Im Yoona's crush

Hate OR Love ?

happy birthday to you~

happy birthday im yoona!~

happy birthday happy birthday~

happy birthday yoona!~


yuri: kekek my yoona's grown older!

minho: wow! happy birthday! :) stay cute!

yuri: what i'm not cute?

minho: stop acting cute., are not cute.....because you you are SUPER DUPER CUTE! KYOPTA! dont worry you will still be number one in my heart...

yoona: thanx, but please stop being cheesy,...

jonghyun: yah! happy birthday yoona,.....btw make a wish! make a wish so that nickhun will be yours someday! kekekkekekk

yuri: lol...yeah......

minho: yoona, will you mind if i borrow yuri after the ball dance?

yuri: huh? i didnt even gave permission and i was not even notified and you want to bring me somewhere?

yoona: whatever you guys want to.....but remember....dont have ok? i'll kill you both if you guys do that..

minho: yah.... i know i'm tempting to....i want it from yuri, but i'll save it for our 1st night after we get its special.....mwahahhahahhaha....... *smirking

yuri: ertic.....what the hell?

jonghyun: aish noona, dont care about minho...if he hurt you or have with you...wah i 'll make sure i'll chop off him from the earth....

minho: yah yah.....i'll save it for the first night...dont worry i still have manners even if sometime i lack abit....but i'm sorryfor my lack of manners....i myself is not proud of my manners....ok? forgive me yuri....

yuri: yah....stop it,,....were still schooling,yet you are thinking about ? wait long long minho....,...

yoona; yah....go and dance now! the music is now romantic....stop thinking about and whatever ...... go go and dance.....



well jonghyun is heading towards the food corner....and minyul's dancing...welll what do you expect....they are a's my birthday and i dont have a partner...owh great!

suddenly a cute blonde guy approached me.....


??: happy birthday yoona! you look so pretty...:)

yoona:O..Owh ....owh....

??: kekek wanna dance yoona? seems you dont have a dance partner....

yoona: O.oooo,....OWH....

??: ekekkeke seems your words today is owh owh worry you are still cute! keekkekkek,..... lets dance....

yoona: oo....owh...owh...oo...ok.....kkk.....n...nick.....khun...ok...nickhun,.....

*she was stuterring....

they were dancing.......

nickhun then wrapped his hands around her waist. and yoona wrapped her arms around his neck while the romantic music started filling up the air.

they dance and dance.....their eyes were deeply into each other..........deeply but full of emotions............

yoona was nervous...until she accidently stepped onto nickhun's foot.....but nickhun kept staring at her,as if he wanted to say something..........

they dance and dance......then suddenly nickhun went nearer and nearer and whispered at yoona's ear and said " Saranghaeyo Im Yoona, I love you....."

he then crashed his lips onto yoona's and kissed her passionately....yoona was so shocked....yet she kissed him back..... their tongues were dancing passionately enjoying to the music............







i saw nickhun and yoona dancing so i decided to leave them as minyul were also busy...

I then headed to thew food section and took a glass of orange juice....while walking and heading towards the crowd soemthing was strucking my mind..... Jung Jessica.......

Jung Jessicaaa......




jung jessica.......

she was so pretty.........

 then what i know was.........................

























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I want tat bracelet it looks mad cool
Romantic good story so far I hope is like the one w/ taecyeon and Yoona
Update soon :) hope for more Minyul and jongsica sweet moment :)
Deena4evee #4
Update soon! And your book is amazing!
Junah17 #5
Update soon!!!
MinYul so sweet !!!!!! Like your story :D
risserosell19 #7
Update !! <3<br />
MinYul <3
risserosell19 #8
Starting to like your story !! <3