A Godly Dream

The Adventurous Adventures of Kim Jongdae And Byun Baekhyun

Lengthy chapter ahead...enjoy the resolution ^^


"Aye!"Baekhyun shouted.

"Anneyong President Troll iminida!"Chen came wearing a troll mask.

"Eh?" Baekhyun gave a disapproved look.

"I have a joke for you." Chen said while removing the mask.

"Go on." Baekhyun said.

"Why doesn't an elephant remember anything?" Chen asked.

"Hm..I dont know.." Baekhyun shrugged.

"Because no one tells him anything." Chen laughed.

All that could be heard rather felt from Baelhyun's side was silence.

Chen looked at lad who just kept a poker face and glared at him.

"Listen you eyeliner pig...laugh at my joke." Chen said.

"No!" Baekhyun said.

"Laugh.at.my.joke!" Chen threatened like a child.

"Whats wrong with you?"Baekhyun asked.

"I'm sleepy." Chen shrugged.

"Then go sleep." Baekhyun said.

"Okai!" Chen started walking towards Baekhyun's room.

"Yah! Why my room? Go to your room." Baekhyun furrowed his brows.

"My bed is occupied." Chen said.

"Huh? Who is there?" Baekhyun scratched his head,confused.

"Fumbalul."Chen said.

"Erm what language was that?" Baekhyun asked.

"Its a name silly."Chen said.

"Whose?" Baekhyun asked.

"..Of the lizard lying on my bed." Chen shrugged and proceeded to Baekhyun's room.

"A what on your bed? Yah! Get back here and take that creature out of our house!" Bakhyun shouted.

In return to his shoutings all Baekhyun got was his bedroom door being slammed shut on his face.Baekhyun tried to open the door but it was too late as his fellow housemate had already locked the room and now he was left alone with the lizard in the room diagonal to him with the door open ajar.

"Kim Troll Jongdae! You are not leaving me alone with that lizard!" Baekhyun screamed,unfortunately the snores coming from his room made it evident that the troll master was already asleep.

"No.." Baekhyun breathed.

He slowly walked up to Jongdae's room and carefully scrutinized the place,upon looking at the bed he spotted the lizard and almost fainted looking at its appearance.He proceeded towards the cupboard to get a spare blanket which will be his armour for the night and made sure he stayed as away as possible from Jongdae's bed.

Quickly taking the blanket,he shouted "Goodnight Fumbul..Fumba..Fulu..whatever!" as he sprinted out of the room and made sure the door was closed.

Baekhyun tried to make himself comfortable on the couch and somehow managed to do so.Soon enough sleep embraced him.


"Tao!" Kris shouted,"Bring me some tea!"

"Coming!" Tao shouted.

"In today's date!" Kris yet again shouted.

"Coming! Moron.." Tao muttered the last part.

Kris seated himself on the sofa as Tao walked out of the kitchen.

"Here..today you are getting breakfast too,Pancakes." Tao smiled.

"Why breakfast for me today?" Kris asked.

"The servent didn't show up today so.." Tao said,"Who would have I given it to?"

Kris gave the guy an aghasted look.

"Even the begger didn't show up." Tao pouted.

Suddenly Tao's phone rang and picked the call while Kris tasted the pancakes.

"Anneyong Lay ge! The news the is that..the servent didn't show up.The utensils are piled in the kitchen who will wash them?" Tao eyed Kris who had a disgusted expression and was walking towards Tao.

"Tao.." Kris started.

"I'll call you later ge..bye.What is it?" Tao looked at Kris.

"This pancake tasted weird.." Kris complained.

"Ya ya..the pancale fell on the floor no.." Tao said.


"So..Chen ge! I told him to pick the pancake and the wipe the floor with phenyle."Tao chuckled,"But he first wiped the floor and then picked the pancke!"

Kris was bewildered and automatically held his throat in fear.

"How is it?" Tao asked.

"The pancake is horrible!" Kris shouted.

"No the phenyle!" Tao grinned,"Yesterday only stole it from the super market."

"Tao..phenyle is poison..what if I die?" Kris follwed Tao.

"Aye! don't die today eh even the servent didn't show up..wait till he comes after that I'll only personally kill you." Tao smiled.

Suddenly the door bell rang.

"Hash the servent is here! Coming Jongin coming!" Tao shouted as he walked towards the door.

Meanwhile Kris shouted,"Baekhyun!Chen! Save me!"

Tao opened the door and was greeted by a strong beam of white light.Narrowing his eyes he tried to look at the mysterious figure.

"Yah! Lower the lights!" Tao shouted.

The figure nodded and the lights were lowered.

Tao coughed before asking,"Who are you?" 

"I am God!" the figure answered,"I came here to distribute the sweets of knowledge."

"Oh! I thought it was Jongin! Aye listen Kris ge some God has come." Tao shouted,"Move!" he told the man.

"Listen child.." God called Tao.

"Sorry God sshi but I have to go and find a new servent anneyong." Tao left.

At the same moment Kris walked out,"Holy Krisus God! Yah Tao where you going!? Oh my God! God bless us your knowledge." Kris softly broght his hands together infront of God.

"May you get all the success you deserve!" God blessed him.

"Come in come in!" Kris got the unexpected guest into his house,"Chen! Baekhyun! Kyungsoo! where are you all?" 

Suddenly Chen walks into the room,"I here hyung!"

"Ah..come here..God meet him he is Chen."

"Anneyongseyo! I'm Chen." Chen introduced.

God nodded and smiled.

"My name is Chen." Kris rolled his eyes,"When people call Chen then I answer..from my mouth."

"Okai okai..where is Baekhyun?" Kris interrupted.

"Wait I'll call..Baekhyun hyung!"Chen shouted.

"Chen? What is?" Baekhyun shouted as he leisurely walked towards the living room.

Baekhyun plopped himself on the sofa beside Chen,"Bro i'm tired."

"This is Baekhyun!" Kris smiled.

"Hello how are! Don't leave before eating!"Baekhyun said to God.

Kris facepalmed,"First ask about water."

Baekhyun nodded before lookin back to God,"What time does water come in your house?"

God gave him a confused look.

"Aish! ask him about drinking water dummy!" Kris hissed.

"Ayeee people!" Kyungsoo barged in the room with a tray of food.

Everyone looked at him,Kyungsoo walked up to God and gave his newly prepared dessert.God ate it and was pretty impressed with the taste.

"Hmm..nice thing..what is it made of?" God asked.

"From ladies smooth silky hair.." God's eyes widened,"...like chocolate."

"This is Kyungsoo?"God asked.

Kris nodded.

"I am God."

"Oh yeah? What do you do?" Chen asked.

Little surprised God replied,"God..who people worship."

"Michael Jackson? beat it~" Chen sang.

"No! I'm God! Almighty! Lord! Jesus!" 

"Oh you mean God..real God!" Chen said.

"If I wear clothes like Jesus naturally I'm God!"

"Not necessary.." Baekhyun said.

"Oh no.." Kris breathed.

"Its possible that you participated in a fancy dress competition in which you were God." Chen said.

"We participate every year.Last year I dressed as a teacher."

For enacting the scene Baekhyun sat on the couch crossing his legs and ideally looking at everyone.Kyungsoo and Chen smiled at him.God was totally confused.

"Thats..a teacher?" alas he asked.

"Yeah!" Chen smiled.

"Then why isn't he teaching?" God asked.

"Because right now he is sitting at home." Chen told.

Kyungsoo spoke,"Now come just because he is a teacher doesn't mean that he'll always be like B for biscuit C for sandwhich.."

"S for sandwhich.." God corrected Kyungsoo.

"I was talking about chicken sandwhich." Kyungsoo said.

"Oh..did people understand the concept?" God asked.

"Yeah I got first prize." Baekhyun grinned.

"First prize? Then what about you guys!?" God asked.

"No no.." Kris shook his head.

"Kyungsoo was lentil.." Baekhyun told,"Show him Kyungie!"

Kyungsoo smiled, stood up and the laid on floor.Aghasted God asked,"Thats lentil?"

"Yeah the spilt lentil.." Baekhyun informed,"Look over there..at Chen." he pointed at Chen who was sitting on the table with his hand encircling the air.

"...he was the container.." Baekhyun chuckled.

"Then how come he is not on the floor?" God asked.

"Because only the lentil fell not the vessel." Baekhyun replied.

"Sir,use a little bit of your brain.." Kyungsoo said.

"And the he came to give sweets of knowlegde to us!" Baekhyun chuckled.

"Who made you God man!?" Chen said as God took his sweets of knowledge with him and exited the premises,defeated.



"Ayeeee Baekhyun!" Chen shook Baekhyun,"Wake up bro! Get ready school starts in 20 minutes!"

"Huh?" Baekhyun lazily rubbed his eyes.

"Get up!" Chen shouted,"By the way take rent from Fumbalul he is there on the sofa handle." with that Chen went to his room.

"What? Aah.. that was a crazy dream!Aish back to school.." Baekhyun yawned and turned his gaze to the sofa handle.

The first thing he was greeted by was the lizard.



Here I end this story :3

I know the epitome of crappyness,so please forgive this neophyte U_U

Thankyou so much to all the readers (active and silent) ^^

I would also like thank my co-author :)

I hope you had fun :D

Thankyou once again :]

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Chapter 10: As I was reading I was like...wutt on earth is happening...then it ended and I still don't get how the God came about ...then in the end somehow they all gathered togther?
But I'm overall amused and I liked the story^^It really lightened up my mood like after reading a angst based story
Chenchenlay #2
Chapter 10: Ehh..Is this finished but How ?
ExoMsKungfuPandaTao #3
Chapter 10: OMG! LOL THIS IS SO ING HILARIOUS /dies laughing/
buxkwild #4
Chapter 10: Hey if i am not mistaken the last chapter is the scene u wrote from an indian movie
The phenyle and god thing
Chapter 10: Holy shiiitt :'))
This was sooo funny *~*
Aww... BaekChen are so perfect together x3
can't wait for your next Update x3
Chapter 10: About the jesus. LOL. its too funny! I love it! i cracked on it
Chapter 10: funny :D i love Baekchen here... naughty Beakchen :D
Chapter 9: Update please!!!
Chapter 9: I'm suppose to cry. But why the heck am I laughing? XD
Chapter 9: Picano xD how can you come up with such funny things?! XD