
Stranger in Paris


“Suho, will your uncle be coming to the party?”

He turned around, still buttoning his suit. “My uncle? No, why?”

“Nothing. I was just wondering.”

Seohyun looked at the clock on the far wall. It was almost five in the evening, nearly an hour left before the ball was scheduled to start. She was covered head to toe now in glitz and glamour, her new gown draping elegantly along her figure. Seohyun kept accessories to a minimum in order to bring attention to the dress only; she wanted to put Suho’s gift to good use and esteem. All there was left to do now was wait for him to get ready, but there were a few minutes left to spare.

“I’ll be right back, Suho.” She climbed up the stairs, heading to her room. “It’ll only take a minute.”

It had been weeks now since her first poetry entry. It was so unlike her. Usually she’d bring along her trusty notebook wherever she went, writing down what she felt whenever inspiration spurred along; however, that wasn’t the case anymore. Time was scarce and work was plenty, a symphony of jobs and shows played together back to back, preventing her from even giving a thought to her initial passion - her love for writing, for poetry. It had recently been in the back of her mind, but now inspiration was calling.

Seohyun picked up her notebook, flipped its pages, and recalled each one like a preserved memory. Each poem had its own story, its own circumstance, its own life. This new page would serve as a new tale.


Vibrant is the passion,

Vibrant are the trees;

Curiosity, predestined inquiry

Fall like the autumn leaves.


Hidden quietus

In the mask of beauty;

Short is the indulgence, the life

Of autumn’s notoriety. 


So let passion be vibrant,

So let foliage dance;

For it is only sensible and fair

To give autumn a chance. 


She stared at the impressions of fresh ink on paper now permanently engraved into her notebook, for who knows how long it would be until her next entry. Each word that had been written down felt right and sure, unwavering despite resting on flimsy paper. Sliding it back into her desk, Seohyun headed back downstairs where a very poised Suho stood at the door waiting for her. 

“Ready to go, mademoiselle?” He gestured towards the door.

With a smile, she took his outstretched hand. “Take me to the palace, monsieur.”

The two walked out the door, down to the lobby, and through the front entrance. As swiftly and carefully as possible, they slid into the car without much notice, although even the simplest glance towards their direction would capture anyone’s attention. The engine roared to life, and soon they were amongst a drift of steel and silver chrome. 

“Actually, I think my uncle might be at the party,” Suho said. “I’m not sure, though.”

Seohyun nodded. “You know, I’ve only met him once before - your uncle.”

“Really? Is that why you were wondering a little while ago?”

“Yeah, just a little curious about him.”

Suho turned right and entered a new street. The streetlights floated above them now like lanterns guiding a pathway, shadows where the light failed to reach flying past the car in given intervals. “I’m sure he doesn’t have a problem with you.” 

“Not what I was curious about,” she smiled, “but thanks for letting me know.”

“Then what do you want to know about him?”

Seohyun looked out the window. “He’s your uncle, but you never really talk about him is all. For someone who’s your sole family member here, you’re awfully quiet about him.”

“He’s not exactly a family-oriented kind of guy per se.”

“He must hold you in high esteem, though. I mean, he gave you a job so high up in the company.”

Suho shrugged. “My uncle doesn’t have any children, so...” He trailed off, letting the words float away from his mouth. “So I guess I was his only choice.”

“Hmm,” she acknowledged. “I’m sure there’s more to him than that.”

The once modern French buildings around them were now turning into something of a more old-fashioned feel, details and moldings of exquisite taste accenting the properties from top to bottom. The air of Versailles was in their midst, and their venue was in close range at this point.

“Can’t have a masquerade ball without masks,” Suho said as he pointed in front of Seohyun. “Reach in there while I find some parking.”

Seohyun extended a hand into the glove compartment, and her fingers happened upon something of delicate, curved metal. She pulled out two masks, both so different from each other. The first was crafted with metal that appeared gold, with streaks of thin strips curving and twisting around each other until it was shaped into a mask. On both sides the strips of gold branched out with wisps flying smoothly towards the sky, forming some sort of a pair of ornate wings. It was as tough as a rock, but it looked so delicate as if the slightest touch would snap it in half. 

The second mask was too simple in comparison. It looked sharp and clean, the edges pointing up from the eyes making it look rather alluring. Other than that, it was a plain white, with no additional ornaments or details to make it stand out. It truly had a mysterious element to it that was always needed in a masquerade ball.

With the car now in park, Seohyun handed him his mask as she tried to put on hers.

“Why is mine so - I don’t know - rococo?” she pointed out to him. “And why is yours so - I don’t know - not?”

Suho let out a chuckle as he helped her tie on her mask. “Why? You don’t like the one I got you?”

“Suho, that’s not what I said.” She adjusted it so her eyes could see clearly from each hole, now peeking out through swirls of gold. “I’m asking why you went through the trouble to get me a mask so extravagant while yours doesn’t really, well, meet up.”

“I’m a simple guy,” he answered simply. “And you know I only want the best for you.”

Next thing she knew, he was already slamming his car door shut, taking long strides around the car in order to reach her door.

Seohyun half-smiled. “Unbelievable. You know that Suho? You’re unbelievable.”

As Suho helped her out, she carefully fixed her dress. She took his arm, and together they headed towards the venue.

The palace was like something out of a history book or even a fairy tale. She had always seen it in pictures, but to see it in person was a whole different experience. It was an architectural masterpiece, lighting up beautifully against the night sky like a palace of gold. The chill of the air made her intake of this place that much more electrifying as she watched guests all dressed up walk towards the supernal gates beyond them. It felt as if the world had traveled three hundred years back in time - back to a time when a ball such as this was no feat out of the ordinary. It was as if it was just another night at the palace, complete with a king and queen and their loyal subjects, ready to whisk the night away in silk skirts and brass buttons. 

A guard checked in every guest with a simple flash of his or her invitation. Suho needn’t bother as he simply lifted up his mask to reveal his face. An invitation in the flesh, Seohyun thought. What power he held, almost like a king. As the guard gestured toward the palace, she gave a polite nod as a gesture of gratitude. 

Despite the single-man entrance, security was tight in the vicinity of the palace, warding off paparazzi and possible unwelcome impostors. So far, however, no problem had disturbed the early night, much to Suho’s relief. The guests entered through the front and continued walking through doors of meticulous adornments, past the foyer and out the lower gallery.

“Where’s the party being held, Suho?” Seohyun whispered. The sound of everyone’s footsteps echoed loudly in the massive room. “As grand as it is, I don’t believe Versailles has a ballroom.”

“Precisely,” he answered. “We have everything set up and ready in the gardens.”

They came to a halt at the back of a line, partners filed up before a door leading to the gardens. She realized what this was and let her lips curve up to a knowing smile. Suho and his so-called party planners had really insisted on making this evening as royal as possible, and this line they were standing in was a procession of announcing names. Once the guest came to the front, they would whisper their name to an employee at the door; the employee would then announce the name in a booming voice to declare that guest’s arrival to the ones already present and enjoying the night away. Royal treatment indeed, Seohyun thought. Not a single detail was missed, as expected of someone like him. 

Seohyun felt eyes all over her as she stepped forward with Suho in tow. The view of the endless gardens was too much to take in, probably the most beautiful sight she had ever seen and will ever see in her lifetime. Before she could cherish the view, the booming voice of the man beside Suho shook her back in place.

“Sir Kim Suho and Lady Seohyun!”

Oh, Suho, she thought. You’ve really outdone yourself this time. 

As if the fancy title wasn’t enough, their names were just as competent in drawing everyone’s attention from below. The strangers in masks applauded as the two made their way down the steps. Two very important guests of the evening had finally made their appearance: the main man himself and the ever so important supermodel of the year. 

“What’s the point of a masquerade ball if your name is announced to the whole French population?” Seohyun asked in a hushed tone as she planted each heel firmly upon each step down. 

Suho slowed his pace to ensure her stable footing. “It tests the memory. It’s not like we’ll be able to remember more than half of the people’s names by the time the night ends. Besides, it’s better to know who’s arrived than look for someone you don’t even know is here.”

Seohyun nodded as she made a sigh of relief, their feet finally coming in contact with the floor. The grounds were stunning from every direction and every angle. Swirls of miniature hedges twisted and turned around trees which surrounded the perimeter in the shapes of cones and sugar cubes. Beyond the edge of the palace, the gardens continued to run for miles and miles, a beautiful masterpiece of plants and fountains meticulously placed in just the right places. The fountains that stretched on reflected the luminous moon in its waters, ripples of white contrasting the dark shadows of the evening. 

She wanted to walk there, to waltz around in the gardens just beyond her reach, to explore the playground that once belonged to the aristocracy of the past. She didn’t care if she had to go alone or with someone else; she just wanted to go.

But of course, she couldn’t. The party was here, not there. As an honorable guest of the evening, Seohyun had to maintain her status quo, especially with Suho at her side. She had to be exemplary. She had to be composed. She had to be proper. 

After a few petty conversations with people of all kinds of positions in the fashion industry, Seohyun got a little tired of constantly faking smiles and compliments. She didn’t know how Suho could possibly keep up with such a facade all the time. Her eyes scanned the crowd, but behind various costumes and masks, she had almost no hope in finding the person she secretly wished for. Maybe Luhan had decided not to come. As she played with her cuffs, Suho leaned in closer to speak over the loud chatter and music. 

“Dinner will be served soon,” he told her. “I’m going to go check up on it.”

He turned to walk away, but Seohyun grabbed hold of his sleeve and tugged it. 

“Can I come with you?”

He wasn’t expecting the question, but a smile grew across his face, beaming like always. “Of course.”

The two walked through a crowd of satin and silk, of feathers and gold. Not a single figure looked familiar to Seohyun as she searched through the crowds. Second thoughts shrouded her mind. Maybe it was best if she stayed outside. But inside, she would be able to see the palace in its purest and emptiest state, without a flutter of people flocking from room to room as noisy as they were out here. An aficionado of history, Seohyun wouldn’t hesitate to pick the latter choice, but something in her mind tugged at her instincts.

Halfway up the stairs, she let her hand slip out of Suho’s arm, much to his surprise. He turned around with a look of worry written on his face.

“Seo, you okay?”

She nodded. “On second thought, Suho, I’ll be fine out here.”

“You sure? I thought you would’ve loved seeing the inside of the palace more than anything,” he pointed out. “The guests aren’t in yet, so you could wander around if you’d like to - just you and me.”

A sharp pang of guilt bit at Seohyun’s mind. “”

“Is there someone out there?” he realized. “Someone important?”

She bit her lip, not knowing why she was doing this at all. “I think so.” 

“Okay,” he smiled. “See you at dinner, then.”

The smile he had given her seemed almost melancholy, much different from his usual gleaming one. Now Seohyun’s instincts had made a full turnaround, and her reason for wanting to stay behind had become almost irrelevant. She had never seen such an expression cross his face before, only knowing ones of glee and honesty. It was as if his pain was also hers, but the reason for his vexation was incomprehensible. 

Perhaps there was more to him than she had thought. 

Again, with a tug of his sleeve, he turned back around. This time, however, it was Seohyun’s face that contained the look of wariness.


His expression had not changed. “You should go find that person that’s important to you somewhere down there, Seo. They’re probably waiting for you too.”

She shook her head. If Luhan could wait a few days, he could surely wait a little longer. But right now, her priorities were as clear as the luminous moon above, watching over the royal grounds below. 

“The person that’s most important to me right now,” she declared, “is you.”

Her hand reclaimed its place around Suho’s arm, likewise her spot next to his. Seohyun felt proud for saying those words. It might have been the first time she had sincerely made him feel important to her. After all this time with him, she had never really openly expressed her gratitude for him always being by her side. It was like a breath of fresh air in the form of a few simple words.

Two figures stepped inside the palace, one who had enchanted the night and the other who was just enchanted. 



The banquet was no less grand than the party that had just been outside. After an aimless venture through several corridors and a hike up one grand staircase, the guests found themselves at the mercy of a long hall of marble columns and colossal paintings. From one end of the Hall of Battles to the other, silk-clad tables lined up next to each other complete with a full repertoire of various delicacies. Seohyun was awestruck and so were the guests. The taste of success accompanied Suho’s raspberry dacquoise. 

Seohyun watched all the other guests enjoy the night away, conversing with each other and admiring the regal ambience. She looked up at the glass ceiling, admiring the stars’ efforts to shine through every crack of the night. The people’s eyes sparkled through the holes in their masks, smiles very much apparent on their faces. Their identities didn’t matter so long as everyone was having a wonderful time.

Across the room, a few marble columns down the line, sat a prominent figure in her view. Although he blended in with the guests around him, wearing the simplest of attire, there was an air of familiarity that almost shrouded his presence. The people at his table seemed to not know who he was, but nonetheless welcomed him with their laughter and congeniality. The figure wouldn’t have caught her eye, that is, if only he hadn’t been looking at her. 

Seohyun tried to ignore his stare which, although visually indecipherable, could be felt piercing right through her. She turned a little towards Suho, who was busy entertaining other guests, to try and shield herself from the stranger. 

It was time for talk now. After a little introduction from a staff member, the guests urged the man in charge of the whole event to step forward to the microphone. Suho modestly declined, but the crowd continued to applaud for him in an effort to get him to the middle of the room. He looked to Seohyun who clapped with the crowd.

“Go on!” she laughed. “They’re waiting!”

And with those simple words, he stepped forward with ease, walking towards the center of the room. Taking off his mask, he began to speak general words of welcome and gratitude, eyeing every masked face before him. But Seohyun couldn’t focus on a single word he was saying because, although everyone’s eyes were on Suho, she was certain that one pair was directed towards her. 

She turned to look at the figure again, and she was right.

His stare wasn’t uncomfortable per se, but rather made the curious spirit inside her jump up and down. Was it Luhan? She couldn’t tell.

Seohyun’s feet took full control and turned sharply towards the set of doors behind her. After a quick peek behind, her hand had landed on the golden handle and was creaking the door open just enough for her to slip out without garnering attention. The grand staircase stood proudly in the center of the next room, its checkered tiles leading down to the floor below. Seohyun held her golden mask in place with one hand and trailed the other along the balustrade. 

Halfway down the stairs, Seohyun heard the door she had just come out from creak open the slightest bit, someone closing its latch the same exact way she did. Her pace now quickened. It was the thrill of the chase that kept her running, not a sense of fear or danger. She passed through a chain of corridors and vestibules before she had finally made it back outside where the gardens lay before her. 

Where Seohyun was heading to, she didn’t know. All she knew for certain was that she had to keep moving. In the back of her mind, she knew that her footing wouldn’t hold like it did before, now that Suho’s sturdy arm was nowhere to be held. As she tried to slow down, the inevitable happened like it always seemed to for her. She slipped. 

She gasped as her lungs claimed the air its newfound prisoner. Seohyun’s hands reached for something to hold onto that wasn’t there, and she closed her eyes as her body surrendered to the pull of gravity. She braced herself for impact, whether it be her head to the marble or the marble to her head. 

To Seohyun’s surprise, the bloody collision didn’t go through. An arm embraced her from her head to the shoulders. A hand caught her waist before impact, setting her gently down to sit upon the marble step underneath. Her eyes fluttered open from behind her mask, searching for the face of her savior.

This was the second time she had been saved by someone. The last time was with a rather idiosyncratic prince charming who actually turned out to be just another knight in scratched up armor simply doing what he thought ought to have been done. This second time, however, her savior wasn’t Sehun. It was someone else.

Behind the stranger’s mask lay eyes that glistened even without the help of the luminescent moon overhead. The stars that shined were put to shame in comparison. Seohyun had forgotten all about the party, the guests, the night, and all that surrounded her now. Everything had faded away to the outskirts of her mind.

“It’s funny how we always seem to meet under unbefitting circumstances,” the stranger behind the mask said.

“Yes,” Seohyun smiled. She had finally found him. “Funny indeed.”




I originally planned for this chapter to be much longer, but because I felt that the wait would be too long, I'm splitting it in half.

The next chapter, therefore, will be "Masquerade Part 2" if you'd like to call it that for now.

Hope you like the story so far! There's still a lot of things I want (and need) to reveal in the future, so stay tuned please!
Thank you so much for the love you give me and this story. It means so much.

Please comment below. I love reading all of your comments!



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Fire_trek 356 streak #1
Chapter 18: Ahhh! This was a great ending, everybody won in the end. And they seem to have a great dynamic with everyone. Thank you author nim for this story. It was fantastic!
Fire_trek 356 streak #2
Chapter 17: Yay! They kissed and made up. I’m glad that Luhan came to his senses, and just at on time but Seohyun wasn’t leaving anyway. She stayed for him. lol at him being oblivious to her reasoning. This is true love!
Fire_trek 356 streak #3
Chapter 16: Wow, I didn’t expect Luhan and Suho to be cousins. His disposition makes sense now, but still he shouldn’t have been so cold to Seohyun. Hopefully he can make this right
Fire_trek 356 streak #4
Chapter 15: It’s never too late to fix it! I’m glad that Sehun talked some sense into him, he does run people away and hopefully he fixes this.
Fire_trek 356 streak #5
Chapter 14: Why is Luhan pushing Seohyun away? He can’t be that bad, and she does love him. I wonder how Suho will feel with Seohyun leaving? But I doubt she’ll leave because her heart belongs to Luhan
Fire_trek 356 streak #6
Chapter 13: The thrill of the chase! I’m glad Luhan showed up and noticed Seohyun. Suho is like the big brother trying to be protective but also letting her have her freedom. I also enjoyed the poetry in this chapter, it was very captivating
Fire_trek 356 streak #7
Chapter 12: Aww Luhan loves Seohyun! But he needs to make a move. His relationship with his mother is touching and I can tell he’s a good guy.
Fire_trek 356 streak #8
Chapter 11: Is it me or does Suho and Seohyun have a chemistry that a romantic couple would have? But then he gets goofy and it goes back to the platonic/ brother-sister relationship. I bet Luhan is going to the masquerade too! Let the drama begin
Fire_trek 356 streak #9
Chapter 10: Damn Luhan out here making enemies! Why would he want to do that to Suho? And who is this mystery woman? So many questions.. let’s see if they get answered next chapter
Fire_trek 356 streak #10
Chapter 9: So Luhan’s reputation unfortunately precedes him. I’m glad that Seohyun is going to protect him though. I can’t wait until they meet again!