An Unknown Gaze

The Manager's Dilemma

The phone was answered quickly with a brisk “Hello?” at the other end of the line.

“Hi, I’m Lee Jin. I was contacted earlier to take over for my uncle to manage VIXX.” The person on the other end of the line, a woman, sighed in relief when she heard Jin speaking. “Thank you for calling back so quickly. We were hoping you could start soon. The temporary manager we have right now is getting married in two days, and we need you as soon as possible.” Jin widened her eyes in surprise. She had no idea that the need was so strong. Jin scratched her head briefly. “Well, I guess I can come in tomorrow so you can explain everything that I would have to do and then officially start the day after.” The woman on the phone squealed in joy. “Thank you so much! We really need you right now, especially since they just had their comeback and things are getting so busy. No one has any time to sleep.” Jin sighed and had a slight doubt in her mind once again about managing 6 rookie idols, especially ones that have just had a comeback. She threw away her doubt immediately and said, “I’ll be there as early as possible. Is 7AM okay?”

“That’s perfect. Their schedule starts at 9, so you can follow them around to see what to do. The temporary manager will explain everything to you. You also know that we will prepare living quarters for you, right? You can move in whenever you like.” Jin took a deep breath and paused before saying anymore. She wanted to be absolutely positive that this was what she wanted to do. She spoke one last time, “Okay. I’ll be there tomorrow morning.” The other end hung up first and Jin soon made it to the front door of her mother’s apartment. She opened the door with the pin number and went inside to find her mother on the long, navy blue couch watching her daily dramas on their Samsung Smart TV. Jin shook her head and sighed. “Will you be lonely without me?” she whispered quietly so her mother couldn’t hear. She took her shoes off at the front door and slid into her maroon slippers and made her way over to the spacious, and slightly tacky, living room.

She took another deep breath and raised her voice to be louder than the TV. “I’m moving out!” she yelled. Her mother’s gaze turned away from the TV screen and to her daughter standing in front of her. “What did you say?” Her mother was petite and looked nothing like a 57 year old would. She had fairly firm skin and long, wavy hair that framed her small, heart-shaped face. She stood up and with her round eyes, stared at Jin. Jin sighed and said, “I got a new job. I’m taking over for Uncle and will be managing idols for a while.” Her mother’s eyes widened in surprise along with . Slowly, a small smile appeared on her face in place of the ‘o.’ She clapped her hands together and said, “My daughter is going to work with good-looking men for a living! Oh, are we blessed, or what? I must thank the ancestors later.” Jin’s face twisted in confusion as she looked on at her mother’s ecstatic expression.

“Oh, you’ll be able to find a good husband this way! He’ll be good-looking and talented. You must keep up the family line of good looks. Look at your brothers! Both are handsome and have beautiful partners to enhance their looks. Even my grandson is too pretty for a 6 month old.” Jin’s mother continued to jabber away about the family ancestry and the long line of above average facial features on her side of the family. Jin covered her face with her palm and walked into her own room. The sound of her mother’s voice faded as she closed the door. Jin was too exhausted to change her clothes, so flopped down on her queen size bed, wrapping the blood red covers around herself. Her eyes closed and she slowly drifted off to sleep with her mother’s voice as background music.

The next morning was difficult. Jin was groggy and her eyes refused to open up as the time to reach Jellyfish Entertainment grew near. Her mother dragged her out of bed so that she could shower and make herself presentable for VIXX as well as Jellyfish Entertainment. Jin took a quick shower, blow dried her hair, applied light make up and got dressed in a white, sleeveless peplum top with black skinny pants. She left without eating breakfast and made her way to the Jellyfish Entertainment headquarters. It took her almost half an hour to travel from her home to Shinsa-dong in Gangnam. Once there, she walked into the building which almost seemed like a large bungalow. She had a meeting with the director and she was nervous beyond belief, and the fact that her stomach was growling like an angry monster didn’t help, either. She stood inside a small lobby, decorated to feel homey and welcoming.

Jin sat silently on the smooth, leather seat in the lobby and waited to be called. The time was 7:45AM; she still had to go meet the boys. “Lee Jin.” She heard her name being called by the apathetic and aggravated receptionist. Jin immediately stood up and looked towards the door hidden behind the receptionist’s desk. Through the door came an older man with black framed glasses adorned on his smiling face. He wore casual clothes, blue jeans and a white t-shirt with a black blazer, and stood in front of the door for a bit before moving away to reveal the six people that came out of the door behind him. Jin recognized the CEO and VIXX right away. One by one they came out of whatever was behind the door and stood in a straight time.

First in line was Cha Hakyeon, N, the leader of the group. He was the shortest in the group, but he wasn’t short in the slightest. Standing in front of him made Jin realize just how much he towered over her. Then again, Jin was less than 157 centimeters tall. Next to N was Han Sanghyuk, Hyuk, the youngest of the group. He towered over Jin even more so than N. They all did. His blond hair hadn’t been styled just yet and it laid flat against his forehead. Beside Hyuk stood Lee Hongbin. Seeing him in pictures and on TV was completely different from seeing him in real life. To Jin, he was super bright, and it wasn’t the light that she saw behind him that illuminated him. It was just the way he felt. Being in front of him made Jin feel warm and somewhat happy. He was beautiful and no one could deny it. He was more beautiful in the flesh than could be portrayed in pictures or on television. Touching Hongbin’s shoulder with his own was Kim Wonsik, Ravi. He had a small smile on his face, taking away some of the manliness from his features. The smile made him seem friendly and welcoming. His blond hair had also not yet been styled. He wore a black and red snapback backwards on his head. He seemed more like a normal guy without the eyeliner and other excessive make up. They all seemed more real than ever. They were just regular people, but there was something about Lee Jaehwan, Ken, who stood next to Ravi. He had a huge grin on his boyish face, his eyes squinting slightly. He genuinely looked happy to be meeting his new manager. Standing with his back slightly arched, his hands hidden behind his back, was Jung Taekwoon, Leo. His stage name suited him the best. His eyes were as sharp as a feline’s and the way he held himself yelled “charisma.” He looked on with an apathetic expression, completely unconcerned about the current situation, but he was still courteous. He bowed slightly and said a soft greeting. The CEO of Jellyfish Entertainment, Hwang Se Jun, cleared his throat and began to speak. Jin turned her attention back to him and gave a small bow and introduced herself. “Hello. My name is Lee Jin and I guess I’m the new manager for VIXX.” He smiled widely and said, “We’re happy to have you join Jellyfish Entertainment. I’m sure your uncle gave you a lot of trouble when he sprung this on you out of the blue.” Jin nodded her head and laughed out of respect. “Well, I have other business to attend to, so you all can go up to the practice room and get acquainted. You’ll have to get along since you’ll be living together.”

“That’s tru—” Jin stopped mid phrase after hearing the CEO’s words. She replayed those words over and over again in her head for the next few seconds. Just as the CEO was turning away, she called out to him, “What do you mean we’ll be living together?” He turned back to face Jin and said, “Well, it’s not exactly ideal, but it’s best for the manager to stay with the idols so that they can keep a better handle on them. I’m not exactly saying these guys are troublesome, but it’d be easier on us and on them if you stayed with them. You get your own room, and sometimes you’re away from home for two or three days at a time, so there’s not really much need for worry. Have I answered your question?” He had a look of slight irritation on his face that was smiling just moments before. Jin widened her eyes and nodded her head.

He seemed like the type of person she would need to be careful of. He smirked and turned away once again to go back to his office. Jin gulped hard and faced the six handsome idols in front of her. N, sensing the awkward atmosphere, stepped out immediately and said, “Well, we’ll show you to the practice room. It’s up the stairs this way.” He held out his hand to show the way. The rest of the group followed him as he walked up the stairs and Jin shuffled behind. She stood behind Leo who walked with little enthusiasm. He barely even picked up his feet. Without noticing, Jin bumped into his back when he made an abrupt stop. She ricocheted backwards and held her nose which had been hit hard on his muscular back. Leo turned around to see the ridiculous spectacle and softly said, “Sorry.” He continued walking, unperturbed by the sudden interaction. Jin sighed and continued following. She knew their personalities from the start after doing hours of research earlier in the morning. She had woken up before dawn and done as much as possible. She had yet to watch all of their viewable radio shows. She wouldn’t want to admit it, but she had fangirled over Leo slightly when she first started her research, but after meeting him in real life, she decided that it was too awkward around him. They soon reached the practice room. It wasn’t as big as a large company’s, but it worked well for them and it was comfortable. N spoke up, “This is the practice room. We’re here whenever we have free time.” Jin nodded and walked around the room, fascinated by the Jellyfish Entertainment sign on the back wall and the long couch near the entrance. She spotted the Rovix mask in the corner and went straight for it. “It’s this Rovix?” She could remember after watching every episode of MTV Diary, Plan V Diary, and VIXX TV that it was their mascot and the emblem that was logoed onto most of their stage outfits and made into rings. It was a unique symbol that made them more recognizable and intriguing.

Realizing that she had gone off on a tangent, she returned to the group of boys. Without further hesitation, the boys got into formation, a line, and N counted, “1, 2…Hello! We are V-I-X-X, VIXX! Please take care of us!” They bowed ninety degrees and got back up, smiles on most of their faces. Jin couldn’t help but smile at the greeting. They then continued to introduce themselves individually. “I’m N, the leader of the group. If these guys don’t behave properly and don’t listen to you, come straight to me and I’ll teach them a lesson.” The other boys didn’t have a reaction. In fact, they looked judgmental towards N. “I’m Ken! I’ll make sure you never feel out of place here.” He flashed a big smile and then shuffled slightly to show his nerves at meeting a new person.

“I’m Ravi. You can always ask me for help.” The other members scoffed, knowing that Ravi was completely different around women. Jin smirked and looked at the next person. “I’m Hongbin, the artwork. Please take care of me.” Jin nodded and then the youngest began. “I’m Hyuk, the youngest of the group. Should I call you Noona?” Jin smiled a bit more and nodded her head. A long silence passed before the last person spoke up. “I’m Leo. Please take care of me.” He held his hands behind his back with his back slightly arched once again, almost like a cat. His gaze bore right into Jin’s soul, at least, that was how it seemed to her. Jin tore her gaze away from him and went on to introduce herself.

“I’m Lee Jin. I just turned twenty-one*, so I’m actually younger than three of you.” She looked at N, Ken, and Leo. The eyes of the group widened, except for Leo’s. N spoke up first, “If you’re younger than us, how are you supposed to be our manager? Isn’t this a bit irresponsible on the company’s part? What’s going on here?” He began to have a slight mental breakdown. Jin sighed and said, “I’m not quite sure, myself. I was practically forced into this.” She started to play with her hands nervously, wondering if it really was a bad idea to come here. “Are they not worried about scandals? They’re even telling you to live with us.” Ravi spoke up. Jin looked around apprehensively, trying to hide her own nerves. She wasn’t one to handle criticism well, and all this talk made her uneasy. As the members continued to discuss the prospect of having a female manager that’s the same age as one of the members, a small voice spoke up. The group responded immediately and listened as Leo spoke, “Calm down. They must have a good reason for this.” He glanced over at Jin and gave a somewhat cautious look. He had noticed her behavior earlier and decided to help her out. She didn’t know and thought that the glance he gave her was a glare, as if he were angry about the entire situation.

Jin took a deep breath and said jokingly, “Did you really think I was older than 20? Do I look that old?” N blushed slightly and lowered his head. “I guess not. I mean, you might have gotten plastic surgery with a face like that.”

Rage built up inside Jin. “I look like plastic to you? Do I really look that fake?” N started to panic and lowered his head even more, trying to avoid Jin’s gaze. “It’s not that. You’re just too pretty to be real.” Jin suddenly blushed, her face crimson red. She’d heard the compliment before, but for some reason, it felt really sincere hearing it come from N. “I-I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that,” she stuttered. At the end of the line, Leo had a small smirk on his face. He was genuinely happy seeing N so flustered. The rest of the members chortled at their leader’s face. N looked back up with a nasty look and went around to everyone to chop their necks with the side of his right hand.

Without realizing, Jin was laughing at everyone’s reactions. The members stared at her as if they were experiencing something that was once in a while. Almost immediately, Jin stopped laughing and stood up straight.

“Despite my age and gender, I am perfectly capable of taking care of six men. I promise to make you very popular and help you gain many new fans. I will do everything in my power to live up to my uncle’s expectations.” Her face was serious and full of determination.

“Wait, your uncle? Our previous manager was your uncle?” Ravi said out loud. Jin looked at them confusedly, wondering how they didn’t know.

“Yeah, he was.”

The members of VIXX gave each other these knowing glances that said a lot more than words ever could; however, Jin could not understand their gazes. She scrunched her eyebrows together as their eyes once again met her’s. Five out of six of them smiled mischievously. Leo stood still as always, nothing but an indifferent expression on his face. 



* 21 - I'm using their international ages here, so she's born in 1992, the same year as Ken.


[A/N]: Yay! The first chapter is finally up! It's short, but it's only an introductory chapter, anyway. I haven't written fanfiction in over a year, so please forgive me if I've forgotten how to write. It's definitely not the same as it was a year ago, so please forgive me for that. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. The next one will be up whenever I can get it up. 

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I hope you'll update again soon! I really enjoy this story and miss it. :/
Chapter 6: N just being.. N LOL

I can't wait for the rest anyway ;; that cliffhanger -again-.. You're terrible author-nim ;A; But it's been a while since I last read such a good story so I'm patiently forward more <3
(Our lion being too adorable I'm dying.. ;A; <333333)
kaze27 #3
Chapter 5: Nooo!! Dont go back to Younghun!! T0T
Wonder what Taekwoon would say? :/
Awesome update author-nim! And take your time I'll wait :D
Chapter 5: Yay! Thanks for updating! Oh gosh, I can't tell if that's a "I can't" I'm sorry, or an "I missed you" I'm sorry. DX
xMarix #5
Chapter 5: Oh my goshhh~ you have no idea how much I've missed this! I can't wait till the next chapter! You never disappoint. Thanks for the update :)
Artiste #6
Chapter 5: By the way, guys...There is some foreshadowing of chapters to come in this chapter. Try to find it!
Chapter 4: I've just recently really gotten into Vixx and have been looking for good Leo stories. I've finally found one! XP please update soon! I'm really enjoying this so far. :D
ilovekauai8 #8
Chapter 4: I agree I think Vixx choreography is way more intense....I hope no one hets hurt!!!
xMarix #9
Chapter 4: You're story is so good~ And I agree though VIXX's choreo is dangerous it is sooo cool!
ChaeYo #10
Chapter 3: new reader =)
Leo is like my biggest crush these days..
He looked so lovely during the showcase in Sweden and yeah, I liked him before that, too. But it's nothing in comparison to how I feel now XD