Christmas Special

The Manager's Dilemma

Jin opened her eyes to the light streaming in from the living room window. Christmas Eve had been a killer and getting drunk with high school friends was not her ideal way to spend the evening. Waking up on Christmas day, she felt like she could hear the jingle bells jingling and the joyous ‘ho ho hos’ in her ear. Maybe that was because Ken was ho-ho-ho-ing in her ear with Jingle Bells playing in the background from his iPod. She sat up on the couch, her neck aching after spending one night on it. She was so drunk the night before that she wasn’t even able to make it all the way back to her room, which was right next to the entrance. She rubbed her hungover head and lay back down on the couch. At that point, she wasn’t even able to tell if the bells ringing in her head were from Ken’s iPod or just from inside her head. She flopped down onto the floor and started crawling towards the medicine cabinet, yearning for her two tablets of Aleve. Ken’s loud singing in the background was not helping her condition in the least bit.


Out of the corner of her eye, she could see a foot kicking Ken’s buttocks. The silence afterwards made her sigh in relief. She followed the long legs and came to rest on Leo’s face hidden under his hoodie. He was still barely awake. He walked over to the kitchen to grab a bowl of Special K cereal and slightly pet Jin’s head. She in her breath and quickly took the pills. After taking them, she just lay on the ground, not caring who stepped over her to get into the kitchen to grab their breakfast. After fifteen minutes of lying there, she finally had enough strength to sit up and crawl over to the overly decorated Christmas tree where all the presents sat. Without her glasses, she could just barely make out the name on her present. She grabbed it and immediately started tearing away at the beautiful wrapping, courtesy of Lee Hongbin. Hongbin, who stood towering over her as she opened the present, wore a scowl on his face after seeing her lack of appreciation for the wrapping. He clicked his tongue and walked away. Ravi, after having woken up and washed his face, was now asleep on the couch again. N was jumping around with Ken, celebrating the joyous occasion. Hyuk sat down next to Jin and began opening his presents as well. He was happy with the black Naruto Leaf Village headband Jin and Leo gave him, but made a disgusted face when he saw the 24”x36” framed picture of him and N which was gifted to him by none other than the leader. Without opening the rest of his presents, he left the room and tried his hardest to avoid anymore interaction with N.


Ken opened his presents next. He received a large Chopper plush from Jin, a new razor from Leo, a container for his snacks from Hongbin, a 24”x36” framed picture of him and N from Leader-nim (which he threw to the side immediately), a new fragrance from Hyuk, and a watch from Ravi. He thanked everyone and then went on to play with his Chopper plush.


Ravi then began opening his gifts. He received a new audio editing software from Jin, new headphones from Leo, sunglasses from Hongbin, a 24”x36” framed picture of him and N from the leader, a new hat from Hyuk, and a framed, photoshopped picture of a bride and groom with Ken’s and Ravi’s sister’s faces on it. As soon as Ravi saw the picture, he threw it at Ken’s head and then proceeded to rip up the picture and shred in in the garbage disposal.


As that scene continued on, Hongbin started to open his presents. Everyone knew exactly what he wanted, so they all gave him custom made items with a picture of him and Park Hyoshin together, signed by none other than Park Hyoshin himself. Well, all of them except for N gave him such items. N gave him a 24”x36” framed picture of him and Hongbin. Jin and the others shook their head at him.


That’s when N started opening his own presents. Everyone gave him small framed pictures of themselves with N. He wiped his slowly appearing tears and thanked everyone. Leo began opening his presents. Jin gave him a new pair of headphones and a promise to take him to see her nephew. Ravi gave Leo a composition notebook for him to write down his notes in. Hongbin gave him a $25 gift card to a cafe in another neighbourhood. Ken gave him a pair of headphones as well. Hyuk gave him a new hoodie. N gave Leo a 24”x36” framed picture of him and Leo.

Jin only had one present to open, which she had to admit disappointed her a bit. The present was large and rectangular and she knew she would be very angry if the only present she received would be a 24”x36” framed picture of her and N. The wrapping was already one quarter off. She sighe and continued to tear off the wrapping. Underneath the wrapping there was a 24”x36” framed picture of her and the rest of the members of VIXX. The seven were standing in the waiting room for Music Bank after VIXX’s first win. Ravi, N, and Leo had tear stained faces in the picture and were holding on to Jin. Hyuk and Hongbin were hugging each other and Ken stood in the background making bunny ears on Jin’s head. She couldn’t have asked for a better present. She smiled widely and gave each member a hug.


In the end, there was a simultaneous agreement to hang Jin’s present in the living room. All of the presents N gave out were returned to him, which he went to get resized at the studio and gave to the members again. No one threw it away.



[A/N]: I decided to do a small Christmas chapter for Christmas. It's just fluff and has nothing to do with the plot at all. Basically, it's a story about what presents the members received and gave. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!

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I hope you'll update again soon! I really enjoy this story and miss it. :/
Chapter 6: N just being.. N LOL

I can't wait for the rest anyway ;; that cliffhanger -again-.. You're terrible author-nim ;A; But it's been a while since I last read such a good story so I'm patiently forward more <3
(Our lion being too adorable I'm dying.. ;A; <333333)
kaze27 #3
Chapter 5: Nooo!! Dont go back to Younghun!! T0T
Wonder what Taekwoon would say? :/
Awesome update author-nim! And take your time I'll wait :D
Chapter 5: Yay! Thanks for updating! Oh gosh, I can't tell if that's a "I can't" I'm sorry, or an "I missed you" I'm sorry. DX
xMarix #5
Chapter 5: Oh my goshhh~ you have no idea how much I've missed this! I can't wait till the next chapter! You never disappoint. Thanks for the update :)
Artiste #6
Chapter 5: By the way, guys...There is some foreshadowing of chapters to come in this chapter. Try to find it!
Chapter 4: I've just recently really gotten into Vixx and have been looking for good Leo stories. I've finally found one! XP please update soon! I'm really enjoying this so far. :D
ilovekauai8 #8
Chapter 4: I agree I think Vixx choreography is way more intense....I hope no one hets hurt!!!
xMarix #9
Chapter 4: You're story is so good~ And I agree though VIXX's choreo is dangerous it is sooo cool!
ChaeYo #10
Chapter 3: new reader =)
Leo is like my biggest crush these days..
He looked so lovely during the showcase in Sweden and yeah, I liked him before that, too. But it's nothing in comparison to how I feel now XD