Maybe (I am) Gay?

In Love With School's Kingka - Spin Off Stories

Chanyeol came to school looking like hell. His friends looked at him, but he didn't care. No Baekhyun - no life. Chanyeol was pretty much out of ideas. He was giving up; on everything. He didn't need to live if Baekhyun isn't by his side. 

He wondered how could fate play with him like that. He had everything, but not the love of his life. His life was perfect, but what would make him reach nirvana was Baekhyun; without Baekhyun there's no nirvana. 

It was around lunch time when Chanyeol spotted him - looking as beautiful as always Baekhyun stood in the lunch line. Without thinking twice Chanyeol went over to the smaller boy. 

"You look lonely." he whispered in his ear. 

The other jumped up hearing that deep voice. He thought everything was over. 

"What do you want?" he asked grumpily. 

Upon hearing the other's voice Chanyeol grinned. "I thought you needed some company." 

Baekhyun stammered out a 'no' and turned around. 

"I know you have wet dreams of me." Chanyeol whispered into his ear. 

"N-no I don't!" the other responded, shakily. 

"Oh come on, don't be shy." Chanyeol leaned on his shoulder. "It's only natural you like me." he smirked. 

"I do not!"  Baekhyun pitched, shaking off Chanyeol's head with his shoulder. 

"Lies!" Chanyeol gasped dramatically. "I'll forgive you if you give me a kiss." he said. 

Baekhyun visibly reddened hearing those words. "I refuse!" he almost yelled. 

"Oh well, then." Chanyeol straighten up, but then quickly stole a kiss from a flabbergasted Baekhyun. 

A slap echoed the lunch room and everybody went quiet. Chanyeol stared wide eyed at Baekhyun who only turned around and left the cafeteria without taking his meal. 

Chanyeol strutted over to his friends table. 

"Dude, what happened?" Kris asked him.

"I got a slap" 

"No Sherlock. Why?"

"I kissed him" Luhan spurted out his juice.

"Idiot" Tao commented before going back to his sandwich.

"I just can't take it! It's so frustrating. Why can't he seem to like me?!" Chanyeol slammed his head on the table.

"Oh I don't know. How could he not like you? After you confessed to him by telling him "I'll pick you up at 8" Sehun imitated Chanyeol's deep voice. "And after he said no you stalked him and tried to sneak into his house. And then after you fell from a tree and he went out to check if you were hurt, you asked him to give you mouth to mouth so you can live. Oh and also after that didn't work you sang a serenade under his window and got a bath with cold water.

Chanyeol almost snickered remembering the serenade from the other day. After Baekhyun had rejected him he didn't give up, but went and poured his heart out to the smaller by singing under his window, only to get cold water poured on him.

"Oh and then.."  Sehun continued, but Chanyeol cut him off. 

"Okay! I get it! But I just like him so much!"

"Then try another approach" 

"Which one!?" 

"Firstly do you know anything about him? I mean beside his name?" Jongin asked hi, 

"Oh yeah! Byun Baekhyun. Born on May 6. 1992. 174 cm tall. Blood type O. Favorite color, black, grey and white. Favorite number, 48. Favorite food, anything.. Ahhh he is so dreamy" Chanyeol's eyes soften upon saying all of this. 

"Oh God, he's totally wiped" Sehun face-palemed himself.

Chanyeol could only chuckle at his friends. They were to wiped, but unlike his unlucky case, their love interests actually responded to them with love and affection. 

Where am I making mistakes?, Chanyeol asked himself. 

Later that day, Chanyeol walked around Baekhyun's house thinking how he could approach him differently. 

"Chanyeol?" he heard the familiar voice of his vixen. 

"Oh, h-hey, Baekhyun." Chanyeol almost squealed. 

"Chanyeol, I swear if you're here to stalk me I swear..." Baekhyun started. 

"No! No! I just..." Chanyeol scratched the back of his neck. "Maybe." he said in a high pitch. 

To his surprise Baekhyun smiled, but quickly put back on his poker face. Though Chanyeol caught it, he didn't comment, simply because he knew the other was only in denial and he would come around soon. But when? 

"Listen Chanyeol, I thought we already went through this and I -" 

"I know you're just playing hard to get, but you'll crack." Chanyeol grinned. He leaned down and pecked Baekhyun's cheek quickly, running off as fast as possible, leaving the other confused. 


Baekhyun chuckled. He indeed was playing hard to get, but maybe he over-did it a little. Should he really give in. Chanyeol seems pretty sincere and the feeling was some-what mutual. No matter how hard he tried to deny the feeling, Baekhyun knew his heart still beats faster with Chanyeol around. 

Chanyeol had put a lot of effort in courting him, though in a little wrong way, but the honesty still seeped through every word that left Chanyeol's mouth. Baekhyun couldn't say no. And he knew if the other asks him one more time out he would with no doubt say yes. 

Though the doubt was still there. What if he leaves? What if his feelings will pass? 

Baekhyun shook his head and went inside the house. 

If he asks again, I'll think about it, Baekhyun thought as he was doing homework, that night. 


Chanyeol woke up with a new-found strength next morning. He brushed his teeth, showered, had breakfast with his parents. 

"Mom." he called out to his mother as he was munching on his toast. 

"Yes, honey." his mother smiled sweetly. 

"How did dad confess to you?" he asked. 

His father choked on the water he was drinking. His mother only laughed, before looking back at Chanyeol. 

"He was very clumsy." she snickered. "He approached me and said 'I'll pick you up at eight', she imitated the deep voice of his father. 

"I resent that!" his father shouted. 

"After I said no," his mother continued. "- he tried another approach. He came to my house and serenaded me, my mom thought it was just some punk and gave him a good cold shower." remembering his father laughed too. 

"After that, I came with flowers and asked her father for permission to date his daughter." his father looked into his wifes eyes and smiled. "Her father said no, of course after what I manly begged him to give me a chance." 

"He hugged your grandfather's leg and refused to let go until he said yes." 

Chanyeol roared in laughter as he heard that. 

"So when he got the green light he took me out on a proper date and... now we're here." his mother sighed contently. 

"You have someone you love?" his father asked. 

Chanyeol frowned. 

"Yeah, but he seems rather a difficult one." Chanyeol said. 

"What did you do so far?" his mother asked. 

"Well...." Chanyeol scratched the back of his head. "I kind of stalked him and came out as a total creep." an idea popped into his head. "I... I have to go. I think I know where I made a mistake." Chanyeol grinned to his parents. 

"Make sure we meet him after you are official." his dad said. 

"Yeah, yeah. I'll make sure I warn him about you especially dad." Chanyeol laughed at the offended sounds that left his father's mouth and shut the door. 

Ridding  his car to Baekhyun's house Chanyeol thought about his lines well. 

This time I have to make it right. 

He stopped in front of Baekhyun's house and turned off the engine. He stayed inside for a while, his thought pondering around. Determent the left his car and made his way towards the front door. 

Before he could ring, however, the door opened and Baekhyun stood there, looking at Chanyeol. 

"Chanyeol." he said quietly. 

Chanyeol took Baekhyun's hand and led him to his car. He heard Baekhyun say something faintly, but he didn't care. 

"Chanyeol! I need to lock my house!" Baekhyun yelled. 

Chanyeol stood dumbfounded. He let go of Baekhyun's hand and the shorter trudged towards the front door. He locked it and came back to Chanyeol.

"Did you double check?" Chanyeol asked.

Baekhyun only nodded and Chanyeol claimed his hand again and led him to his car. He opened the passengers seat and Baekhyun complied without complaint. Chanyeol went around the car and entered the drivers side. 

He secured the seatbelt around himself and put the key in the ignition. The engine roared as the car came to life. In a minute they were speeding down the road. 

"Chanyeol where are you going? The school is the other way." Baekhyun said confused. 

"We're not going to school." Chanyeol simply said before taking a left turn. 

"Then, where are we going?" Baekhyun asked. 

"You'll see." Chanyeol smiled at Baekhyun and turned his eyes back to road. 

The rest of the ride was quiet, aside Chanyeol's low humming. 

Baekhyun felt calm even though he went into the unknown. The fact that he was with Chanyeol gave him reassurance, that wherever he is, he will be fine as long as the big oaf is with him. 

The car came to a stop. Baekhyun looked around and notice they were far away from the city. In fact they were far away from any civilization. 

Chanyeol left the car and ran around to open Baekhyun's door, like a gentleman. 

Baekhyun smiled softly at the gesture. Chanyeol took his hand in his big, warm one and led him the hill behind the car park. They sat on the soft grass and looked at the city bellow. 

"My name is Chanyeol. I'm seventeen years old and I love playing guitar...-" 

"What?" Baekhyun asked faintly. 

"I am a douche who doesn't consider other's feelings and think everyone will fall at my feet at two words." Chanyeol continued ignoring Baekhyun's questions. 

"I know I am not the perfect boyfriend material, but lately there's a blond boy that caught my interest and I don't mean it in a ual way. With this boy I want a real lasting relationship and maybe, no matter how silly it may sound, have a family." Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun. "Your turn." 

Baekhyun looked down flabbergasted. He had no idea what Chanyeol was about, but decided to play along. 

"Umm. I'm Baekhyun, I'm seventeen too. I like reading books and am really into fashion." he looked down. "Lately there's been this giant that twitches around me and sticks like a leech and does all the things I hate, but for some reason I don't hate him for that. He really pushes my buttons, but he can be caring and gentle at times. And I..." Baekhyun stopped as tears collected at the corners of his eyes. "- I may be ga.." he let out a sob. "I'm gay." he said finally. 

He didn't have time to look up as Chanyeol's lips connected with his. This time Baekhyun responded as tears fell down his cheeks. 

"I'm gay." 

"You're what?!" 

"I'm ... g-gay." 

A slap echoed the room and Baekhyun felt tears threaten to leave his eye ducts. The next day he found an empty room, his belongings missing too and a note. 'You are not my son anymore' 

Those six words hunted him till the very day. He would wake up thinking about them every morning, they were the words that stopped him from having a normal life. Another sob ripped through his lips and Chanyeol pulled away. 

"It's alright." he said hugging Baekhyun tightly as he cried his heart out. 

"He left me, Chanyeol!" Baekhyun wailed. 

"Shhh. I won't leave you." Chanyeol whispered. 

"When I was fifteen I told my father I am gay." Baekhyun said through his cries. "At that time I had a crush on my classmate." he hiccuped. "At first I was scared...-" another sob. "-... but soon I came in terms with myself and said it to my father." he pulled away and wiped his tears away. 

"My parents divorced when I was five. My father took custody over me, because he said I was his son and no woman will ever have any right over me. I was supposed to be his big, strong son." he puffed the words. "but I just couldn't be his dream-come-true. When I came clean about my uality he slapped me and yelled at me. He tried to beat some sense to me. After seeing it's futile he packed and the next day he was gone. I called my mom and she came right away." Baekhyun looked up at Chanyeol. 

"We left that house. A few months later my father showed up again. He claimed his custody over me and wanted to take me away. I turned sixteen just a week before and when we were in front of the judge I declared I wanted to live with my mom, he almost went ballistic." Baekhyun sobbed, reminiscing those times. 

"He tried to take me by force, but my luckily the police came in time. He was forbidden of come near me in radius of thousand kilometers and my mom and I could finally take a breather." Baekhyun sighed and looked up again. 

"Ever since then I said I was not gay and didn't date at all. Then you came into my life." Baekhyun smiled. "You were a loud, obnoxious ball of joy that shattered my walls." 

Baekhyun kept quiet waiting for Chanyeol's reaction. The giant stayed silent and it started scaring Baekhyun. 

"And here I thought I was the problem!" Chanyeol yelled astonished. Baekhyun blinked at him, before bursting into a fit of laughter. 

"Wow. After my entire miserable story, that's the only thing you can say?" he asked laughing. 

"Well, I can't say I'm sorry, because that can't take away your misery." he leaned in and rested his forehead on Baekhyun's. "But I can assure you that with me by your side, all your miseries will stay in the past." he smiled pecking Baekhyun nose. 

"Can we repeat that first date?" Chanyeol asked.

"Most certainly... we can't!" Baekhyun pushed Chanyeol and smacked him over the head. "You think you'll get a second chance after saying those words to me?!" he asked incredulously. "No way!" he crossed his arms and turned away from Chanyeol. 

"Baekkie..." Chanyeol whined. 

"Don't you 'Baekkie' me!  I won't fall for your cuteness." Baekhyun huffed, feigning anger. 

"So you're saying I'm cute." Chanyeol said more as a statement, rather than a question. 

"Depends." Baekhyun felt Chanyeol pull him into a hug, from behind. 

"On what?" Chanyeol asked into his ear. 

"On...." Baekhyun stopped in thought. "if you do what I say." he said. 

"And what is that?" Chanyeol asked grinning widely. 


"I can't be seen wearing this!" Chanyeol wailed looking down at his outfit. 

"You say I have no fashion sense!?" Baekhyun huffed. 

"You do. But for the wrong gender!" Chanyeol said, pulling on his skirt. 

Baekhyun held back a laughter. 

"You should call me oppa from now on." he burst in fit of giggles that had Chanyeol running to hug his boyfriend. 

Boyfriend. That word sounded so surreal to Chanyeol. Baekhyun is finally his boyfriend. 

Baekhyun squealed as Chanyeol tickled him. "O-okay!~" he cracked under Chanyeol's fingers. 

"Your real outfit is here." Baekhyun freed himself from Chanyeol and went to his closet. He pulled out an outfit that was same as his, but only bigger in size. 

Chanyeol grinned and gladly took the outfit before running off to the bathroom and changing. 

The two left for school in couple clothes, from head to toe, holding hands. In school everyone looked as Chanyeol entered with this guy they've never seen before. Chanyeol however ignored them all and just continued being happy.

He finally had his love and life couldn't get better. 


A/N: I know I said there will be Kaisoo, but Baekhyeol won over everyone :D 
I know it's late Sunday, somewhere even Monday, but here it is!! ^^ Hope you guys like this and those who guessed it was Baekhyun's father here's a cookie for you lol
Next Chapter: Kaisoo for sure! :D ♥
Lub cha all ♥ 

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Chapter 1: Chanyeol is damn crazy. No one can resist him
Chapter 1: So adorable
Chapter 14: I thought Luhan first met Sehun when Kyungsoo came back to school?

Or am I wrong? Lol
But anyways, I'm glad youre continuing this story again :D!!!!!!
Chapter 12: YAYS! :) Sooooo happy! Can't wait for your next update... but yeah can we add some Sulay? XD
Chapter 12: Oh yaaaaaaay! Thank you!!!
vip-alieb #7
Chapter 12: Yay! It's back! :D
Ice_siri #8
Chapter 11: Wow...I need more...why it has to end so fast...going to miss the story....thanks for sharing anyway...♡♥♡♥