
Eotteokhae?! I Fell In Love to a Picture


What happened yesterday was too fast. I’m still confused. Why does he need a girlfriend? Maybe he’s taking the opportunity to fool me. But why will he do that? He doesn’t have reasons. And beside he called me his princess. He’s weird, but it was fun being with him.

“What are you thinking?” Minzy asked.

“Oh, you’re here. Good morning.”

“No, I’m not here.” She said sarcastically.

“What happened yesterday? I really want to go with you but we have rehearsal and I also think that you two need some privacy. So, tell me?”

I told her all the things that happened yesterday. That’s how loyal I am. I can’t describe her face after telling it.

“bwoh?! You two are dating? It’s so fast what if he’s just playing around?” she said like a mother. I understand her, but what can I do, it already happened.

“But he’s sweet and I think he’s kind.” She added.

*eh?! First he told me that he might play around and now she’s telling me he is kind and sweet? Sometimes I really don’t understand her. But I love her!

“Morning!” Gong Chan greeted us and sit beside me.

“Morning Gong Chin! ^_^” I greeted back.

“Yah, it’s GONG CHAN, not Gong Chin.” Minzy corrected me.

“Really? It’s not his name?” she nod.

“mianhe, I’m not good when it comes in memorizing names.”

“It’s alright. You’ll remember me soon.”

“You’re being rude to him _____-ah. It’s almost 4 weeks since he transferred here and yet you still don’t know his name.” Minzy said.

“Stop it Minzy.” I said glaring at her.

“It’s really alright.” Gong Chan said. Minzy went back to her seat laughing. She was right, it’s been 4 weeks and I still don’t know his name. I’m feeling guilty now.

“Don’t feel guilty about it. Like what I said it’s alright.”

How did he know what I’m thinking? He can read minds? No, that’s impossible, no one can read minds. Class started and all I can hear is blah, blah, blah. And I didn’t notice it’s already lunch time.

“My princess.”

*who was that? I think I’m crazy. I can hear his voice even though he’s not here.*

“I’m crazy.” I mumbled.

“Yes you are.” Someone said and laughed. I looked on who it is.”


“Eh?! J-jinyoung-sshi, w-what are you doing here? T-this isn’t your room.”

“Is it wrong if I want to see my girlfriend? Aaahhh! I miss you!” he said and hugged me.

“Yah, stop it.” I said and pyshed him away.

“You don’t miss me? Waaah! My girlfriend didn’t miss me. I feel bad. T_T.”

“It’s not like that, it’s just embarrassing. Look they’re staring at us.” I said looking around.

“I don’t care about them. So, you miss me too right? Right?”

*Of course I miss you too.*

“No, I don’t.” I lied.

“Your lying. I know you miss me too. ~smirk~”

“Whatever, jinyoung-sshi.”

“You shouldn’t call me by my name.”

“Then what should I call you?”

He stopped and thinks.

“Hmm… you can call me yours, and I’ll call you mine.” He said and smiled.

“It’s too corny. Uhmm, what if I call you jagiya.”

“Nah, I don’t like it. Many couples are using it now. I want something unique.”

“Why do we have to change our way of calling each other?”I asked.

“Aren’t you proud of your name?” I added.

“sshh, I’m thinking.”

“aish! >:(“

“I know! I’ll call you chicken!”

0_0----à my reaction.

^_^----à his reaction.

“You’re kidding me right?”


“Yah! Do I look like a chicken?! I hate you!”

I’m pissed now. I’m too cute to be a chicken!

“Don’t worry. You’re the cutest chicken in the world. XD”

“Shut up!>.<”

“Chicken, are you angry?”

“Kim ____ is may name! Not chicken!”

  “Coz I love chicken.” He said.


“That’s why I want to call you chicken.”

*What’s the point?*

“I don’t get it.” I said.

He was about to answer when suddenly my phone rang. I said excuse to him and answer the phone.


“______! I have good news!”

*a good news? Did she get promoted again?*

“What is it umma?”

“Your brother is coming home tomorrow!” she said almost yelling.

“Really? My brother? Tomorrow?” I asked.

“Are you still with your brother?”

“No umma. Okay. I will prepare. Bye! Bye!” I said and hung up.

Actually it’s been ten years since I last saw him. He didn’t even call or asked if I’m alright. I can’t even remember his face. Umma said it’s not his fault. Before, I’m angry because I really want to experience to have a brother. I envy my classmates who have brother that time. They always teased me for not having a brother and because of that I always get in trouble. You can’t blame me, I’m still young and I don’t know what’s wrong or right. All I want is to get what I want. But now it changed. I understand it now. I really miss my brother, and I’m excited to meet him! ^_^

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We Will wait!! just don't delete the story!:D
please update :)<br />
I really love the story!!!
!<br />
WHY? I hate you. <br />
Will wait for you. ~ Well i will :)<br />
Just don't delete this I wanna know what's the past between Me(?) and Gongchan? Why in the world she forgot Gongchan? PLEASE DON'T LEAVE.
Aww... No more? =(<br />
It's okay, i understand.<br />
Have fun with your voluntary jobs! =D
aw T^T im so loving this story T^T ouch
:'( no more updates. *sobs*<br />
but, it's okay. We understand.<br />
Good luck on your job.
ahaahaha ~sweet <3 i wantto know whats between her and chanie >:)
MapleDumplings #10
XD Clown Jung with thick make up XD