
Dear Mister Creeper

My mouth would not close. It was left hanging by how ridiculously fast he were to catch up with me and not just that, why just why was he willing to follow me till my doorsteps?

That’s it he’s an official creeper in my textbook.

What should I do now?

Shoo him off?

Exactly how?

Am I going have to act like a total mafia for a minute and throw a tantrum towards him for stalking me and make him leave?

Hmm...Maybe I should do that.

I had a goose dream before…It was during my childhood and my dream was being an actress. Being a living nerd, I thought many people would object this ambition of mine so I gave up on it. But today I will go for it. For the sake of my life and my buried dream!

“You!” I pointed at him with my index finger. Shivers were sent down to spine as I did so. It cannot be help I was still very very frightened of him.

Sehun responded my harsh calling by stepping forward towards me…what wasn’t he supposed to be scared?

While he was walking towards me, I slowly moon walked back.

What’s this? Aren’t I supposed to be the mafia heroine? I should advance to the front!

So I started to head to the front still with my index finger held high and I ended up ing my finger right onto his chest.

Oops…that must’ve hurt somehow. Well, I thought you would go with the flow and shuffled back instead. I will beg for your forgiveness in another lifetime, Sehun.

“Why are you following me?” Looking up at him towards his ‘eyes’ which I am not sure where; credits to his bangs, I think that was the first legitimate eye-contact I made with him. I also slightly yelled my question out even though he was within 10cm radius. I even made my most brutal look. The whole frowning till your brows meet thing and putting a downwards lip like Donald Trump when he was about to say 'You're fired' to create the perfect scowling.

Opening and closing his mouth that looked to me as if he had forgotten how to communicate because I swore I have never ever seen him with someone before. Let alone conversing with humans, at least at the school. He was always such a loner. Somehow, I suddenly feel for him. Aww, Sehun you have gone through a lot. I wished I could give you a pat but I am too afraid to even attempt that so I won’t.

“I thought you wanted to finish up the biology assignment, so I came to approach you but you kept on avoiding me?”

WAIT... WHAT WAS THAT? DID HE JUST TALK? Am I the first person at the school who got the privilege to ever hear his voice which was somewhat, I don’t what to admit it but… cute? It sounded like he cannot pronounce the letter ‘s’. I feel honored and touched.

And what a min…So he did not came intending to kill me or something but to do the project? AWW. I feel guilty for assuming he was a total bad guy.

“…so I was wondering we could do it at your crib.” He continued his sentence with his cute voice which was definitely not a match with his unapproachable appearance. To think he had such a cute voice. Hah! I even thought he was a mafia. I do not think he could lead a gang with this voice; he will be teased by his underling for a lifetime.


Hold on, let me processed his sentence. HE WANTED TO DO IT AT MY HOUSE?


My mom has this really bizarre tendency.


And in such perfect timing, before I could even rejected Sehun’s idea and ushered him to leave; my mom opened up the gate with a garbage bag on her hand.


My life is like a complete k-sitcom with a tinge of ridiculousness and randomness and spot-on timing.


“Seohyun, you’re here already? Why didn’t you come inside?” Was what my mom said until she laid her eyes upon Sehun. Ohh, jinjja! I’m screwed.

“Omo, who do you we have here?” She was quite surprised by his one of kind hairdo for a sec but she was still delighted to see him because my mom had the tendency to…

“Is he your boyfriend?” to mistaken every boy I had invited or for Sehun case uninvited to my house as my boyfriend…

I watched my mom full with smiles as I was about to spoke up and denied the matter when Sehun just stood there and smile.


Sehun what are you doing? Explain yourself!

Why are you even smiling?

You know what that means? She will take that as a yes!


“Mom, he’s not! Stop pressing him about that!” I took her left arm that was busied lingering through Sehun’s triceps.

My mom nudged away my hand and continued to touch my so called boyfriend that I have only talked for two seconds, “Yah, Seo. There’s no need to lie. Look, he doesn’t even trying to deny it.”


Yah Sehun!

Are you suddenly mute again?

Talk! talk! Talk with that –th slang of yours!

Just say something, dang it!


My mom could not took her eyes off from Sehun and then she heaved a deep sigh, “Aigoo, it’s been awhile since my daughter brings any man home. The last time was when she was a third grader…” that was because of you, mom! You ushered a nine year old boy to be my husband!

Then my mom continued to rant again, “I was getting worried will she ever get married because she never had gotten herself a boyfriend before and she was already eighteen! She was a real good student but my dream is to marry her off…”

Why are we all talking about dreams today?

“And then you came…” She deliberately wrapped her arms around Sehun’s shoulder and smiled so brightly.


Mom…what are you talking about?

I do not like where this is going…it feels too much like dejavu.


“…my son-in-law.”


And my mother dropped the bombshell.

Even Sehun flinched. And I…I was ready to emit lasers from my eyes and created a hole to the ground so I could bury myself six feet under.

“Shall we come inside, son?” the very words she spoke out sounded like a death bell for me. And Sehun continued to stand there like an eyeless idiot with a wide grin stuck on his face as if he had succeeded in something…like he had achieved sweet revenge…uh-oh


It cannot be! So he wanted to make my life miserable by pretending to be my mom’s son-in-law?




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loveatfirstkai #1
Chapter 5: This is the most hilarious fic that i ever read, awesome!! Thank you authornim! /bow/
Please make sequel for this story, maybe on sehun's point of view, like answer to why he's not at class most of time, how he knows the sender of letter, why he keep that eyeless hairdo etc etc. Waaaaahhhhhhh i'm so curious yeah!! /sherlock dancing/
Chapter 5: I know it's so late to say this but i just discovered this story and i think it DEFINITELY DESERVES A SEQUEL! Hope you really make one, you did a very good job at this story :)
seororoxo #3
Chapter 5: omg it'd be great if there's a sequel kyaaaaaa>//<
Chapter 5: -clears throat-

i demand for a sequel.
Chapter 5: i'm not shipping seohun but you have succeed to make me desperately want a sequel for this. because this is so in cute.......and extremely funny and exciting! please... jaebal....
nanjang #6
Chapter 5: Sequel please!!!!
I want to know how Sehun figured out that the letter was from Seohyun and why he didn't attend the class.
I love your story so much! Makes me grinning like an idoit lol
YB_aspi #7
Chapter 5: OMGGGG THE LAST SENTENCE THAT SEHUN SAID  This story is so funny, i kept laughing at how you described the scenes and how seohyun felt XD You're a really good writer too and your plot was new & cute  And seohun was so adorable kyaaaa ♡ And sehun liked seohyun before she sent a letter to him ??
I hope you will make a seqeul for this !!!! ( is there really no other reason how did sehun know that the letter was from seohyun ?? )
Chapter 5: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO A SEQUEL!!!!!! This is the best story I've ever read!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE I'M BEGGING YOU DO A SEQUEL!!!!
Chapter 5: Sequel please! or maybe a chapter that tells on what happened next! I am so inlove with this Seohun fanfic! Please continue it ^^