
Dear Mister Creeper

My mom's eyes were literally glittering so sparkly.

It’s like she just found a winning lottery ticket lying on the streets screaming ‘pick me pick me’.

That was how much he favored Sehun even when he does not talk at all and have done absolutely nothing except smiling here and there.

She knew how much I despised chiseled refined abs when she kept ogling over them whenever it was shown on the tv. And she also knew how I hated the fact to have male guests stay over at home to the point I rather caged myself in my room for the whole day without any meals and used my balcony to descend down instead of using the stairs just so the male guest never knew a daughter existed in the family. That was when she opted for exorcism in a nearby temple because she concluded I was being possessed by a male spirit…

Anyway, now my mom was animatedly talking to Sehun, showing him pictures of me that was practically all over the living room since I was the sole child of Joo family.

“This is Seohyun when she was fourteen being the champ in the Mathematics Olympiad, beating even the twelve graders!” this was what I like to call ‘mom’s overly boasting’ session. She had been going on and on from I was still an infant to when I first joined the Olympiad. I was definitely impressed by Sehun attentiveness, nodding and listening to everything my mom’s said. But then again with his lengthy bangs who knows if he did pay any attention to any of my mom’s rant…Hmm, Sehun you’re indeed clever.

“Oh yeah! Son-in-law, what actually made you came all the way to my daughter’s house? If you’re thinking of formally introducing yourself to the family then I am sorry, my husband is out of town.”

“I’m here for a biology assignment.” Oh you’re not mute anymore, how convenient. Why didn’t you try to speak earlier and explained your standings?

“Oh! And the two of you are partners?” Mom you looked way too happy to be shock.

“Yeah.” Sehun replied flashing his famous smile again.

“That’s wonderful. That just goes how destined you are for one another.” Mom that was too corny. Ugh. I just want to curled myself up into a ball and disappear.

“Huh?” the surprised Sehun, draw backwards.

“Oh Seo how about you change to normal clothes while I’ll prepare some snacks for you two lovely birds.”

“Mom…” I whimpered with her cheesy idioms.

I made my way to my room and shut the door with a thud.


Why did all of this happen?

How can Sehun magically became my unofficial husband when I just officially met him three hours ago?

God, my life could it be a…a scripted Korean drama?


That aside, I need something to wear; a very unappealing sets of cloth that would automatically make Sehun leave. Hah!

Rummaging through my closet, I could not believe that I actually possessed some of the most horrendous clothes of all time.

“Hip hop pants? When did I even got into hip hop? Was this my dad’s? Did he hide it here?”

No wonder…

Baggy oversize t-shirts, over the top skull jacket and shining purple trot blazers were some of the apparels that I ‘apparently’ owned. I kid. There were 100% my dad’s, I have never ever seen and purchased manly clothes before. But it seems like today is the day I will start to; just to turn Sehun off because whatever he’s doing right now made me think he’s into me…okay, I kid again. I knew and sensed it was for revenge.

Anyway, I am way up for too many new challenges today. From delivering letters to some eyeless chap to almost attempting to broke someone’s locker and now about to wear my dad’s clothes. Oh Sehun, you made me do something I could have never thought I would.

First off, the blue baggy oversize shirt with weird logo that might be famous in the 70’s then, the black atrocious hip hop pants and finally the skull necklaces with the spiky rings just to go with everything.

And ladies and gentlemen, this is what I like to called my new comfortable clothes. A style that is so distinctive, I could not even tell I am going for black metal or hip hop. Ain’t that cool?

I bring everything that were related with the assignment and set off from my room feeling very swag. I even slightly hunched over my back and took wide stride just so I could exude that hip hop feel and I also kept nodding my head for the well-known rockin’ head banging.

I went downstairs, passed the kitchen and about to walk towards Sehun who was busy staring at the carpet perhaps counting how many types of wool had been used in the processed of such smooth, squishy carpet that I personally adore— Ahyop!

I let out a yelp when my mom practically hurled me into the kitchen.

“What do you think are you wearing, woman?” my mom loudly hissed. Gripping my arm then inspected my attire closer.

“Normal clothes?” I timidly answered and lied because honestly whatever I am wearing were never normal in my diction.

“Oh my god! I couldn’t believe my eyes. Let me correct you my lovely daughter, what you’re wearing were dad’s clothes.” Mom, isn’t it obvious? Even you’ve sworn to never have told me, I would’ve instantly figured it out.

“Mom, now could I just go and work on my assignment?” I tried to calm down my mom by patting her shoulders and quietly tip toed to reach the living room just to avoid her almost erupting anger.

“You are going nowhere young lady dressing like a ridiculous lad!” and she roared like a true lioness.

Tugging the neckline of my shirt, she dragged me back to my room and plopped me down onto my bed. Then, she opened sesame; I mean my wardrobe and fumbled through clothes like a pro stylist. When she found a decent cloth she will wriggled her fingers and the cloth will be sent off flying towards me. And after some time, I had already been buried alive with piles of clothes that had been chosen by yours truly.

“Mom…how did you know I wore dad’s clothes?” I curiously inquired.

“He used to wear those when we were dating and I was the one who bought him the pants.”

So this thing I’m wearing IS from the 70’s! How…unclean, I fully hoped that these clothes have been washed before or I would like to be fully body sanitized.

“I told him to throw away all those but what do you know? He stored it in his daughter’s closet.” She grinned and skimmed through my box of accessories. Mom…let’s not overdress, why are you even picking the fancy looking necklace and earrings? For goodness sake, we are not going for a formal five-star restaurant dinner!

After that, she looked through the clothes which she hand-picked again and that gave me something to cringe about since all of them were those high couture one piece dresses. Ugh!

“Change to this!” she smacked me a beautiful lacy white dress right in my face.

“Mom, this looks too elegant for normal clothes…” I uttered meekly wanting to reject her absolute command.

“You need to look good for your boyfriend.” She said with a wink.

“You mean that eyeless man? I never have even seen his eyes before, mom. Do you not remember my ideal type, someone with nice-looking eyes? There’s nothing between us.” I clarified, trying to clear her misunderstandings once and for all.

“Then go make something happen.” She pushed me out of bed and sat on my spot while crossing her arms with arching brows and all.

And just like that, I gave in because she was in boss mode which equals to a beating for every single thing I disagree.

So I tried the dress and looked in the mirror. I almost wanted to jump from my balcony rather than displaying myself to Sehun in such womanly look. Double ugh!

While I was freaking out, mom was clapping like a penguin and approved of my look.

“Yes, this is it! Now you just need to wear this.” She wore me a simple heart-shaped silver necklace around my neck. Next, she clutched my hair to my right side with a white bow-like hair clip.

Once I watched myself through the full-length mirror yet again, I gasped because I looked as if I am ready to attend a wedding reception…what I’m wearing was nothing close to casual.

I took my blanket and wrapped around my body, “Can’t I go like this?”

My mom smacked the back of my head and ushered me out of the door, “Don’t be silly and go meet your prince charming.”

Mom, did you not hear my clarification just minutes ago?


With a sulking face I descended down the stairs and drop by the kitchen to retrieve my biology files. I took lazy wide strides while bowing my hand down of embarrassment instead of the swag I feel I had, moments ago.

Arriving the living room with the fancy lacy white knee length one piece dress, I glanced at Sehun slowly to anticipate his reaction.

Awestruck? Nah that won’t happen.

Laughing? Yes, definitely.

Unchanged. Oh I forgot he’s expressionless.


And Sehun dropped his jaws…for milliseconds and chuckled.

How, cliché. I could've predicted his reaction without any crystal balls.

“Do you usually dress like this at home?” his question had me taken aback.

“Yes!” I sternly replied him, not wanting him to know my mom had dressed me up to impress him. Ugh…the thought of it nauseated me. I am no foxy lady!

“Where should we start?” Sehun spoke up and take a look of my folders.

“We? You mean, you? Because I have done my part.” I lashed back.


“But I am a good natured student and I will assist you anyway.”


“Because if you screwed up, I will share the same fate.”


“I am kidding. Why aren’t you laughing? Come on, it’s a joke.”

“It doesn’t sound one to me.”

“I am no Voldemort, so I am going to help you because almost 100% you’re out of class and I bet you have got not a single idea, the assignment is about.”

“Yeah.” This guy was ought to be unresponsive. 


Thus, I handed him the assignment sheets and explained what the experiment was about.

“First, you need to find some of these plant samples and extract its epidermis to observe the structure under the light microscope.” As I enlighten him, he nodded his head repetitively.

“You should use a 40x objective lens for better magnification and based on from what you’ve seen you must carefully measure the width and the length of cell.” I continued and watched him as he’s lips twisted to and fro.

“Record all of the data including some of the task requirement will need you to draw the cell itself. Then complete the report by answering some of its question. And you’re finish as simple as that.” I clasped my hand right on time with my mother entrance bringing the snacks.

“How are you two doing? Don't wear yourself out too much and enjoy this instead.” My mom placed two glasses of mango juice with articulate straws; the spiral type, a plate of my favorite organic cookies and some fish cakes. Hmm, she’s bringing out all of our best snacks on the table.

Then, she sat on the couch next to me and watched as Sehun bowed his head and expressed his gratitude by saying ‘thank you’. Her eyes then became moon-shaped gazing at Sehun manners and she tapped on my lap THRICE, giving me ‘go and get him’ look and left.

Whoa, my mom just could not let go of Sehun even he had weird hairdo. Does she really want Sehun to be her son-in-law?

If that so…maybe I should…really…never bring Sehun home ever again!

I secretly gave Sehun a grudge glare while munching on my cookies in which he accidently saw and immediately I pretend my innocence by glaring at the wall behind him instead. No matter how, I am still terrified the fact I cannot viewed his eyes because only god knows what type of eyes he was born with; maybe super scary ones?  Ugh, I could only shudder at the thought.

“Can I ask you something?” somehow I was reminded the itching question which I was so curious about.


“Why are you never in class?” my words came out hesitantly as I stared at him eagerly.

“…Let’s continue with the project.” He dodged the question and put his drink aside.

Seems like there was something he wants to hide but I did not expect him to answer me anyway.


And so I gave him the details about the plants he need to search; one by one, saying every location the plants could be possibly growing when without any heed, my mom hollered from the kitchen.

“Sehun would you like to stay for dinner?” Oh shoot!

I bravely intercepted and hollered back, “Sehun will leave soon, mom.”

“I’m asking him not you!” I casted a pout and intently stare at Sehun waiting for an answer.

Please, please, please reject her offer.  I do not want to be trap in this misery any longer. This dress was hands down the most uncomfortable dress ever because it is painfully itchy to wear a lacy dress. And this go get yourself a husband thing is making me wanting to make myself a cardboard husband just so my mom would stop pairing me up with you. So look me in the eyes, read my mind, receive my signal that I could not go on and just go…

Oh! Sehun stood up! He stood up! Did you received my telepathic wave? He calmly walked into the kitchen and I strained my neck to see Sehun approaching my mom. I scurried to a nearby wall and overheard their convo.

“I am sorry but I have to work by five so I am going to leave in a little while.”

YES! YES! YES! I am saved from long hours of suffocation and humiliation! Who knows what my mom would make me wear if he had stayed for dinner. A wedding dress? Perhaps…

“Aww too bad, you couldn’t stay longer. I was going to prepare a feast just for you.” My mom patted Sehun’s cheek and his arms.

“Maybe next time.” Sehun muttered and bowed politely to my mom. But I am sorry Sehun there is no next time for you. Sad to say this is going to be the last time you will ever step foot into my house.

“Yes, I will make sure Seohyun invited you to dinner soon.” Mom, no just no. You could wait for another nine years till I actually bring my man home.

“I’ll take my leave then.” He bowed once again, showing his warm smile to my mom while my mom could not let go of her arms that was wrapping around his body. When she did let go of her hug, Sehun rushed to the living room and packed his stuff.

Then, the telephone suddenly rang and pratically I sprinted towards it and answered the call.

“Seo! How did it go?” It was Soyou.

“What did?” I asked her back and eyed Sehun who was waiting for me, looks like he got something to say. So I just jerked my head up implying him to just speak away.

“You know that escaping Sehun thing. Did anything happen? Did you return to your house safely?” she speed talk, I could tell she’s excited to know everything. Wait till I told her what DID happen because there’s a lot.

“I return home alright. But today was never the same I tell yah. So many things happen at once that I need time to digest the whole thing.” I chattered dramatically and saw Sehun was saying something that I could not figure out because his voice and Soyou’s were starting to overlap. Oh whatever he said could not be that important and I just nodded to every single word came out from Sehun mouth.

“Oh god, tell me everything! What happen? Did you get chase by Sehun and somehow your mom accidently met him and mistaken him as your boyfriend like she did with your track member friend nine years ago?” Whoa…is she a psychic? How in the world did she come up with that?

“How did you figure that out? That was exactly happened to me!” I seriously got goosebumps with her accurate guess or imagination. Just then, I felt a graze and saw my mom was looking very displeased with me. That was my cue to stop my phone call.

“Hey hey Soyou, I’ll call you back later, kay?” I said abruptly and hanged up almost immediately after she said she was fine about it.

Crossing her arms, “I never raised you to be rude. How could you still chattering away when a guest is leaving? He even kept looking at you but you didn’t even bid a goodbye!”

Dropping my head low, I took in all her of her scoldings.


I admit my selfishness against Sehun.

Seems like I am very thoughtless around him; always thinking he was the bad guy when truthfully he was not that bad. He was actually genuinely nice…Polite to the elders and was surprisingly calm.

No wonder, my mom wanted him to be her son-in-law…Okay, that was still off-limits for me but I did somewhat saw him in a different light. He was not heartless and creepy yet he was the exact opposite; courteous and considerate.


Sehun, maybe I might begin to accept you as another male -apart from my dad- in my life.


I think.


Okay, if you cut off the silly bangs, I seriously would!



A/N: One more chap to go~ and sorry for any grammar mistakes since I was in a hurry orz Longest chapter to date...Woots! xD

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loveatfirstkai #1
Chapter 5: This is the most hilarious fic that i ever read, awesome!! Thank you authornim! /bow/
Please make sequel for this story, maybe on sehun's point of view, like answer to why he's not at class most of time, how he knows the sender of letter, why he keep that eyeless hairdo etc etc. Waaaaahhhhhhh i'm so curious yeah!! /sherlock dancing/
Chapter 5: I know it's so late to say this but i just discovered this story and i think it DEFINITELY DESERVES A SEQUEL! Hope you really make one, you did a very good job at this story :)
seororoxo #3
Chapter 5: omg it'd be great if there's a sequel kyaaaaaa>//<
Chapter 5: -clears throat-

i demand for a sequel.
Chapter 5: i'm not shipping seohun but you have succeed to make me desperately want a sequel for this. because this is so in cute.......and extremely funny and exciting! please... jaebal....
nanjang #6
Chapter 5: Sequel please!!!!
I want to know how Sehun figured out that the letter was from Seohyun and why he didn't attend the class.
I love your story so much! Makes me grinning like an idoit lol
YB_aspi #7
Chapter 5: OMGGGG THE LAST SENTENCE THAT SEHUN SAID  This story is so funny, i kept laughing at how you described the scenes and how seohyun felt XD You're a really good writer too and your plot was new & cute  And seohun was so adorable kyaaaa ♡ And sehun liked seohyun before she sent a letter to him ??
I hope you will make a seqeul for this !!!! ( is there really no other reason how did sehun know that the letter was from seohyun ?? )
Chapter 5: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO A SEQUEL!!!!!! This is the best story I've ever read!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE I'M BEGGING YOU DO A SEQUEL!!!!
Chapter 5: Sequel please! or maybe a chapter that tells on what happened next! I am so inlove with this Seohun fanfic! Please continue it ^^