Finale: Perhaps Date

Dear Mister Creeper

Oh good morning sunshine!

I have missed you weekend. I thought I never would since I love school so much but now I love you more.

I never realized Saturday morning could be so peaceful and beautiful. Have you ever just opened the window and admired the nature; the scorching but charismatic sun and the calm wind breeze with the birds chirping and I could just go on forever. Maybe the reason I began to adore Saturdays because of yesterdays turbulence. It was too eventful that it disrupted and destroyed my regular serene routine.

Nevertheless, I still woke up early even though it was weekend because oversleeping is such a waste. You have all that time in your hand why not use it beneficially?

Like spending the time by taking great long baths and dipping yourself into the bathtubs and after that, took your time to dress up while checking schedules for the day which was studying every subject and a slight break to watch Keroro.

Next, I leisurely descended down the stairs and made my way to the kitchen for breakfast. I grabbed a cereal box and milk from the refrigerator and prepared the simple breakfast to lavish on.

I dumped myself on the sofa, switched on the television and ate the cereals. While switching on channels, I heard a familiar ringtone of my handphone and ran upstairs to get a hold of it. And as I was expected…

“Hey you! You didn’t call me back yesterday!” It was Soyou again. Ooh well Soyou you got to understand me, I was reflecting on my action right after you call.

“Sorry, I got a nice discipline from my mom and yeah…”

“About what?”


“Why in the world would your mom know Sehun?”

“Didn’t I say whatever you’re guessing yesterday was right? It totally happened.”

“What? Really? I thought you were joking! Hah! Give me the deets! I need details.”


“Woah, your life…is a living k-drama! Just how the heck everything went a 180 degree change in just one day and rejoiced you’re the first lucky person to hear Sehun’s voice and your mom too. Wow just wow.” That was Soyou exclaiming how extreme change my life had been; after I filled her in with every nook and cranny not a single fact left behind about the story of Sehun entrance to my life that had wrecking havoc of my mom and me.

“Especially the son-in-law part! I still can’t get enough of your third grade joke and now it’s coming back again. Gotta love Sehun for spicing up your mundane life.” Soyou thunderous laugh could be heard through the phone.

“Ugh, that. My mom, I don’t know why she is so desperate in marrying me off. But I go to say yesterday was the first time I’ve seen my mom smile so much and so bright and too sugary. It almost gave me diabetes.” I shook my head and then I heard a sudden rush of multiple clicking’s of doorbell. Hmm, who would come and crashed someone’s home at eight in the morning?

I hassled to the door and turned the doorknob. Flinging the door, I almost choke on air to found out who was the one that stood by the door.

The phone on my palm was slowly loosing the grip of my hand although before my phone would dropped to the ground, I snapped back to reality that there was no way he would come back to my house again; dressed in casual clothes.

Shaking my head, I slammed the door shut and continued to speak through the phone.

“Soyou, I think I am beginning to hallucinate after talking too much about Sehun.”

“What happen?”

“Funnily I saw Sehun right at my doorsteps. Apparently he was wearing a grey sweater and some faded out styled black jeans with his notorious wet bangs. I mean why would he come…”

“Seohyun you must have forgotten something…or you are indeed hallucinating but you’re the healthiest human I know and there’s no way you would.”


Right after that, I heard the doorbell again.

OH please please let it be some gardener or Girl Scout’s or Boy Scout’s or whoever that is not eyeless named Sehun.

Cautiously I turned the doorknob and in slow-mo I opened the door while peeking behind it…


You know a thing about luck is that…LUCK WAS JUST NEVER ON MY SIDE.


Sehun was still there looking aloof and composed not even slightest angry when I slammed the door right on his face. Well an eyeless non-pissed off man is a good start right?

Oh heck no, I am now full throttle in frustration and currently blaming fate for always making us crossing paths with each other. I mean WHY WAS HE HERE?

I hurriedly told Soyou that I have to go and I was not hallucinating which in fact I wished I was.

I know I have reflected myself and began to see him in a new light but why can’t I just slip one day off and not see him? Because he constantly made me feel anxious especially around my mom.

Oh wait…was this had anything to do in whatsoever thing he talked about yesterday. The one I could not hear properly. What was it again? I remembered the motion of his mouth but I could not read lips. Dang it!

So only one option left, to just ask the man himself even when I looked as if I get what he said yesterday.

“Hmm, so…why are you here again?” Way to publically displayed I did not listened and just nodded carelessly to whatever he’s talking about yesterday. 

“Well I did ask you out yesterday and you agreed to it by nodding, right?”


Out? You mean a guy actually asked me out?

I am totally in mixed feelings right now. I do not know to be happy or to be sad. Happy I got my first invitation out by a guy but considerably sad that it was Sehun the eyeless dude who asked me out.

Wait, wait I need to know his purpose. There’s no way Sehun was actually swayed by my mom right? About the son-in-law thing. I hoped he did not take it too seriously because there’s no way anyone would.

“Oh yeah about that… To where exactly?” I responded carefully, looking to my right and my left for any sign of my mom. If she knew about this, she would be teasing me for life and not to mention will INSIST Sehun to be my husband and therefore, my life will be ruined. And the playing dress up again she might make me go through…oh the horror!

“You’ll know soon. Are you ready to go?” Boohoo, he kept everything to himself.

Now the back of my mind kept shouting ‘It’s a date it’s a date it’s a date’. My cuckoo thought really need to stop.

“I’ll go change for a more decent wear for a while. Please come in and wait.” I opened the door wide to welcome him in.

“Nope. It’s okay, I’ll just wait here.” He slightly smiled and kept both of his hands inside the pocket; leaning to the wall.

Dashing to my room, I felt a gushed of excitement being surged into me. What’s this feeling?

Is this the thrill every girl had experience everytime a guy asked her out no matter what reason it was for?

But I don’t even like this dude...

Ugh! I am too naïve. I should have not been so unapproachable and meet with some guys so I would not be this enthusiastic just because I am about to go out with Sehun.

“What should I wear what should I wear? Something plain and adequate and decent and simple.” I looked through my selection of clothes and I cannot believe I am actually willingly to dress up for Sehun.

I ended up choosing a white blouse and a three quarter beige pants. I bring along a blue sling bag to put my purse and phone inside. I neatly ponytailed my hair but then I decided to let my hair down and clipped a bit of my bangs aside.

Looking into the mirror, I noticed I appeared as if I was really in for a date.

Not wanting to waste any more time, I pasted a note saying ‘I am going out’ on the refrigerator and met Sehun by the door.

“I’m set.” I called out to Sehun who was busy bobbing his head to the music that was busting from his headphone and he instantly inspected me up and down. He nodded to me and we were out of the house.

I let him walked to the front to lead the way and I followed him at the back but then a solid grip grabbed my arm and placed me to the front. Sehun had made me walked side by side with him.

While we were walking through the streets, my mind kept wandering where was he taking me to. I really wanted to ask so I kept glancing towards him but I got a feeling if I asked he would be supernaturally mute again.

“Are you hungry?” he suddenly spoke up. I replied him with a shake of my head.

However, I think the direction he was heading for was a café. Is he going for a little detour?

“I am though…” I heard he muttered and I giggled somehow.

We went inside the petite and pretty café. It was quite crowded though despite being early in the morning. Couples were mostly the customers of this café. Way to make situation more awkward.

We occupied a table by the window away from those lovey dovey pairs. The waiter gave us the menus and stood beside, intently waiting for us to make an order.

Sehun looked up and the waiter came intruded in, “What are your orders, sir?”

“A milky bubble tea and a chocolate blueberry waffle, please.” Sehun requested and looked towards me. I quickly scanned through the menu because I was still undecided.

“And what about your lovely girlfriend?” The waiter’s blunt and inaccurate question had made both of us flinched in our seats and started to fumble about uncomfortably. I wanted to clear the misunderstanding but on a second thought; if I had tried to deny about it, it will only draw in more taunting tease.

So Sehun cleared his throat and asked me want do I want. I just said I’ll have the same milky bubble tea as him.

Phew…I totally did not see that coming, even it was obvious there were many couples but to deliberately conclude the ones that were not a couple into one was definitely a no-no. That waiter…you’re making me feeling all weird now.

We did not talk at all as he was actively taking part in a candy crush spree while I was reading a book about inspirational women all over the world.

Just when the order came, Sehun had all of his attention towards it.  We thanked the waiter for the order and that was when I saw Sehun salvaged through the waffle. He mercilessly took the fork and cut the waffle up in big pieces and threw it into his black hole aka his mouth. I just sat there and blankly stare at an incredible Sehun eating show. The way he chew too, was special …it was robotic, one two three chews and swallowed. I slurped my bubble tea which was really tasty when suddenly a piece of waffle appeared in front of me.

“Want some?” Sehun offered feeding me his delicious looking waffle which I wanted to decline but the blueberry syrup that was dripping tempted me.

So, I took that chunk and the flavors bursting inside my mouth went viral. Both the chocolate and blueberry syrup harmonize so well together. Ah, so yummy!

My expression must have had gave away how much I enjoyed that one piece of waffle because then I saw another chunk that was forked; emerged before me again.

I glanced to Sehun who was grinning and motioned me to open my mouth. I did what he instructed me to and the waffle went inside my black hole.

Before I could realize, Sehun kept feeding me on with the waffle that was supposed to be his but he kindly enough shared it with me. We finished the waffle and drank our beverages.

Then the waiter came and gave us the bills.

“Let me pay for yours too, I ended up eating your food when you were the one who ordered it.” I plight to Sehun who was somehow had shut off his ears and did not even look towards my direction.

“Here.” Sehun paid the waiter for our meal and I just sat there and pouted.

I kept ing the money towards him but he acted like he doesn’t care.

We left the café behind and then Sehun spoke up, “Wasn’t that was the best waffle and bubble tea ever?”

I nodded hyperactively, “It would be better if you had let me pay.”

“I was the one that I asked you out, disturbing your routine so of course I am paying.” Sehun, you…are too thoughtful! Ugh, at time like this I would just want to lift up his bangs and see his eyes to check whether it matched my ideals or not…

“Well fine, I do think the waffle was very delicious. I just wanted to eat every bite of it and chewed it slowly to savor the flavor.” I made a flattering remark like a pro chef to only see Sehun chuckling beside me. Hmm…I better stop admiring the waffle.

Just after strolling a few minutes, I collided with Sehun’s body when he halted abruptly. I followed his gaze were and I could not believe my eyes.


We were in front of a salon.

Is this a dream? Can somebody pinch me?

Was he really going to cut his bangs?


This should be on the school’s press. Where on Earth are the news hungry reporters?

Sehun’s is cutting off his hair!

Finally, I got to witness this legendary moment.


I just stared in awed at the salon signboard and then glanced gleefully to Sehun.

Sehun had this wide grin on his face and ushered me into the salon.

The identifiable hair products scent engulfed my senses and then a worker scurried towards us asking whose hair was going to be cut. I just pointed at his bangs and the worker understood right away and smiled sheepishly.

She placed Sehun into one of those hair salon one of a kind chair and I sat down the couch excitingly waiting for Sehun’s transformation and the debut of his eyes to ever become visible.

Although, the worker that was in charge of Sehun came to me and bring me some male hairstyles magazine.

“He told you to choose a hairstyle for him.” Ohhh wow, he even entrusted me this big of decision. Then I should choose the best for him!

Let’s see…

Crewcut. Nah.

Bald. Heck no!

Faux Hawk. Hmm, alright…

Pompadour. Almost there.

Oh wait, why don’t I just combine the hairdos in my own way?

That’s it, I am genius! The fastest way to see Sehun’s eyes is an up hairdo! I will asked the barber to cut his bangs inches above his eyes and I’ll let him keep his treasured bangs but then I wanted the barber to also gelled up his hair. Kukukuku this is going to be interesting.

I informed my ideas to the worker and she gave me thumbs up.

The barber started to rough his hair up and I saw a glimpse of his eyes through the mirror and my heart went thumping. Oh I am beyond ecstatic. The miracle was about to ensue as Sehun was brought laying down the chair to wash his hair.

Because I could not contain my anticipation but I also do not want to spoil anything for myself, I went out of the salon.


Oh why I am so anxious?

Is it the fact he was following my advice made me happy?

Or was the fact I am going to see his eyes for the very first time made me all cheery?

Any other way, I just want to see him without the bangs.


I looked at my wrist watch and only ten minutes had passed. I better read something and there I sat down by a nearby bench situated a few meters away from the salon.

I kept peeking to the salon and looked at the time. Even when reading I felt restless. I am anticipating Sehun as if I was a mom excited for the baby first steps.

The palms of my hand began to get cold but I ignored it and continued to try reading the book with focused instead of lingering thoughts about Sehun’s face without bangs. There were so many possibilities; I ended up closing my eyes to picture the shape of his eyes and even the length and the width of his foreheads and the actual size of his face and the amount of his pores and many more…




A tap on my shoulder startled me to wake up from my thought or wait, was I sleeping?

I fluttered opened my eyes gradually and was stunned to see a handsome stranger who had waken me up.

Where’s Sehun?

I looked left and right. Then, I stood up and dismissed myself from the stranger to make my way back to the salon.

As I was about to turn to the opposite direction, a hand gripped onto my wrist and whirled me around. Consequently, I rotated towards the stranger’s direction. The next thing happen was that I fell into the embrace of the stranger who had waked me up. I was in a very awkward position as I was seen to bump right onto his chest and his hands were securely resting on my waist.




Raising my head up, I gaped at the handsome stranger but when I saw some recognizable features he had with someone I know…oh yeah, Sehun; I began to scrutinize wholly of his face.  He somehow resembled Sehun. His thin pink lips, the deep philtrum, the cute but straight nose. The only thing that differed were the eyes. The stranger’s eyes were alluring and chic; something that I still does not know if Sehun possessed. And funny how this stranger hair was exactly according to my description for Sehun new hairdo…and this grey sweater seemed familiar—




“Sehun..?” I called out his name instinctively. Liquids streamed out from my eyes out of nowhere. I guessed it abides by what my heart felt at the moment; touched.

“You couldn’t recognize me?” Sehun broke into a hearty smile and I…I was embarrassingly clearing my tears away.

“I- I-” I stuttered, trying my best to control my tears but eventually words could not spill through.

Sehun held me into his arms once again, my hair as I poured my tears out.

He finally broke me free from his grasp when I was able to regain my control and then he made me sat down on the bench.

“Why did you cry?” that was the first question he popped out. How insensitive.

“Well, I-I-I was feeling a whole lot of emotion, okay?” I wiped my tears off with tissues Sehun handed to me.

“Like what?” Sehun could not possibly comprehend my sudden bawl, kept shooting questions away.

“Touched.” I muttered inaudibly.

“Why?”   He heard that? Ugh.

“Because you actually followed my opinion from wanting to do the assignment and cutting off your bangs.” I was embarrassed stating those remarks; I kept my head hung low without looking at Sehun. Not only that, Sehun newly profound upgraded appearance made me reluctant to look at him if just in case he caught me blushing while staring.

“Well that was favorable option for me too, right?” he purposely bent down and forced me to look right into his eyes.

“I guess…” I avoided his eye contact by gazing to the sky. 


However there was one more thing I would like to know from him.


“How did you know I was the one that sent the letter?” I inquired intriguingly.


“I just do.”  What a cheap reply!


“Eyy…” I tapped his arm and gave him my disapproval look.


“You really want to know?” He inched dangerously close and our faces were mere centimeters away..


I just nodded my head once and he hushed the reason into my ears.


“Because it’s you.”




A/N: Last chapter is here. But yeah that was a bit of hanging right? So I wanted to know, if you guys think I should have done a sequel or not. Bye, see you later! 

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loveatfirstkai #1
Chapter 5: This is the most hilarious fic that i ever read, awesome!! Thank you authornim! /bow/
Please make sequel for this story, maybe on sehun's point of view, like answer to why he's not at class most of time, how he knows the sender of letter, why he keep that eyeless hairdo etc etc. Waaaaahhhhhhh i'm so curious yeah!! /sherlock dancing/
Chapter 5: I know it's so late to say this but i just discovered this story and i think it DEFINITELY DESERVES A SEQUEL! Hope you really make one, you did a very good job at this story :)
seororoxo #3
Chapter 5: omg it'd be great if there's a sequel kyaaaaaa>//<
Chapter 5: -clears throat-

i demand for a sequel.
Chapter 5: i'm not shipping seohun but you have succeed to make me desperately want a sequel for this. because this is so in cute.......and extremely funny and exciting! please... jaebal....
nanjang #6
Chapter 5: Sequel please!!!!
I want to know how Sehun figured out that the letter was from Seohyun and why he didn't attend the class.
I love your story so much! Makes me grinning like an idoit lol
YB_aspi #7
Chapter 5: OMGGGG THE LAST SENTENCE THAT SEHUN SAID  This story is so funny, i kept laughing at how you described the scenes and how seohyun felt XD You're a really good writer too and your plot was new & cute  And seohun was so adorable kyaaaa ♡ And sehun liked seohyun before she sent a letter to him ??
I hope you will make a seqeul for this !!!! ( is there really no other reason how did sehun know that the letter was from seohyun ?? )
Chapter 5: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO A SEQUEL!!!!!! This is the best story I've ever read!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE I'M BEGGING YOU DO A SEQUEL!!!!
Chapter 5: Sequel please! or maybe a chapter that tells on what happened next! I am so inlove with this Seohun fanfic! Please continue it ^^