Chapter One

It Hurts

It's my first time attend our class in my collage after a long time holiday. Everybody seems fooling around with their friends, maybe catching up by all holiday-stories that they want to share. They keep talking and talking while I am just playing with my phone. Sigh. Where is he? It's 10 am, God. How can he skipped class just now? He is dead because he didn't ask me to go out with him. Such a good friend.

Suddenly, a voice interrupt my mind, "Hey, ladies. Alone? Wanna play with me?"

This stupid voice, I'm not gonna fall to his lame joke. Gosh. Ignoring his voice, I start to play Line Jelly on my cell phone.

"Ya! I'm talking to you. Do you miss me so much? I just skipped one subjects and you mad at me? Come on girl", he take a seat beside me and pinch my cheek. I turn my head to face him er.... glare at him.

"Aw, your lovely eyes make my heart beats for you, Minah", there he goes, with his cheesy joke.

"Why you didn't text me? I wanna skipped that class too. Thas bald proffesor make my hair gonna bald too! his calculus is so.... argh! you cheated on me!", I still pissed of because his action. He skipped calculus-hell class, without me. Cih.

"it's not like I don't wanna tag along you with me, but I'm with Jinah, my girlfriend, you know, quality time in fresh morning!", yeah... his girlfriend. 

"Ouch! okay, sorry buddy, I can't watch your lovey dovey with her. I'm gonna throw up when I see your aegyo for her", I fake my vommit in front of him and he laugh because my sarcasm. I'm a bad girl, so what?

"Don't be, Minah. This, a plastic, you can puke your saliva in here", He hand me a plastic and I just walk away from him. It's enough today.

"Where are you going?" he asked me, his eyes glued to me, waiting for my answer.

"Bathroom, wanna come with me, baby?", I raise my eyebrows to him and turn my head away. My heart beating so fast. It hurts.

I reach the bathroom and go to cubicle which is empty right now.

Deg. My chest tightened, it hurts.

How can he leave me alone because his girlfriend?

How can he choose her instead of me?


Unconciously, my tears fall down from my eyes. How can I love you? You are my bestfriend after all, Kim Jaejoong/



"Minah-ah~", his voice startled me.

"What? You don't know I'm studying here? Are you blind?", eat my sarcasm Jae.

"Aw~ I love you too, okay? don't mad. I want to tell you something", he clunched his arms around my waist. And yeah, my heart raced up right now. Calm down, Minah. Controll your feeling.

I tried to sneak my arms around his shoulder, "What?"

"You know.... Jinah is a good girl right? and it looks like she has a feeling to me. What do you think? She always texted me and tell his problems to me. She said she got enough because her boyfriend and.... she wants me. I know, I look like a bad guy who seems took away Jinah from her boyfriend. But, it's not my business right? I don't know anything about her problem with her boyfriend. i just.... always there for her", my mouth gasped, my braind started to stop it machine, my heart started to beat fast, my face became pale and my tears in the edge of my eyes. He is in love with Jinah, another student from different class.

I faked my smile to him, "Ah really? wow. You don't have to hear their voice, they don't know how you and Jinah together right? It's okay if you didn't snatched her away from her boyfriend. Jinah come tou you. That's all. I know you can be a good boyfriend for her"

"Really?", suddenly his phone rang 

"Hello? Oh! Jinah? Why?---------oh yeah, I will go to your apartment, okay?", he slipped his phone to his coat and looked back at me.

"Thanks, Minah! you cleared my mind. I'm gonna tell my feeling to her. I love you, babe. I'm gonna to her apartment. She is looking for me. Sweet, right?", he beamed at me.

"Wow, good luck, dear. I will pray for you. Be careful  on your way, Okaaaaay?", I answered him and bid goodbye to him, to Jae.

I looked to my watch, 10 pm, usually Jae wouldn't le me walk alone in this time. It seems he forgot about my presence because his nervousness about Jinah. Yeah. It hurts. And then... my tears fell, my knee became weak and I just cried out my sadness there, in Campus, alone.

Flashback end.

It has been two years since that day. Jae was happy with Jinah, I know she is good for him. But why?

Why I can't stop my feeling? I still love you, Jae......






Hi hi guys. It's my first chaptered fics! in english too. HAHAHA.

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copyrights 2013, yenn95


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Chapter 7: O....kay now I need to cheer for Kris since Jae's like Sasuke who's suddenly came back and wants to become a hokage.=_=
Chapter 6: omg author-nim, for the next update, please update longer pleaseee? :')
Chapter 5: .....That was awkward BUT OH WELL CONTINUE HOHO
Chapter 4: Eeee???!only thanks???whats that supposed to be?is he an idiot???waaaaaaaaa
Chapter 3: Wah another update?kkkkk
Chapter 2: Eeeee jj u !!! U dumped her when you with your gf now u comeback tp her when u were fought with your gf /sigh/ anyway hi author nim im liking these story please do update frequently! ^___^