Missing You

The Girl and The Wolf (Mate)
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4Men- Propose Song


Danji’s grandfather was working in his studio. He was deeply focused on his next project: a golden eagle with a snake in its mighty talons. A tap on the door didn’t break his gaze from the wooden sculpture. “Yes?”

Danji poked her head inside, “Is there anything you need? Tea, perhaps? Or fruit?”

“How about some beer?” He suggested.

“I’ll bring in some tea.” She left.

Her grandfather shook his head, “She can’t hear very well, can she?”

Danji went into the kitchen and turned the lights on. She put water in the kettle and turned the stove on. Danji put a few tea leaves into a cup and palced it on a dainty saucer. She looked up at the sky and paused. Her eyes raked over the moon.

She used to think the moon was breathtakingly beautiful.

Now…she was not quite so sure. She had never imagined that the moon could hold so much power. It was so potent and intense.

She shuddered.

*Mister Full Moon, can you please go away? Because of you, I can’t see my boyfriend comfortably. I miss him. I miss my Luhan.* Danji sighed. Her concentration was broken by a low howl. Her eyes snapped downwards. Hope escalated in her chest. *Is that…?* She looked out the window and met eyes with him, the one who she had missed.

The silver wolf nodded towards her bedroom.

Danji nodded eagerly. *I’ll be there.* She quickly poured hot water into the cup and fled with the cup and saucer. “Granpa!” Danji burst into the studio.

“Oh shucks!” Her grandfather, in a state of shock by the sudden outburst, had made a mistake and broken one of the eagle’s nails off.

“Sorry! Here’s your tea! I’m going to bed!” Danji placed the cup and saucer on the dusty table and hurried towards the door.

“Why are you so jumpy?” Her grandfather could not help but notice.

Danji froze. *Oh, no. Why did I act so hyper? Of course he would see that and be suspicious!* “I’m not, um, jumpy, nope, not at all,” She casually rubbed her cheek, “But I am tired. We did so many sit-ups in PE class today. I should tuck in early. Good night!” Danji exited the room.

Her grandfather shook his head as he put the cup to his lips, “I will never understand teenage girls. AH! So hot! I told her I wanted beer! Instead, I got a burnt tongue!” He shoved the tea cup aside and went back to his work.

Danji hurried to her room. She opened the door and spun around to ever-so-quietly shut it. *I hope grandpa won’t check on me in the middle of the night.* Danji locked the door just in case he would. With a careful look at the door, she turned forward and rammed right into someone.

A loud gasp escaped , but Luhan quickly clamped a hand over . They both stood still with pounding hearts. They waited for her grandfather to race inside, but he never did. They sighed in relief, and slowly, he lowered his hand. Danji looked up at Luhan.

A rush of emotions hit her, but most of all, she was blinded by longing. She had never realized she would miss him so much. And she was glad he was finally in front of her again. Danji threw her arms around his neck. “I missed you.” She whispered.

Luhan blinked in surprise, but a tender expression replaced his shocked one soon. He embraced her tightly, “I missed you, too, gongzhu.”

Danji smiled against his skin as she buried her face in his neck. Then her eyes snapped wide open in realization. *The full moon!* Danji pulled back and stared up at him with worry, “How come you’re here? The moon is full and still up-“

“I couldn’t stay away from you.” Luhan said truthfully.

Her expression softened, “Luhan…”

“I fought with myself. I wanted to come see you so badly, but I didn’t know if I could restrain myself. But I really, really had to see you. Being away from you drives me crazy. I can’t stand it. Not for another second.” He confessed.

Her heart inflated with love and admiration. *I feel exactly the same way.* Danji encircled her arms around his waist and pressed her cheek against his chest. She could hear his strong, thumping heart. “I’m glad you came.” Danji whispered.

Smiling, Luhan hugged her tightly. He savored the feeling of her in his arms. It had been torture to be separated from her.

Luhan nuzzled her neck and breathed in her scent. Then he froze.

Something about her scent was off.

She still smelled like sweet raspberry and vanilla, but he could smell something else from her, too.

Luhan pulled back and searched her face.

“What’s wrong?” Danji asked, confused.

“Why can I…smell coyote from you?” Luhan tilted his head in puzzlement.

Danji stiffened. *Oh, no. I knew I should have taken a shower as soon as I came home.* She was debating whether she should tell him about Jin or not.

Luhan sniffed her hands, “You smell like blood…a coyote’s blood…” He gave her a suspicious look, “You didn’t go out in the forest alone, did you? Like I told you not to?”

Danji gulped. She made a split decision not to tell him about Jin. “N-no, I mean, I went to Minyoung’s house, so maybe that was where I got the scent.”

Luhan sighed, “You came home alone? What about Lay? I told him to watch out for you.”

“It’s no big deal. Really. I’m fine, see?” Danji held out her arms.

Luhan kissed both her wrists, “Yeah, but next time, I want you to ask one of us to walk home with you. Scratch that, ask only me.”

Danji chuckled. The possessive Luhan was back, and she was glad to be with him again. They shared about their days and discussed about the upcoming weekend.

Luhan searched the room but could not find what he was looking for.

“What do you need?” Danji asked.

“What did you do with the glass wolf figurine I gave you?” He asked.

Her eyes enlarged. *Oh crap! I forgot about that!* She hurried to the shelf and opened the forgotten box. “Here it is!” Danji yanked the wolf out and yeld it up in the air.

Luhan gave her a strange look as he took the wolf from her, “What was that doing in there?”

Danji gave him a weak smile, “I…was scared of you at that time, so I…put it away in the box to not remember you.” He gaped at her, “You did just that because you were scared of me?!”

“Mmhmm.” Danji nodded, ashamed. Luhan gave her a look, “I think it’s more because you hated me.”

Danji flinched. He had hit bull’s eye.

Luhan sat at her desk. He noticed the sketchbook and looked through her drawings. Danji blushed and covered her drawings, “Don’t look!” Luhan pulled her hands away, “Why not? Your drawings are beautiful.”

“I-I’m too shy. I don’t really show people my drawings, not even my grandpa or Minyoung.” She stammered, flustered.

“You’re so freaking adorable,” He kissed her hand before flipping towards the back pages, “I want to see the drawing of me! Can I rip it out and take it home? I’ll frame it and hang it on my wall.” Luhan smiled widely.

*Oh, shoot. I forgot about that, too.* Danji bit her lower lip, “Actually, Luhan…” He tilted his chin upwards and looked up at her. She looked down at him and pouted, “Sorry.”

His face fell, “Don’t tell me.”

She slapped a hand over her face, and her muffled confession spilled out, “I…tore it up and threw it away…on the same day I put the glass wolf away.”

Luhan put a hand over his wounded chest. *Damn. I never knew I had disgusted her that much, enough to shove my gift into a box and trash her drawing of me.* “Why don’t you just take a knife and twist it through my heart?” He asked sarcastically.

Danji grew crimson, “I’m terribly sorry.” She brightened with a new offer, “I’ll draw you again though, if that makes you feel better!”

Luhan raised an eyebrow, “Draw me?”

“I’ll do it right now. Here,” Danji took the sketchbook from him, “Go on the bed.”

“On the…bed?” His eyebrow rose even higher. She nodded, not thinking of her suggestion as anything, “Go.”

“Okay…” Luhan stood up and walked over to her bed. He sat on the edge of the bed and eyed her, “Is that okay?”

“Yeah, perfect. Stay still, okay?” Danji sat on the chair. She took out her sketch pencil and eraser and prepared to sketch him. “I’ve never actually sketched anyone while they knew I was drawing them, so forgive me if my drawing comes out a little strange, okay?” Danji laughed nervously.

Luhan suggestively leaned back with his palms pressed on the soft mattress and tilted his head with dazzling eyes. “Are you sure there isn’t anything else you need me to do?” <

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"The Girl And The Wolf" is available again! Enjoy reading!
I will unlock the next series soon :)


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thank you for the story!
jayzie #3
Chapter 1: omg! i really miss this story!! thank u for bringing it back <3
750 streak #4
Chapter 51: So glad I ran across your story, I can’t believe it was written so very long ago. It’s timeless and literally could have been written now. I love Paranormal Romance and this one did not disappoint. Thank you for sharing it with us and I am really looking forward to reading the sequel.
Chapter 51: ! THE ENDING !
i may or may not have cried when they were reunited

thank you so much for writing this story !! i love werewolf fics so much :') i do not regret ditching school work to binge read this book haha
Chapter 35: oh god that was so unexpected,, i'm now even more excited to read the next chapters !
OMOOOOOOO having you open your stories again for us to read is really a blessing! thank you so much for opening these stories to us author-nim! I missed all of your stories, I always go here in AFF when I feel like I need to release some stress, and having you back is really amazing OTL ahhhhh you're one of the reasons why I decided to create an account and not be a silent reader huehue
Chapter 51: Great story
Li5erally my fav story all time