-Chapter 4

The Price of Destiny


Chapter 4 ;



Luhan stood rooted to the ground, immobilised with horror.                                                 
"I overheard my dad and... And... My... Buyer..." More tears joined the salty river which was flowing down Sehun's milky white cheeks as he forced the last word out of his mouth.


"The... Buyer... will make me... A... A..."


Sehun stopped and played with his fingers, showing great discomfort in whatever he was going to say. Sehun hesitated. 
He suddenly felt really idiotic. 
He knew fully that no one would be able to get him out of this situation, yet he revealed so much of his life to a stranger
Not a single soul- except for those bad guys and himself- knew of his life. Luhan was the first "outsider" (in a sense) to know of his life.


Luhan used both of his hands and grabbed Sehun by the shoulder, "Look. If you don't tell me the full story, I won't be able to help you. I promise not to judge you or to leave you alone in this situation. There's a solution to everything. I promise you this too."


Sehun felt suffocated-- Not because of the stranger in front of him that insists on helping him, but because of what he was about to say. 


He opened his mouth to speak, and the words just spilled out.


"Male e." Sehun rushed through the two words and looked away in utter shame and embarrassment. 


"Uh huh. Go on." Luhan said, with his hands still on the latter's shoulders. He was trying his best to maintain his expressions so as to not give his feelings away. He was doing all he can to stay composed.


"They agreed on a 50-50 share of the money they made by using me..."


Luhan hurled a million swear words internally at the heartless beasts who even agreed on a division of the earnings


"Because of the agreement on the share... The buyer does not have to pay for me..."

There was a moment of silence.


"I was terrified."

"So you ran away from home?" Luhan asked.

Sehun nodded in reply.

"What will happen if you go home?"

"The buyer will take me away..."

No, this cannot happen. Luhan will never let this happen.

Why he cared so much about this frail, fragile looking stranger, he did not know. 


He just felt a sense of kinship with this teenager. 
It was the kind of feeling in which the both of them were meant to bump into each other.
Or perhaps it was also the kind of feeling in which their paths have crossed before.


What was most important now was to get Sehun out of this tangled mess his very own foster dad had gotten him into.


Luhan tried to push away thoughts of how an inhumane person like Sehun's father actually existed and immersed himself into a few moments of thinking before grabbing Sehun by the hand, pulling  the latter along with him urgently.


The few minutes rushed walk was a silent one. Yet, it was not exactly awkward. Luhan did not let go of Sehun's hand. Neither did Sehun try to escape from his grasp. 


Technically speaking, it would be fairly weird should strangers hold hands within minutes after their first meeting. But these two strangers that met under a not-so-favourable circumstance just held onto each other comfortably as though they had some connection between them.


Luhan brought Sehun to a nearby lavatory and turns the lock of the cubicle they were in in an anti clockwise motion. 

He took a few seconds to pant and catch his breath before letting go of Sehun's hand to dig for something in his bag.


"Sehun ah, listen properly. I have to go to school now, and will be back in a few hours. Okay? For now, you play with these..." His voice trailed off as he unknowingly bit on his lower lip. Luhan felt around in his bag for a while more before pulling out his ipad and samsung galaxy player from his bag and handed it to Sehun.


He pulled out the wire of his headphones from his mobile phone and passed it to Sehun, not minding for the first time in his entire lifetime that he had no songs to listen to on the way to school.


These should last him for quite a while... Luhan nodded in reply to his own thought and zipped up his bag before unlocking the door and stepping out of the cubicle.

"Stay here alright? I promise I'll be back in no time! And, don't ever open the door even if someone threatens to kick the door down!" 

Sehun timidly nodded in response and locked the door. 

He was afraid. Afraid that his father or the buyer will find him...  

He held onto the two electronic gadgets on his hand dearly and was reminded of Luhan's words.


"... I promise I'll be back in no time!" 


A wave of security washed over him as Luhan's voice echoed in his head.

Luhan's words would not seem the least bit comforting to others, but somehow it managed to calm Sehun down.

Sehun hesitantly opened the cover of Luhan's ipad. Those gadgets on his hands were as well as gold to Sehun because he does not own a single electronic device at all. He pulled the cover of the toilet bowl down and sat on it as he amusedly slid his fingers across the touch screen, experiencing a slice of a normal teenager's life that he had always yearned for... 





Woohoo! Update yay yay yay~~~ I'm sorry it's been sooo looong since I updated ;~; My school life now is very hectic and I'm also preparing for a dance competition! ^^ I'll update whenever I have the time though! :)

Love you all so much! ~





Would you all please take a few seconds and vote? ^^ Thank you! I would like to know what you all think of this story :)



Oh and, would you all please check out my dance cover of "Growl" and my song cover of "Goodbye Summer" by f(x) ft. D.O? Thank you!!! (They are ish though ... ._.)






Chapter 14--- That Pair of Eyes...

Chapter 96--- ∞ INFINITE Facts ∞





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Hey subbies, I'm sorry... I know I promised an update... But my phone has been confiscated and everything is in my phone... I'm really so sorry... :(


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Chapter 1: I know it's only the first chapter, but I love Lay's name in Han's phone TvT
zee_wah #2
Chapter 7: i will wait for you to update again. please take your time honey. <3
LemonXCandy #3
Chapter 7: Sehun has really opened up to Luhan in a day ♥♥♥
Chapter 7: Too short author-nim.... we want more......
zee_wah #5
this story is just too beautiful. just as what i need to read to let go off my stress. Hunhan. i.. just.. cant.. explain what i feel. /sobs/ iloveyou author-nim. i do. /sobs/
Chapter 6: Did you listen the classic ochestra version of miracles in december?... the music is more sadder then the original one....
LemonXCandy #7
Chapter 5: Sehunnie is too... pitiful... *sobs* update soon authornim!