
Stranger in Paris


Those Saturdays watching endless marathons of America’s Next Top Model really did pay off. 

Seohyun flipped through this month’s issue of Vogue magazine, gaping at a version of herself that she didn’t know existed.

“Told you all would turn out well,” Suho said with an I-told-you-so look written all over his face. “You’ve become a big success.”

“Tell me again what you said before.” She stared in disbelief at the photos.

“Were you not paying attention?” He put a plate of eggs and croissants in front of her. “I’m telling you Seohyun, we’ve never had this many copies sold before. Ever. Ever.”

“Why?” She chewed on a croissant, wishing something could make her mind clear up a bit.

“To be honest, people are tired of the same old faces gracing the cover of our magazine every time, even if it is Vogue.” He chewed while he talked. “So to see you on there, it’s refreshing. A new face is just what the country was looking for.”

“What else?” Seohyun inquired. “A ‘fresh face’ isn’t the only thing that led to sold-out copies, now is it?” She knew better. There was something else going on.

“A fresh but also a beautiful face.” Suho smiled with a whole croissant smack dab where his teeth were supposed to be.

Seohyun was ready to smack him upside the head, him and that stupid croissant. There was no time for joking around in a situation like this. When he told her that this could be her big break, he wasn’t lying. 

Ever since the first copy of this month’s issue had hit the shelves, Suho had been getting an endless amount of phone calls from the headquarters. Employees forwarded messages to him from designers across the country saying that they wanted this new girl (mademoiselle, a word Seohyun loved hearing) to model for their designs as well. And because Paris was one of the fashion capitals of the world, these designers weren’t just local.

Christian Dior, Valentino, Elie Saab - you name it; they wanted her. She had the figure, the looks, and the chic quality they all were looking for. She could be innocent or y, commanding or farouche with a simple click! of the camera. Seohyun was a blank and open canvas, a versatile custom-made order for the fashion industry, and they were head-over-heels for a woman like that. 

But why all of a sudden her?

“Suho, you gotta tell me!” She begged. “Why did I become successful?”

“You say it like it’s a bad thing,” he laughed, almost choking on his scrambled eggs. “Okay, okay. I think the most important thing about this issue is not just your pictures, but the story written about you on the sides of the page.”

Seohyun flipped back a few pages, back to the beginning of her twenty-something page spread. Story? There was a story about her?

It hit her, then. The person who wrote the story, who wrote every word and detail about the photo shoot at the Louvre, was him. It was the journalist, the columnist she constantly looked at to make sure he was still present in the room. The one with the sparkling eyes and the worn, old cap on his lovely little head.

It was Luhan who did this.

Seohyun found it; the story was typed next to her first picture on the spread. The title was in big, bold letters: 

Stranger in Paris

Seohyun read the first paragraph while Suho cleaned up their breakfast plates. It read:

A new face has arrived onto the scene. Fresh, enigmatic, and chic. It’s no coincidence that for Vogue’s Spring Issue, we’re opening our Spring/Summer fashion extravaganza with a stunning newbie who has caught the attention of designers and stylists alike. 


Okay, maybe that last part was a bit of a lie back then. 


On-camera, her unleashed innocence and charisma captivates, and her face offers no unfortunate angles. Off-camera, however, 21-year-old Seohyun has the girl-next-door approachability that the fashion industry has a high demand for. The crew on set was delighted to have her, to have this blossoming model grace the cover of our most important issue of the year. And she was also delighted to help.

Although new to the fashion world, don’t be fooled. She has the potential to make it big this year, this season even. In no time, you’ll be seeing this stranger on headlines, runways, and an endless amount of spreads to come. She’ll be wearing that Valentino gown your favorite celebrity will be drooling over way before it even hits the market. A new face in a new city. Let’s watch carefully as she slowly makes her way up the social ladder. 

This stranger in Paris will become a household name in no time.


Seohyun’s jaw dropped. Suho walked over to her, not sure if she was still functioning right. “Um, Seo? You still there?”

She closed and finished reading the article. “”

“Fantastic, isn’t it?”

“Wasn’t that a little overdone? I’m flattered, but...”

Suho took a seat in front of her. “That’s what journalism is all about. Give the facts, but spruce it up a bit. People want to read something interesting, something with a little kick in it. That’s his job, and he did more than we could ever ask for.”

Seohyun looked down, a smile forming on her face. Maybe she didn’t mind becoming a model after all. This could be fun, she thought. Thanks to that wonderful Luhan. That enchanting stranger named Luhan. 

“Hey, I’m going to head off to the headquarters. You wanna come?”

She shook her head. “No, I kind of wanted to see the city today. Find some new places, you know? They’re everywhere you look, but I’ve just never been.”

Suho stood up and nodded. “Yea, okay. But don’t forget to bring your phone, so in case you get lost—”

“I can call you,” Seohyun finished his sentence. “Got it, chief.”

Suho smiled his million-dollar smile, patted her head, and headed for the door, his jacket hung over his shoulders. As the front door closed shut, Seohyun looked down at the magazine for the umpteenth time. Her eyes searched for his name, but she couldn’t find it. She flipped page by page, finally coming to the end of the journal entry, but the name she was looking for wasn’t there. Instead, it was someone else’s.

No, it couldn’t be. Seohyun shook her head. Luhan was the one who was there that day, the only one writing, the only one documenting everything. He was the one who wrote this story, not this unfamiliar name printed shamelessly in the magazine. She stood up, grabbed her heels, and hurried out the door. Magazine firmly rolled up in her hand, she knew there was something wrong going on. Alone in the elevator, her mind raced with all sorts of questions, but the most important one she asked aloud to herself.

“Sehun Oh,” she breathed. “Who exactly are you?”



Ta da! End of Chapter 4~

Luhan's identity will start to unfold from here on...

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Fire_trek 341 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 3: I’m already in love with this story! It’s so rich and beautiful and the poetry is ace! I wonder how all these men will fit into her life, hopefully she gets a job at Vogue with Suho.
Fire_trek 341 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 2: Aw snap we’re starting off with Luhan, this is going to be good. The poetry in this is magnificent and the detailed work of your writing stands out!
aGIrLthatLUVsPinK #3
Chapter 18: Happy ending!! Wow,, always be seohan :))) true love is FOREVER !!! <3
aGIrLthatLUVsPinK #4
Chapter 17: Awwww,,can't say anything at all <3 <3 <3
aGIrLthatLUVsPinK #5
Chapter 8: I totally love seohan :))..seems like they falling to fast <3 <3
aGIrLthatLUVsPinK #6
Chapter 3: Totally love the poetries and your work author,,,:D
aGIrLthatLUVsPinK #7
Chapter 2: Seohan,,they finally met.
aGIrLthatLUVsPinK #8
Chapter 1: I love the trailer author,!!! O.M.G seoho and seohan ,,,:)!!
aGIrLthatLUVsPinK #9
Will read this story,,,our seohyunnie,!!
Chapter 18: i love your story <3 so beautiful. thank you.