The Curious Question

The Manager's Dilemma

Without realizing, three months had passed since Jin started working as VIXX’s manager. She was completely comfortable with the entire situation and got along swimmingly with all of the members. Being the same age as Ken helped a lot, but the three younger than her had a more difficult time opening up to her in the beginning. She was indeed beautiful and slightly intimidating, considering she would be in charge of them for a while.

Jin stood in the shower as the water ran over her petite body, washing away the day’s hard work. After completing all of the interviews and practice at 1 AM, Jin finally had the chance to shower and clean herself up. After drying off, doing her daily skincare routine, and putting on some clothes, she walked out of the bathroom to catch all of the VIXX members sitting in the circle in the middle of the living room and eating some manager approved snacks. Water droplets dripped from her hair on to the hardwood floor as she stood there and watched their weekly “family meeting” take place. N noticed this and pointed accusingly at her. “Hey! We just mopped and swept the floor! I don’t want your wet hair to get it dirty again. Dry your hair!” The anger was apparent in his eyes. Jin rolled her own eyes and sat down next to Leo in the circle, wanting in on the family meeting. “What did I just say? Even though you’re our manager, I am still older than you!” N continued to rant about the wet hair, which prompted Leo to stand up and grab a clean towel from his room. He walked back into the living room, sat down beside Jin, and started drying off her hair for her. “You’ll catch a cold if you don’t at least towel dry your hair. Be careful, the weather is changing, so you’re very prone to getting sick.” His sweet words created a great harmony with his sweet voice as he advised Jin to take care of her health.

She was used to Leo taking care of her. He always did it without any hesitation, as if she were the little sister he never had. He wasn’t always nice to her; there were many instances where he would scold her for doing something stupid or not waking up early enough in the morning. Most of the time, though, he remained calm and composed until N or Ken did something to piss him off. He was always playful around them. The other members looked on with curiosity as Leo continued to dry Jin’s hair for her. Jin was unfazed, used to the way Leo always took care of her. Hyuk smiled like a little kid sitting next to Jin, Ravi and Hongbin snickered amongst themselves, N was still angry about the water droplets on the floor, and Ken being Ken slipped between the two and took the towel from Leo, talking about how Jin was old enough to dry her own hair. “Rather than towel drying your hair, you should just blow dry it.” Jin groaned. “I only air dry my hair. I hate blow drying. I always sleep with wet hair and never get sick. What are you guys so worried about? They always have a backup manager in case I get sick or win the lottery and run off, or die.”

“Whatever, you do what you want.” Ken replied. He sat down between Jin and Hyuk and rested his head on Jin’s shoulder. She slightly patted his head and placed her hands back in her lap. N sighed and continued on with the family meeting. “Okay, this week was hectic. We just got back from the last showcase on our tour and we are now on a short break. Is everyone going to visit their families or are we just going to rest at home?” he asked. “I’m going home,” said everyone simultaneously. The only ones who remained quiet were Jin and Leo. “You guys aren’t going home?” asked N.

Jin shook her head. “No. I see my mom every weekend. She lives three blocks away. My brothers visit me whenever they have the chance and it’s annoying, so I just want to stay home.” She grabbed an apple and started to eat away at it. “Taekwoon, why aren’t you going home?”

“Jeju vacation. Too bothersome.” N grunted and started jabbering away about his plans. “So, you two are going to be home alone.” Ravi interjected. Jin nodded, once again, unaware that she was going to be completely alone with a healthy adult male in the dorm. Hongbin sniggered in the background, dirty thoughts running through his mind, contrary to his innocent face and personality in front of the camera. “Why don’t you come see my parents with me, Jin?” Ken suggested. She swallowed a bite of the apple and shook her head. “I just want to sleep at home. The last three months have been crazy.” Leo nodded in agreement.

“Taekwoon, I’ll allow you to pig out this next week if you agree to work out with me afterwards.” Jin suggested. He patted her head and nodded in agreement. The family meeting ended while N was still talking about his plans for the next week.

Three days later, everyone except Leo and Jin departed to go visit their families. As Jin closed the door to the last leaving member, she turned to Leo and said, “What do you want for lunch?” He thought for a second and then said he wanted some soybean soup. Jin nodded and went into her room to grab a coat. “Where are you going?” He asked a second after she came back out. “We’re out of soybean paste and red pepper paste. We can’t exactly make the soup without that.”

“I’ll go with you.” He said softly and began slipping on his shoes. Jin shook her head. “You stay here,” she interjected, “Some crazy netizen will make up a ridiculous story about how we’re going grocery shopping together to celebrate the conception of our first child, or something. There’s already enough speculation out there about the both of us. We don’t need any more.” Leo nodded his head and put his shoes back in their place. Jin opened the door and headed out. “I’ll see you in a bit.” She took the elevator down and ran towards the closest convenience store to grab small containers of soybean and red pepper paste. They usually don’t cook at home, so there was never any need for the big containers that were practically a necessity in every Korean household. She reached the nearest one and began grabbing the ingredients. While she was there, she also grabbed Leo’s favorite green onions. As she shopped, she sang VIXX’s ‘Only U,’ not knowing that she was doing so out loud.

“You still have that pretty voice, I see.” Jin turned around to the sudden voice in her ears. She gasped when she saw who it was. “You scared me!” She smacked his chest. “That’s my job. I did it all the time when we were younger.” Jin rolled her eyes and then glared at her second eldest brother, Woo Jin. He towered over her, a whopping 186 centimeters. His hair was gelled upward in a messy style. He wore a white dress shirt and nicely fitted black dress pants with black dress shoes. “What are you doing here? You don’t live around here.” Jin asked, skeptical about his sudden appearance.

“What do you mean, what am I doing here? I came to visit my cute little sister.” His mischievous smile lingered a second too long on his perfectly sculpted face, his raccoon eyes glinting with a hint of tomfoolery. Jin sighed in frustration and moved away from him. “I don’t have time for this.” She paid for the ingredients and started making her way back home. Woo Jin followed behind her. “I came to see Taekwoon. He called me over. We’ve developed a pretty good Hyung-Dongsaeng relationship ever since you became their manager. Am I not allowed to visit my cute dongsaengs?” Jin rolled her eyes again and picked up the pace. With Jin being as short as she is, Woo Jin had no trouble keeping up. Four of her steps equaled one of his. They made it back to the dorm and the silence in the elevator was deafening. Jin opened the door to the dorm and entered, anger filling her eyes. “Why’d you invite him over? You know how I feel about him intruding in my private life!” She yelled at Leo.

“Hyung, what are you doing here?” Leo asked when he saw Woo Jin standing behind Jin. “You mean, you didn’t invite him over?” Jin asked. Leo shook his head. Jin turned back to Woo Jin and pointed to the door. “Out. Right now.”

“But I’m hungry. At least feed me before I go.” Jin shook her head and pushed him outside. “Just let him eat here. It’s not right to send him out without feeding him first,” said Leo. Woo Jin smiled brightly and slipped back inside. “I love you so much, Taekwoon!” He hugged Leo briefly and kissed him on the cheek before making his way to the couch. Leo wiped off the “cooties” and took the groceries from Jin. “I hate you so much,” Jin whispered.

Leo said nothing and took the bags to the kitchen where the both of them started to prepare the food. It was ready in a mere 30 minutes and served promptly. During the lunch, Woo Jin continuously pestered Leo with questions and statements that were completely unnecessary.

“How far have you gone with my sister?” Silence.

“Do you want me as your brother-in-law?” Silence.

“She’s more likely to marry you if you get her pregnant right now. I’ll allow it.” Silence.

“Once we’re brothers-in-law, I’ll buy you a car. Well, I’ll take you to get your license first.” Silence.

“Seriously, have you slept with my sister, yet?” Silence.

“This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Take it now.” Silence.

“Will you shut up!? This is getting ridiculous! Why are you giving out permission for someone to sleep with me? Don’t you think I at least have the right to choose who I sleep with? You’ve overstayed your welcome, can you leave now?” Woo Jin groaned as Jin scolded him. He whined and acted like a baby even though he was a 25 year old, engaged, adult male. “What would your fiancée say?” Jin added.

“Oh, that’s right! I was supposed to meet her to choose the venue! I have to be there in an hour. I really do have to go now. Bye bye!” He shot up and immediately headed for the door without cleaning up his dishes.

“He’s a terrible brother, isn’t he?” She asked Leo. He shook his head. “Why not?”

“My sisters would be worse. They’d lock us up in a room and not let us out until we had . Older sisters are scary.” He elaborated. Jin sat wide eyed. “They really like you. They want you to become part of the family. They keep urging me to get married even though two of them still aren’t.” He started speaking more and more and Jin just sat silently, listening to his honey-laced voice. It was always interesting to hear Leo speak, and she never complained when he talked too much. It was a rare sight, and Jin was always happy to see it.

The two finished their food and quickly cleaned the dishes. They sat down on the couch and watched a movie together on Jin’s laptop. After a while, Leo spoke out of nowhere and said, “Since they keep pestering us, do you want to try it once?”

“Try what?” Jin asked.

“Sleeping together.” 




[A/N]: It's been so long since I've updated, I know. I've just been very busy with school and applying to colleges. Life is starting to get real. I'll try to update when I can, I promise!

Also, have you SEEN the new VIXX music video? IT'S SO AWESOME! THEIR CLOTHES! THEIR VOICES! THEIR EXPRESSIONS! THEM! They all look so good in sweaters and knitted items. And that part with Leo loosening his tie made me swoon so hard. And drunk walking Hongbin! And tweed blazer N! And Hyuk looks so manly! And Ken's lips are a lot thicker that I thought. And somber Ravi is always so great. Anyways, they all looked amazing in the music video. The song is great and something I can totally work with. I love the combination of genres. Good call on Tiger JK co-producing. Great idea. And Stockholm is so nice, I need to visit some time. Also, these guys need a serious break. They've been working so hard non stop. They still have showcases until the 17th, and after that, they have to promote a new song and their first full album. They really, really, really, really, really need a break. Even thought it's good to see them often, they really need to calm down and take a breather, or they'll be too tired and get sick. I don't want that. 

Wow, why is this turning into a personal feelings corner? Anyways, I hope you liked the chapter, and please, please, please comment! I love comments and the more the comments, the more the updates. Comments are my driving factor, hehe. 

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I hope you'll update again soon! I really enjoy this story and miss it. :/
Chapter 6: N just being.. N LOL

I can't wait for the rest anyway ;; that cliffhanger -again-.. You're terrible author-nim ;A; But it's been a while since I last read such a good story so I'm patiently forward more <3
(Our lion being too adorable I'm dying.. ;A; <333333)
kaze27 #3
Chapter 5: Nooo!! Dont go back to Younghun!! T0T
Wonder what Taekwoon would say? :/
Awesome update author-nim! And take your time I'll wait :D
Chapter 5: Yay! Thanks for updating! Oh gosh, I can't tell if that's a "I can't" I'm sorry, or an "I missed you" I'm sorry. DX
xMarix #5
Chapter 5: Oh my goshhh~ you have no idea how much I've missed this! I can't wait till the next chapter! You never disappoint. Thanks for the update :)
Artiste #6
Chapter 5: By the way, guys...There is some foreshadowing of chapters to come in this chapter. Try to find it!
Chapter 4: I've just recently really gotten into Vixx and have been looking for good Leo stories. I've finally found one! XP please update soon! I'm really enjoying this so far. :D
ilovekauai8 #8
Chapter 4: I agree I think Vixx choreography is way more intense....I hope no one hets hurt!!!
xMarix #9
Chapter 4: You're story is so good~ And I agree though VIXX's choreo is dangerous it is sooo cool!
ChaeYo #10
Chapter 3: new reader =)
Leo is like my biggest crush these days..
He looked so lovely during the showcase in Sweden and yeah, I liked him before that, too. But it's nothing in comparison to how I feel now XD