Chapter Four

It Hurts

It's the day. It's my final day to end my title as student. I did it! I look around me. My parents. They are smiling right now, so proud of my achievment. I take my hand around my father and mother's waist as I take a picture of us. The atmospher is bright, my friends with their parents, laughing, smiling, and crying. Tears and joy at the same time. I smiled. Finally.

"Go and take picture with your frined, Minah. We will wait for you in the car.", I nodded as my parents walking toward parking lot.

Where is he? Yeah. Kim Jaejoong. I am walking, walking, and keep walking. Looking for him in this crowd. My eyes turned from right to left, continously, "Jae, jae, jae"

I spotted him, with his parents, and Jinah. I just look at them, blank, my chest tightened. Hurts. He realized my precense and waved his hand, motioned me to come. I nodded.

"Good afternoon, Mr and Mrs Kim, aw you are still romantic", I smiled to them, they are blushed because their action. They just hugged each other in front of many people because how happy they are that his only son, Kim Jaejoong, already graduated from college.

"Anyyeong, Minah-ah", I turned my head to her voice. Jinah.

"Anyyeong. How are you?", She hugged me, I just smiled and hugged her back. 

The four people keep babbling about random stuffs while my mind dazed of to another world. Should I tell him? Probably it's my last time to see him. Aish. Why I became hesistant like this? I already decided last night, I will tell Jaejoong. I sighed. Calm down. Breath. 

I glanced at him, "Jae, can we talk? It's something important"

"Okay", he smiled and dragged me away from the crowd. He took me to the lake of our campus. I sighed, again, for the nth time.

"What happened? You seem bothered by something", he asked me, it's because of you, stupid!

I smiled and took a seat in nearest bench. He followed my action, he took a seat beside me. Come on, Minah. You can do it! My heartbeat increased rapidly, my mind blank, my hand was full of sweat, and my lips trembled. Breath, in and out. I smiled and turned my head to face him.

"I love you, Jae", in that time, I just heard my own heartbeat, everything in slow motion right now. And he giggled.

"I know... and I love you too", I know this scene will kappen, I already prepared about his reactions.

"No, Jae. Not as bestfriend. As a guy and woman. I don't know hot or when it start. I just realized that my heartbeat is for you. I'm looking at you, just you", I smiled and he gasped, shocked by my words.

"It's really unpredictable, right? I'm sorry, I ruined our friendship, Jae. i'm selfish. You know.... I got accepted to work in Hongkong actually. My proffesor promoted me to his friend. I'm lucky, right?", I smiled, again. His face more relaxed right now. I careseed his face by my index finger. 

"And... I will take this opportunity to forget about my feeling for you. Until that time, don't you dare to leave me. You are my bestfriend, a good one. I won't leave you. Eventough we are apart, I will text and call you.", I bit my lips, it hurts.

"Minah.... thank you.", he patted my head, once, twice, and he walked away. he dissapeared. He leave me.

why you didn't say anything? Jae?

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Chapter 7: O....kay now I need to cheer for Kris since Jae's like Sasuke who's suddenly came back and wants to become a hokage.=_=
Chapter 6: omg author-nim, for the next update, please update longer pleaseee? :')
Chapter 5: .....That was awkward BUT OH WELL CONTINUE HOHO
Chapter 4: Eeee???!only thanks???whats that supposed to be?is he an idiot???waaaaaaaaa
Chapter 3: Wah another update?kkkkk
Chapter 2: Eeeee jj u !!! U dumped her when you with your gf now u comeback tp her when u were fought with your gf /sigh/ anyway hi author nim im liking these story please do update frequently! ^___^