Chapter 2: 두

One Year with Five Husbands [다섯 남편과 1 년]

Chapter 2

            I stayed silent. Maybe they’re just pulling my leg…

            “Are… you… kidding?” I said in hesitant Korean. Wow, girl. One possible joke got your Korean thrown out to the wind. You need to practice.

            The boy with the red tinted hair stepped forward. “We were surprised too, but please don’t be scared of us.” He has talked the most out of everyone else. Must be the leader or something. “My name is Jinyoung.”

            “I’m CNU,” the one with glasses quietly stepped forward. I like this one the most. Quiet guys… with glasses… SNAP OUT OF IT QUINN!!!

            “I’m Sandeul!” I turned my gaze from the cutest guy ever CNU to the duck-faced cheery guy wearing a red sweatshirt with… a yellow duck on it. I think he knows he’s the Duck Prince or something.

            “Baro is my name.” He stuck his hand out at me. I was surprised. I shook it anyway. Maybe he knows I’m a foreigner?

            “I’m the youngest, Gongchan.” He gave me a small bow.

            “Oh…” I stood there quiet for a while. “My name is Quinn Hwang,” I gave a small smile. “I’m Korean-American.”

            I motioned for them to sit down and they did. So that’s why there were six chairs in total. The round glass table was moderately large, big enough for all of us. On my right sat Jinyoung while on my left sat Gongchan. I just realized something. I’m still wet. My hair is salty and drying into not cute disgusting clumps. My shirt is basically transparent. They can see my bikini. I planned for a swim. I didn’t plan to look awkward like this.

            Take it in one step, Quinn. You can just change later. I smiled. “So you guys are the one who sang “O.K Girl” as your debut right?” Of course they are. Everyone knows them. You have all of their albums in your phone. Your screensaver is CNU.  Why am I playing dumb?

            “Yeah. Our more notable songs are “Beautiful Target” and “Baby Good Night”.” Jinyoung from beside me tried to look at my face as much as possible. I appreciated it—not checking me out and all.

            “I see…” I trailed off thinking on what to do. Then I remembered it. I took out my phone and a notepad and a pen from my purse. I uncapped the pen and started writing Question Answers. “I wanted to ask questions to my husband.” I looked around. “Since all of you are my husband I want to ask all of you a bunch of questions. I hope you don’t mind.” I said formally.

            There was a unanimous “no we don’t mind” and “go ahead”. I gave them a nervous smile.

            “When is your birthday?”

            They gave me their answers in a surprising orderly fashion. Jinyoung was born at November 18 1991. CNU was born June 16 1991. Sandeul was born March 20 1992, Baro on September 5, and Gongchan on August 14 1993. I was born on December 31, 1993. I guess that makes all of them my oppas.

            We continued like that for a while before Sandeul’s stomach growled. We all laughed at him and we left to find somewhere to eat.

            After changing into a pale orange shirt with a picture of a mandarin on it and short denim shorts and black converse, we walked around the streets of the island and found a restaurant that specializes on Cheongsando’s rich abalones. We sat on the low table with six cushions for all of us. After ordering, the table was filled with varying abalone dishes and side dishes of every kind. After a cheerful “we will eat well”, the boys immediately started digging in.

            I stirred my abalone porridge twice before taking a tiny taste. I added a bit of soy sauce to the porridge and stayed away from the kimchi, giving it evil glares. It seemed like everyone else liked their abalone dishes.

            “This is really good!” Baro said, breaking the silence. He started giving everyone a piece of his braised abalone.

            “You’re right it is good!” Sandeul made a satisfied face.

            “Here try some Quinn-sshi.” Baro’s chopsticks held a piece of the shellfish near my face. I blinked. He’s going to feed me? “Here, say ahh!” He seemed really comfortable about the whole thing.

            I decided to ignore my super-sensitive-and-not-fun side and chomped on it. Everyone, even the cameramen, stared at us. I chewed it slowly, letting the taste saturate my taste buds.

            “It’s really good,” I said breaking into a smile. It was like the place let out a relieved sigh after hearing my praise.

            In my head all I could say was Baro moves fast.

We ate the rest of the time with a sprinkle of friendly chatter here and there. After drinking the island’s special Citron tea and paying (courtesy of We Got Married’s budget of course), we left graciously to enjoy the summer sun.

In makeup splendor and Gucci sponsored sunglasses I walked around with five cute boys around me. Oh, and the film crew. We must’ve looked odd to the surrounding people. They avoided us like we carried a biological weapon or something.

We shopped around—well, window shopped. B1A4 was unexpectedly frugal. They would like something but when they looked at the price they would immediately put it back. I kept note of the things that they put back on the shelf. The boys were all similar to some degree—they would have this look when they put things back. That’s how I know that they really wanted something.

“By the way Hwang-sshi—“

“Just call me Quinn,” I smiled up at CNU. He was really tall and it made me kind of shy. TIME TO DESTROY MY INSECURITY ABOUT HEIGHT!!!

“Quinn-sshi, “he cleared his throat. “What colors do you like the best?”

I thought for a moment. “Lemme see… I like yellow and blue a lot. It makes me happy.” I gave him a big smile. I don’t know why, but I feel really bubbly around him. He’s the kind of guy that doesn’t really talk though.

He looked at the thing I was holding. “Do you like painting your nails?”

I blinked, surprised. How did he know? “Yeah, I do.” I gave a small frown. “I don’t paint it myself though, I always make a disaster if I do.”

“Oh, I see,” he ended the conversation just like that. I think he really likes silence.


The sun was starting to set and it was time to say goodbye to the boys for now. Well, kind of. We still have the interview to do after this. I waved goodbye and pretended to leave the other way. I walked up to the PD.

“PD-nim, I’m going to buy some things for the boys before the shops close. Do you want to film this?” I asked the PD he nodded and gave me a thumbs-up like it was a really good idea.

I walked back to the street with all the gift shops, cameramen and manager in tow. I entered all the shops we entered earlier and bought all the things that they seemed too shy to buy in front of a girl. In the end I had a red cardigan, a belt with intricate etchings, a hat that said “COOL GUY” in English, a pair of headphones, and a jet-black bracelet with a grape-vine design.

I think I have all the welcome home presents for my boys.



Author-nim: Hey guys! next chapter will be the interview that they do in the room with the black background. I hope you guys are looking forward to it! I just recieved my first couple suscribers yesterday and the day before I think. Thank you sooooo much! I'll keep writing for my beloved B1A4!! Keep reading!! :D

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luna-15 #1
I like the story.. I hope you're able to update soon.
Chapter 4: Omg omg omg u haf to update
Chapter 3: Omo~~
I'm really excited to read more! I really like it so far!
hyeinee #4
sorry for so much messages!
hyeinee #5
sorry... i meant... *subbed
hyeinee #6
i've subed and upvoted!
hyeinee #7
it's a cute story so far~
hyeinee #8
a korean 2 is spelled '둘' ^^