Big Break

Stranger in Paris


“So, you said you came to Paris looking for something?”

The elevator opened, and the two of them made their way out the front doors.

“What is it?”

Seohyun side-eyed him. “That’s a secret.”

Suho helped her into his car, like the gentleman he was, and took his seat soon after. “Alrighty, then.”

The engine roared to life, and soon the car flowed into the rushing river of lifeless chrome and steel. Every car was black, silver, silver, or black. Seohyun gazed up at the world around her, at each passing light and each sauntering cloud, single-filed trees along the sides of the road. 

“But when you find what you’re looking for, will you tell me then?”

Her eyes stayed glued to the panorama. “Of course.”

Suho smiled. He trusted her, so he was satisfied. He knew that Seohyun was an honest person; therefore, there was no need to push the matter any further. Honesty. That was the beauty of friendship, right?

The whole world seemed to be in a rush, and soon they arrived at the Louvre. Seohyun couldn’t believe her eyes, her expression the same as the tourists around her. You could say she was a tourist herself, but she certainly didn’t look or dress the part, especially with Suho next to her.  As the two walked toward the photo shoot’s venue, men and women alike couldn’t keep their eyes off of Seohyun. She truly was beautiful, the epitome of grace and charm. 

Inside the Louvre, they were led to the venue. Room after room, Seohyun couldn’t absorb all the history and grandeur being suddenly thrown at her within the span of a few minutes. The walls echoed centuries of stories; each painting boasted the splendor of its age.

“Monsieur, we are so glad you are here!”

Suho greeted the photo shoot’s organizer. “How’s everything going?”

The man inhaled sharply. “There is one minor problem, Monsieur.”

Suho motioned for him to continue; although, he wasn’t so excited to hear what he had to say next.

“One of our models is missing. We called her, but to no avail, Monsieur. She cannot be reached.”

Putting his hands on his hips, Suho sighed. He looked over the man’s shoulder, observing the photo shoot. Only one model absent. Perhaps one of the present models could fill in, but that would require more time. The fitting of clothes would have to be changed and—

A squeal of delight broke his train of thought. Suho turned around to see the organizer holding onto Seohyun’s arms, smiling at her and shaking his head up and down.

“Mademoiselle, you are perfect!” 

Seohyun raised an eyebrow. “Um...excuse me?”

“What’s going on?” Suho walked over, voice stiffened. 

“Is this your madame, monsieur? Or just a mademoiselle?”

“Just a friend.” Suho coughed. “Why?”

The man circled Seohyun, muttering parts of the body under his breath: arms, legs, bust, face, eyes, neck, and so on. “My my, she fits the part. May we borrow her instead?”

“Oh, but I’m not a model, not at all.” Seohyun’s eyes pleaded at Suho’s, desperately calling for help. “ No, sorry.”

“But mademoiselle, you are perfect! Not only the measurements are right, but your face certainly is beautiful. Aren’t I right, Monsieur?”

Suho looked at Seohyun apologetically. He faced the organizer with his mind all made up. “When are you not right?”

The man clapped in victory, pulling Seohyun away to the makeup stations. Seohyun couldn’t believe it. He betrayed her, that traitor. Traitor, traitor, traitor. She bit her lips and promised for revenge if this turned out to be a complete disaster.

A model. Seohyun laughed sarcastically to herself. She came here as a tourist, not a supermodel. When she said she wanted to find a job in Paris, she never meant a job like this. Oh, she would definitely get Suho back for this.

Before she knew it, makeup was being slapped onto her face. Stylists flew to her from every direction, styling her hair and measuring the outfits. She coughed at the powder flying in front of her face and grimaced at the pinching sensation the ridiculously high stilettos gave her. She was a barbie doll being forced to play dress-up by overgrown kids with a maniacal knowledge for style and couture. 

Suddenly, everyone backed away slowly, taking one last look at their final masterpiece. Seohyun stood up, or rather stumbled up, and was led to the nearest mirror. Whispers and smiles of approval resonated behind her reflection.

If she looked the part before, she most certainly looked the part now. Her expression was gentle but her eyes fierce, her body sultry but her overall appearance innocent. The person she saw in the mirror was a living paradox, and it made her completely speechless. The clothes fit like a glove and flared out in all the right places. She almost wanted to smile to herself in satisfaction, but her pride took over when she heard footsteps nearing from behind.

She turned around to see Suho smiling so brightly that his eyes turned into crescents. Seohyun cleared and tapped her foot on the ground. “Kim Suho.”

He rubbed his neck and kept smiling in an effort to sway her disapproval with him. “I’ll make it up to you later?”

“Kim Suho, if I live through this, there won’t be a later for you.”

“Oh, come on,” he laughed. “You never know. This could be your big break!”

“Big break, huh?” She hated it when he acted so happy like that. She could never stay mad at anyone, but especially not to that face. “I’m going to be in every Vogue magazine all across France, and all I wanted to do today was sightseeing. Is this what a big break feels like?”


“If all goes well, maybe I’ll thank you for it later, but I doubt it will.”

The staff bowed as Suho escorted Seohyun out of the makeup stations and into the photo shoot. It was a bit intimidating, Seohyun had to admit, watching the models pose for each shot. The closest she had ever been to something like this was picture day, senior year of high school. Two shots for each student, and that was already the most stressful experience she had ever had in her entire life so far. She could only imagine what she was in for today.

“Wait here,” Suho told her calmly. “I’m needed elsewhere.”


“Duty calls.” He patted her back in reassurance. “You’ll be fine.”

Before she could object, he was already walking away to who knows where. She sighed and stood by herself, patiently waiting for her turn to be called up. This was insane, absolutely absurd. She didn’t know how to model. She could never learn even the basics in such short notice.

No, be positive, she told herself. Seohyun breathed in and out, steadying her breath, calming her nerves. 

“Now, what do I remember from America’s Next Top Model?,” she whispered.

She looked around the room in despair. At times like these, her trusty notebook would never fail to calm her down and give her knowledge. Nothing in this room gave her inspiration, mostly because everything was a sculpture or painting, and Seohyun was pretty sure that art made centuries ago was not created to assist her in how to pose for Vogue. Desperately, she looked harder, despite knowing it wouldn’t help. Perhaps Tyra Banks would pop out any second now to her rescue.

At the corner of her eye, she caught sight of something, or rather, someone. He was alone, leaning against a far wall, and was jotting down something in a journal. But the thing that caught her attention about him was his cap. She knew she had seen it before.

Her feet carried her to him, not realizing she was walking until she was only a few feet away. It was too late for her to turn back, mostly because she had already been noticed by this intriguing person.

He looked up, eyes twinkling in the light. He wore the same kind face and even the same cap as last time.

“Luhan,” Seohyun breathed. “Hi...”

His eyes widened. “Hello.”

“What are you doing here?” She still couldn’t believe it was him. “Do you work here?”

“I’m a journalist,” he stated simply. “A columnist.”

“For Vogue?” Luhan nodded. “Oh! So you’re writing about today’s photo shoot?”

“Yes.” He was his reserved self from before, but Seohyun liked the version of him where he talked freely and smiled constantly.

It was silent for a moment, Seohyun recollecting her thoughts of this coincidental encounter. 

“You’re a model?” Luhan asked, making an effort to be more friendly.

Smiling through the layers of makeup, she shook her head. “Not could say I’m a last minute replacement. Well, I am a last minute replacement, but I meant it in another way. I mean, you see, I’m not...” She was stumbling on her words the same exact way she was stumbling on her heels. Seohyun mentally punched herself. She thought that she might as well punch herself in real life to save her from looking at him again.

Luhan’s smile made her shut up. There was something about the way his face lit up that was so incredibly beautiful, so breathtaking. He was absentmindedly entrancing her, and Seohyun couldn’t help but fall into his innocent spell. 

“I never would have known you weren’t a model,” he assured her.

Seohyun blushed. For once she was thankful for the makeup caking her face, blush already existent on the hundredth layer of powder, which hid her real pink cheeks.

“I’d like to see you again sometime, Luhan.”

He froze, looking back down to his journal. “Me? Why would you?”

“I like you a lot,” she said innocently. “I think we get along well.”

Luhan opened his mouth, but before he could reply, a voice called out for the one he was talking to. He looked up to see Sir Kim walking towards them, a smile plastered on his face.

“Seohyun, you’re up!” He looked at Luhan beside her. “Good afternoon, monsieur.”

“Good afternoon, monsieur.” Luhan bowed his head and gave a cautious smile.

“I’m gonna go ahead and tell the photographer you’re coming,” Suho told Seohyun. With that, he left just as quickly as he had come.

“You are acquainted?” Luhan asked. He was obviously talking about Suho.

“Yes, we’re friends, close friends.”

“No.” His words voiced authority. “Not me.”

Seohyun was confused. “What?”

“You said you wanted to see me again, but the answer is no.” He looked at her intently, catching her off guard. “I’m sorry.”

“Why? Is something wrong?”

“No.” He sounded almost apologetic. “I simply can’t.”

Luhan turned to leave, but was stopped by a simple touch of his sleeve. He turned back around expecting to see an expression of defeat, but once again, this person had surprised him. Seohyun faced him with a blissful expression, one with a childish happiness sprinkled on top. Her smile was dazzling. 

“Please stay, then.”




Because I won't update until maybe late next week, I'm publishing two whole chapters!
I'll be gone for some time, so I hope you enjoy the next chapter as well.

A new character will make his (that's right, his) debut soon, so stay tuned ^^

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Fire_trek 353 streak #1
Chapter 18: Ahhh! This was a great ending, everybody won in the end. And they seem to have a great dynamic with everyone. Thank you author nim for this story. It was fantastic!
Fire_trek 353 streak #2
Chapter 17: Yay! They kissed and made up. I’m glad that Luhan came to his senses, and just at on time but Seohyun wasn’t leaving anyway. She stayed for him. lol at him being oblivious to her reasoning. This is true love!
Fire_trek 353 streak #3
Chapter 16: Wow, I didn’t expect Luhan and Suho to be cousins. His disposition makes sense now, but still he shouldn’t have been so cold to Seohyun. Hopefully he can make this right
Fire_trek 353 streak #4
Chapter 15: It’s never too late to fix it! I’m glad that Sehun talked some sense into him, he does run people away and hopefully he fixes this.
Fire_trek 353 streak #5
Chapter 14: Why is Luhan pushing Seohyun away? He can’t be that bad, and she does love him. I wonder how Suho will feel with Seohyun leaving? But I doubt she’ll leave because her heart belongs to Luhan
Fire_trek 353 streak #6
Chapter 13: The thrill of the chase! I’m glad Luhan showed up and noticed Seohyun. Suho is like the big brother trying to be protective but also letting her have her freedom. I also enjoyed the poetry in this chapter, it was very captivating
Fire_trek 353 streak #7
Chapter 12: Aww Luhan loves Seohyun! But he needs to make a move. His relationship with his mother is touching and I can tell he’s a good guy.
Fire_trek 353 streak #8
Chapter 11: Is it me or does Suho and Seohyun have a chemistry that a romantic couple would have? But then he gets goofy and it goes back to the platonic/ brother-sister relationship. I bet Luhan is going to the masquerade too! Let the drama begin
Fire_trek 353 streak #9
Chapter 10: Damn Luhan out here making enemies! Why would he want to do that to Suho? And who is this mystery woman? So many questions.. let’s see if they get answered next chapter
Fire_trek 353 streak #10
Chapter 9: So Luhan’s reputation unfortunately precedes him. I’m glad that Seohyun is going to protect him though. I can’t wait until they meet again!