Chapter Three

It Hurts

"What do you want to drink?", I asked him as I opened my fridge, looking for a proper meal and beverages for my important guest.

"Take a peek on that plastic bag, I bought a few can of beer actually. Gonna party with you tonight, darl~", Jae slanged his voice, it's cute. 

"Cih, you and your failed aegyo",Well, I'm his bestfriend okay? How can I admire his aegyo in front of him? It's my own suicide! I sat next to him on the couch, I glanced at him. He is just blankly staring at my ceiling, he didn't even look at me nor drink his beer. Is she so important for you until you become a different person right now? Do you hurt that much, Jae? I'm sitting, beside you, waiting for you, why you can see me? sigh. Be patient, Minah, until graduate.

"Can I sleep on your lap? Just for tonight. Please? I'm tired, and you too. Look at our puffed eyebag. Can I?, he chuckled and touched my eyebag with his finger. His eyes met mine, he smiled, and I just nodded my head. I placed myself on the couch to get more comfortable for us. He glanced at me and took his coat and shirt in front of me. Wow. He is shirtless right now and his abs..... oh my goodness.

"Looking hot, babe?", I startled and looked away from his abs. I'm embarrased myself. Aaaargh! I saw him shirtless many times tough. Controll your hormones Minah.

I just rolled my eyes and tapped my thigh, "Don't overreacted, Jae. Sleep. Before I change my mind"

He nodded and placed his head in my lap, while his leg is a bit uncomfortable in the edge of my couch. He is tall, right.

I carresed my hand in his hair, so soft. I relaxed my back a bit and closed my eyes, "Jae, after we graduated, after we work in different place, or city, or island, even country, you won't forget me, will you?"

"Never, Minah-ah.  You are my bestfriend for four years, you are my mirror, I can see myself on you. No, I won't.", he took my hand and played it with his hand. I smiled. bestfriend.

"Thank you, Jae", again, my tears fall because of him.




I know it's really short, but! I promise you the next chapter is more interesting. It's just imagine Jaejoong doing that for me is really breathtaking LOL.



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Chapter 7: O....kay now I need to cheer for Kris since Jae's like Sasuke who's suddenly came back and wants to become a hokage.=_=
Chapter 6: omg author-nim, for the next update, please update longer pleaseee? :')
Chapter 5: .....That was awkward BUT OH WELL CONTINUE HOHO
Chapter 4: Eeee???!only thanks???whats that supposed to be?is he an idiot???waaaaaaaaa
Chapter 3: Wah another update?kkkkk
Chapter 2: Eeeee jj u !!! U dumped her when you with your gf now u comeback tp her when u were fought with your gf /sigh/ anyway hi author nim im liking these story please do update frequently! ^___^