111 – Digging Your Own Grave

101 On How to Screw your Seobang's Morning Exercise

Yulsic arrived in the supermarket. Yuri made sure that Jessica was carefully disguised so no one would recognize her because they don’t want to experience the same thing like last time Jessica was discovered. Their supposed to be movie date was ruined that time because of the fans that ran after them. Yuri had no problem with this because it was not publically announced that she’s the current CEO of the Kwon Enterprise much to her father’s dismay. Good thing they didn’t make it to the headline or it’ll give trouble to Jessica. Back to the story;


Yuri took a cart while Jessica strolled ahead of her, looking at the items on the aisle.


“Hmm…let’s get this and this.” Jessica just kept on filling their cart with the things that she think that they need.


Yuri was now getting bored and she lazily pushed the cart. She didn’t know that shopping was this boring she’d rather go to the gym than do shopping. No wonder she’s the man in the relationship.


“Seobang, what do you think should I chose?” asked Jessica while checking out two kinds of shampoo.


Yuri picked some random item and looked at it for a few moments before she put it back on the aisle when a hand picked up the one she had just returned. She looked at the owner of the hand and saw beautiful young lady in front of her.


“If you don’t mind I’ll take this” said the girl as she flashed Yuri a shy smile.


Yuri raised an eyebrow at the girl before she smirked inwardly.


Flirty Yul Mode – Activated


“Of course beautiful I don’t mind~” said Yuri as she flashed the girl one of her killer smiles.


“I-I..uhm..o-okay.” The girl blushed at Yuri’s action.


‘Hehehe…Bulls eye~’ thought Yuri.


“So is there anything that you still need beautiful? I’ll help you get it.” Yuri leaned on the aisle casually while crossing her arms above her chest.


“A-actually…c-can you please get me…one of those, p-please?” The girl shyly pointed at a brand which was located at the top of the aisle.


“Sure~” Yuri took one of the shampoo and handed it to her. The girl gave Yuri a slight bow when she handed the shampoo to her.


‘kekeke~’ Yuri chuckled inside her head.


“I-uhmm…by the way I’m—“


“Excuse me but could YOU also HELP ME get one of those, Pleasecalled a high pitched voice coming from behind Yuri.


Jessica received no response from Yuri so looked back to check on her but her face darkened from what she saw.


Yuri immediately froze in on the spot, she felt shivers down her spine with the cold and murderous aura coming from behind.


‘, I’m so dead.’ thought Yuri as she bit her lower lip. Yuri turned her head robotically to face her doom.


Yuri chuckled nervously as she gulped the lump that’s forming down .


‘I think I’ve just dug out my own grave’


(Author: Yes, Yuri yes you did (=_=”))


“So could you please help me?” asked Jessica in a sweet tone but her eye’s says the opposite, Death. Yuri nodded her head stiffly.


The girl which Yuri was flirting just awhile ago was looking at them confusedly before understanding the situation, she let out a sly smirk.


“Thank you very much~” said Jessica with aegyo as she clapped her hands together. Yuri was totally frightened right now and scared out of her wits, she felt like she wanted faint due to fright.


HellSica + Aegyo= Mercy less Death when they get home


Yuri silently prayed that she would be able to leave come out of this supermarket alive if that’s even possible.


Jessica pointed many kinds of brands from the top shelf and Yuri obeyed and took it. While Yuri was not looking Jessica glared murderously at the girl who glared back at her.


Jessica was too angry to react when the latter glared back at her. That girl was surely challenging her and of course she would never back down.


‘You dare to flirt with MY SEOBANG and I’ll rip your head off, B*tch’


The girl smirked at her when she saw Jessica’s darkening face. She dares to challenge the Akuma.


Jessica was about to pounce on the girl when Yuri turned around with the things that Jessica pointed in hand.


“H-Here they are…hm?” Yuri noticed the tension between the two so she tried to ease the tension but received a cold glare from Jessica that she immediately backed down.


“So, we’ll be going now” said Jessica at the girl while gritting her teeth while emphasizing the word ‘We’ but the girl didn’t back down instead she grabbed Yuri’s hand and gave her a seducing smile.


“By the way the names Hyuna~” she gave Yuri a seductive wink. Yuri’s lips twitched beads of sweat quickly forming in her face.


‘. What have I gotten myself into? Appa Help me please!’  Yuri begged her father to magically appear and save her from this catastrophe or maybe not because he might just rub more salt into the wound.


Yuri nervously looked at Jessica who was literally fuming. She looked like she’s ready to pounce on the girl named Hyuna if they just weren’t inside the supermarket. Yuri was thankful that Jessica tries to restrain herself because that would clearly cause some trouble and she couldn’t afford to get Jessica in front of the headlines for brutally murdering a girl inside the supermarket.



“Ouch!...” Yuri yelp in pain when she felt an iron grip in her hand which Jessica was literally crushing. Yuri sent Jessica a strained and nervous smile which the latter replied with a menacing glare. Yuri cowered and looked down to the floor, muttering a soft ‘Sorry’ to Jessica and Jessica caught it.


Jessica’s grip softened a little but she have no intention of letting the latter’s hand go.


Jessica focused her attention to the soon to be dead girl in front of her.


“Back off…” hissed Jessica in a low and cold tone.


Hyuna scoffed and rolled her eyes at her. “Okay, fine. But don’t expect me to forget about this beauty here, get it?” replied Hyuna with a vicious and challenging tone as she stepped closer to Yuri and quickly planted a kiss to the latter and left away before the two could react.


“Aish…that b*tch I’m so going to kill you—No, I’ll torture you first in the most inhumane way until you beg me to kill you already but of course I won’t do that because I’ll enjoy every second of your suffering.” Mumbled Jessica to herself but Yuri caught some of it and she felt shivers down her spine.


“Oww!...” Yuri winced in pain when Jessica’s grip to her hand becomes tighter and tighter as she kept on planning on how to torture Hyuna.


“Sica—ahh! W-wait!” Jessica suddenly walked off and dragged Yuri along with her.


“S-Sica baby! The cart!” Yuri tried to stop the latter but she refused to comply and kept dragging Yuri outside the supermarket.


“I.Don’t.Care.About.The.Stupid.Cart. Seobang…” hissed Jessica before she forcefully opened the door and pushed Yuri in the passenger seat. Yuri almost hit her head on the window with the strong force Jessica used. Jessica walked to the driver seat and started the engine. She put the gear into the highest and drove at full speed.


“Whoa—Oww!” Yuri was taken aback and hit her head on the back rest of the seats. Yuri gripped tightly on the chair, her knuckles slowly turning into white due to her tight grip on it. Yuri closed her eyes and prayed real hard on all the God’s and Goddess. She doesn’t want to die early due to a car accident and she still yet to propose to Jessica, meet her at the altar while exchanging vows  and have a happy family. So she couldn’t die right now, no not now.


“S-Sica baby…p-please sl-slow down.” She pleaded to Jessica who was driving like a professional racer but she clearly isn’t a professional racer so Yuri at least wanted her to slow down if she refuses to stop.


“Shut up, Kwon” hissed Jessica and ignored Yuri’s pleas.


“Please, Sica baby slow down a bit I don’t want to see you get caught in an accident I…I-I couldn’t live without you so please, Sica baby” pleaded Yuri as she tried to grab Jessica’s shoulders and squeezed it lightly. She felt the latter’s shoulders loosen up.


Yuri sighed in relief when they slowed down. Her heart was now slowly returning back to its normal beat.


The ride was enveloped with an awkward silence. Nobody dared to talk so Yuri began fidgeting in her seat as she kept on glancing at Jessica through the side mirror. Jessica caught her staring and shot her a glare. Yuri quickly looked down.


Yuri looked out the window and noticed that this is not the way towards their house. She suddenly felt nervous and scared.


‘Where is she taking me? Is she that mad that she’s going to bring me to a secluded area where she’s going to kill me wait!--She’ll torture me first before she does that! OH MY GOSH!!! I’m going to die now *sobs* good bye world it was good while it lasts (T.T)’


Yuri was silently weeping about her doom when she heard Jessica talking to someone in her phone. Jessica had put on the phone on speaker.


‘Hellooo~ what can I do to you Jessica-chu~’ an aegyo filled voice echoed in the car. Yuri’s toes curled while Jessica didn’t even flinch. Yuri wanted to punch Sunny right now.


“Sunny-ah, could you please cancel all Yuri’s schedule for the week?” asked Jessica.


“Wha!?” Yuri gaped when she that. She’s seriously a dead meat.


‘Eh? Why Jessica-chu? But she had some important meeting for the next few days.’ said Sunny.


“Then ask the midget and the choding to handle it because Yuri wouldn’t be able to attend work for awha—no a long period of time. Yuri gulped at her statement she could hear Sunny’s giggles from the other line.


“YAH! Stop giggling you EVIL BUNNY!!!” barked Yuri from the passenger seat. Jessica glared at her and she immediately shut .


‘Ohhh~ is that Yuri? Is Jessica-chu going to kill Yuri? Is she? Is she? Yaaaaaay~  *chuckles* you’re dead meat Kwon though I didn’t what you did but yeah knowing that you’re screwed is enough~ Okaaaay~ I’ll cancel all her schedules so have fun Jessie~' teased Sunny from the other line. Yuri groaned in frustration.


‘YAH! Tanned Monkey! If you die don’t worry we’ll handle your funeral very well and I’m sure I’ll enjoy all the food served in there…hahahaha’ Sooyoung’s voice suddenly echoed from the phone.


“YAH! SHIKSHIN!!! If I really die here I’ll drag you to hell with me I’ll make sure that I wouldn’t go down there alone not until I drag you guys with me!!!”


‘Yeah, yeah whatever Yul…Well good luck and don’t worry I’ll enjoy all the buffet coupons you were hiding under your drawers~’ Yuri was about to retaliate when Jessica spoke.


“Sooyoung let me speak with Sunny”


‘Okay, Sunny Bunny Jessica wants to speak with you’


‘So anything else that I can do for you my dear Jessie?’


“Go search a girl named Hyuna and made sure that she suffers from head to the last inch of her hair. I want to teach her a lesson for challenging Jessica Jung.” Said Jessica.


‘Her tone is calm but her eye’s screams murder’ gulped Yuri.


‘Ohhh~ that seems fun~ okay, I’ll try my best to bring the living hell out of her, so bye for now Jessie~ I wish you’ll survive Yul!’ then Sunny hanged up on them.


They arrived in front of a modern two story house just above the hill.


Jessica dragged Yuri inside the house and towards the master’s bedroom before she locked the door behind her. Yuri backed on the wall as soon as she saw the murderous expression of Jessica.


“S-S-Sic-Sica…b-b-b-baby…w-we could…t-t-talk this out!”


“Sorry but talking is futile now Kwon Yuri


Yuri’s scream of horror filled the entire house.




“Hm? Did I just hear Yuri’s scream?” asked Sooyoung while munching her food.


“That’s impossible Shikshin just finish your food.” said Sunny as she leaned herself comfortably on Sooyoung’s body as they cuddle on the couch while watching a horror movie.





A/N: tsk…tsk… Kwon Yuri R.I.P. Lolz xD

I hope you guys like this chapter though rants are pretty much welcome (>_<”)


By the way I have a new story entitled:



My Stupid Cupid



Yep, it's another YULSIC but this time a genderbender. (^w^) I hope you guys will like it. 








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I got a Spin-Off in mind in relation to this. Is it a Yay or a Nay?


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Chapter 17: Mencanto
Chapter 17: Cuteeeee, thank you for this story full of fluffiness kkk :D
Love this story a lott!
vhelzzz #4
Chapter 11: i agree with you author nim "yul tried to be chill but sicabb so hot , that yul melted"
vhelzzz #5
Chapter 10: blush~blush~blush >_<
vhelzzz #6
Chapter 7: kkekekeke smile ear to ear
vhelzzz #7
Chapter 6: i imagining yul dancing like crazy , aww that must be adorable sight ever, kkk
yulsic185 #8
Chapter 8: Hahaha its so funny
Chapter 16: Plz create more about yulsic
primadona22 #10
Chapter 14: yeeeaayy yulsic happy ending ^^