...yeah. I hope you liked this chapter, though it seems that nothing is really going on. I don't understand how I'm getting subscribers...I don't really think this is my best writing. But, since others are reading it, I'll continue as I am. Comment please! Comments make me happy! As do upvotes and subscribers. *hint hint*



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I hope you'll update again soon! I really enjoy this story and miss it. :/
Chapter 6: N just being.. N LOL

I can't wait for the rest anyway ;; that cliffhanger -again-.. You're terrible author-nim ;A; But it's been a while since I last read such a good story so I'm patiently forward more <3
(Our lion being too adorable I'm dying.. ;A; <333333)
kaze27 #3
Chapter 5: Nooo!! Dont go back to Younghun!! T0T
Wonder what Taekwoon would say? :/
Awesome update author-nim! And take your time I'll wait :D
Chapter 5: Yay! Thanks for updating! Oh gosh, I can't tell if that's a "I can't" I'm sorry, or an "I missed you" I'm sorry. DX
xMarix #5
Chapter 5: Oh my goshhh~ you have no idea how much I've missed this! I can't wait till the next chapter! You never disappoint. Thanks for the update :)
Artiste #6
Chapter 5: By the way, guys...There is some foreshadowing of chapters to come in this chapter. Try to find it!
Chapter 4: I've just recently really gotten into Vixx and have been looking for good Leo stories. I've finally found one! XP please update soon! I'm really enjoying this so far. :D
ilovekauai8 #8
Chapter 4: I agree I think Vixx choreography is way more intense....I hope no one hets hurt!!!
xMarix #9
Chapter 4: You're story is so good~ And I agree though VIXX's choreo is dangerous it is sooo cool!
ChaeYo #10
Chapter 3: new reader =)
Leo is like my biggest crush these days..
He looked so lovely during the showcase in Sweden and yeah, I liked him before that, too. But it's nothing in comparison to how I feel now XD