Complaints and Demands

The Adventurous Adventures of Kim Jongdae And Byun Baekhyun

Kyungsoo gaped,Kai just stared at them.

Baekhyun who previously had 'O' face looked at Kyungsoo and said,"Close your mouth,mosquitos might mistake it as cave and enter."

Kyungsoo closed his mouth,"So you mean..working with us is torture?"

"No!" Chen said.

"Then?" Kai asked.

"Its worse.." Baekhyun shrugged,"Working with you is worst than being by a dog."

Kyungsoo's eyes widened,"Whut! Why?"

"Because of you!"Chen pointed at Kyungsoo.

"Huh!?" Kyungsoo was confused.

"They way you...stare...its creepy!" Baekhyun said.

"You make me feel like I am carrying a mountain like pimple,irrespective of the fact I dont have pimples!" Chen said.

"You are the only reason I try not to be late for classes." Baekhyun said.

"I don't creepily stare!" Kyungsoo said.

"Then what are you doing now!" Chen snapped.

"Eh!? I am just looking.." Kyungsoo said.

"Whut! It feels like you're throwing invisible daggers at us!" Baekhyun said.

"Then control your feels!" Kyungsoo retorted.

"Oh God cut it out! Guys,don't be like that Kyungsoo is very handsome!" Kai defended.

"Look whose talking!" BaekChen hifived.

"Huh!" Kai said.

"Kai you're no less creeper."Chen said.

"Hey!I don't stare!" Kai whined.

"No you dont." Baekhyun started,"But your jokes.."

"Whats wrong with them?" Kai asked.

"What was that joke....yeah....what cream do bees apply?" Chen looked at Baekhyun.

Baekhyun looked at Kai and answered,"BEEBEE CREAM!"

"Thats like calling Kris a bee."Chen said.

"Just eait till I tell this to Kris."Baekhyun said.

"Shut up!"Kyungsoo said.

BaekChen stared at the irritated Kyungsoo for two seconds,"No!" they said and hifived.

At Kyungsoo's defeat Kai got furious,"Enough!" he raised his hand.

BaekChenSoo looked at angry Kai,he secretly smirked.

Suddenly Baekhyun hifived Kai on the hand he had raised and started laughing along with Chen.

Kai and Kyungsoo stared in shock.

"Really! How scary Kai!"Chen joked.

"Too fab to care!" Baekhyun flipped his hair sassily.

"Seriously Kyungie hyung..why them?"Kai whispered.

"Because they are quite smart"Kyungsoo whispered back.

"Looks like someone had microphones for breakfast."Chen said extra loud.

"And thanks for the compliment."Baekhyun raised his thumbs up.

Kai rolled his eyes.

"Can we start?" Kyungsoo asked.

"Start?Start what?"Chen asked.

"Homework.." Kai said.

"Sure sure..go ahead.."Baekhyun said,"We'll be here only,any help,don't ask us nae!"

"I meant we all will work together."Kyungsoo said.

"Ohh.."BaekChen said.

"Socan we start?" Kai asked.

"Little later?!"Chen said.

"Why?" Kyungsoo asked.

"Whats with the hurry?" Baekhyun asked.

"I...don't have much time.."Kyungsoo said looking at Kai,sadly.

"Whut!Really!?"Baekhyun grinned,then suddenly changed his expression,"Really?" he said gloomily.

"He doesn't mean it that way stupid." Kai said.

"Then?"Chen asked.

"I am going on a vacation with my parents."Kyungsoo said.

"For how long?"Kai asked.

"About a week."Kyungsoo said.

"A week! I'll be half dead Kyungie hyung!" Kai frowned.

"Haha really!In that case you go for two weeks,Kyungsoo."Chen said.,Baekhyun chuckled.

KaiSoo glared at Chen.

"Okay okay calm your milkless s."Baekhyun said,"We will start with homework if only Kyungsoo bakes cookies."

Kyungsoo looked at them but then nodded.

"Alright lets start."Chen said.

"So..we shal start with..math!" Kai said.

"We have math?"Baekhyun was surprised.

"Yeah!Now come on!" Kyungsoo said.

"We do?"Baekhyun whispered to Chen who just shrugged.

"Okay so..first question.." Kai said.

Everyone read the first question.

"Erm..lets start from question two.." Chen said.

"Erm,we should go orderwise.."Kyungsoo suggested.

"Who are you to order us?"Baekhyun asked.

Kyungsoo was speechless.

"Oh come on guys..its not very tough.." Kai said.

Everyone helped eachother and proceeded,all was going well until Kai got stuck on a question.

"Kyungsoo hyung.." he tapped Kyungsoo's shoulder.

"Yea?"Kyungsoo asked.

"Do you know how to solve this question?" Kai asked.

"Ani Jonginnie,even I am stuck at this."Kyungsoo said.

KaiSoo smiled at eachother.

"Is something wrong?"Chen asked.

"Actually,do you know how to solve this?"Kyungsoo showed BaekChen the question.

"This question! Ah! even my 12 year old cousin could solve it!" Baekhyun grinned.

"Haha..then you must done" Kai said.

"Uh-uh! I said my cousin could solve it,not me!"Baekhyun snickered.

KaiSoo's smile vanished.

"His cousin is a mth genius."Chen said.

"Nevermind.."Kai said.

After struggling a little bit they all were done.

"Finally!"Chen grinned.

"Now owl look alike will bake us cookies!" Baekhyun smiled.

"How about you both bake for us."Kai raised a brow.

"Well...if you say so.."Chen said standing up.

"Then don't say we didn't warn you."Baekhyun smirked.

"What are they upto." Kai eyed the two trollers.

"Its okay Jonginnie,I'll bake,if these work at the kitchen,you might have to ask $uho to reinovate your entire ktchen."Kyungsoo said.

"Or the entire house maybe."Kai said standing up along with Kyungsoo.

"Wait!!"KaiSoo shouted as they ran after BaekChen.


Heylo :3

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Chapter 10: As I was reading I was like...wutt on earth is happening...then it ended and I still don't get how the God came about ...then in the end somehow they all gathered togther?
But I'm overall amused and I liked the story^^It really lightened up my mood like after reading a angst based story
Chenchenlay #2
Chapter 10: Ehh..Is this finished but How ?
ExoMsKungfuPandaTao #3
Chapter 10: OMG! LOL THIS IS SO ING HILARIOUS /dies laughing/
buxkwild #4
Chapter 10: Hey if i am not mistaken the last chapter is the scene u wrote from an indian movie
The phenyle and god thing
Chapter 10: Holy shiiitt :'))
This was sooo funny *~*
Aww... BaekChen are so perfect together x3
can't wait for your next Update x3
Chapter 10: About the jesus. LOL. its too funny! I love it! i cracked on it
Chapter 10: funny :D i love Baekchen here... naughty Beakchen :D
Chapter 9: Update please!!!
Chapter 9: I'm suppose to cry. But why the heck am I laughing? XD
Chapter 9: Picano xD how can you come up with such funny things?! XD