〈 S 〉 — ZBabyz

〈 PARADISE REVIEW SHOP 〉 — closed // hiring

Death is Underestimated - main story image

Death is Underestimated
ZBabyz             SCARLETT

Firstly, I have to tell you that the title sounds nice, and it has that sense of appeal that draws me in. However, I do have to tell you that I have to question why you have to un-captialized the 'i' from 'is'. Well, if you take notice, many novels and books captialized all the front letterings of the title, thus I do think that you should do that. A reason why should be the neatness and arrangement, they don't look aligned and have that 'close-ness' when you don't capitalized the front letters of the words. This is my personal opinion though, it will be appreciated if you can tell me how you feel about this too!

Let's move on, I do think that the sentences found in your story were very weirdly-structure and it wasn't smooth. It did abrupt the story flow too so please take notice of your awkward sentence structures. Let me take the whole extract from your description:


What is death? Our parents, our grandparents, our society, has taught us that death is the end of life. It is the darkness that surrounds our lifes, making us scared to actually do something about it.

But how could they know? Is death the real end? Isn't there some way to withstand it?

Death, however, cannot be ignored—it is always there— even thought(though) we wish to ignore it. The last tear of life that leaves our bodies is taken by death. (Try rephrasing the sentences, something like 'the last cry of life for humans if for death'. Well, this would sound better for me as the inital sentence did sound weird and awkward if you read it several times.)

It doesn't matters(matter) who you are, where you are or how you are.( This highlighted part is just weird and I can't make any sense with it so it will be recommended if you remove it.) It just comes and takes your soul even before you can protect it. What could (can) we do? Is there a place for us?

The common answer: Heaven. Some kind of paradise after death, a place where peace rules and everything is just... fine. Heaven may be the most fake paradise, created by our minds only to picture what we wish to see in that place. It is just as simple as that: Maybe your Heaven is a Hell to me.

But being in Heaven has a cost. And Kim Taeyeon is just about to discover it.

As you can see, those are the mistakes that I spotted in the story. I recommend correcting and re-phrasing them as it was very abrupt and awkward reading the foreword due to the errors. Consider my corrections or you can change them into something better. Then, remember to read it several times so that there is no doubt 'error-free'. Try harder, I believe in you! Yes, other than that, the meaning behind this story is very interesting. I prefer stories that cover topics like the after-life and death. Well, it is an interesting plot so I really enjoyed reading the story. Great job thinking of this! Initially, to be honest, I was a bit hesistant to read a yuri story but your writing style really attracted me so good job!

For Taeyeon's characterization, I found her character very realistic. She was pictured as an emotionless and blank girl. I can totally understand that since she was being tortured by her husband for years. However, it would have been better if you could better describe the torture that she had experienced so that the readers can better connect with your characters. The torture's description was very vague so it would have been better to describe it!

I believe that you have the potential! The story is very unique thus I would hope that you can spend more time describing the scenes! 


-6 Apr'14


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Reviewer's notes : I have to apologise if this was a long wait, it was taking forever because of school. I do have to apologise again if it was very harsh, I just wanted you to improve so please take it to heart and try harder! If you have the determination, you can overcome anything! Do ask if you need help in anything. Do share your opinions on this review with me! Good luck in your stories!




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〈 PRS 〉 —B2utyPinkPanda, your review is up!:)


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graygero #1
Chapter 24: Ok first of all, I need to clear this up. I have been on hiatus on aff since I can't rememeber when. I do subscribe to this shop, but maybe it got buried underneath all the other subscriptions that have been mounting for months. So I'm really sorry I didn't leave an immediate reply to the review. I just read it like just now as in 6.06pm of 30 Sept 2014 haha. See, that's like 10 months difference with the time you posted my story's review. And now that I read it, I appreciate it. I realized my mistakes sometime after I've completed the fic but you pointed out a few stuffs that I couldn't work out on my own. So thank you for that!
Chapter 24: Okay, even if my request isn't finished yet, I'm going to comment.
First of all, take your time guys, don't press yourselves too much; the requesters must know that you all have lives outside of AFF.
Second... well, take good care and be happy guys. I'll support you all in whatever you need (I would help reviewing but I'm bad --;)
Chapter 20: Title: Walk with Me
Story Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/656447/walk-with-me-angst-horror-romance-exo-sekai-baekyeol
Genre: Horror, Action, Angst, Romance
Harshness: Your choice! Do what you must.
Chapters: 3
Ongoing?: Ongoing
Reasonable due date: No rush.
Preferred reviewer: Whoever's available, although I would really appreciate a thorough reviewer who can focus more on characterization and plot rather than syntax and grammar.
Password: WE ARE ONE!
English: 2nd
Comment: Like I mentioned above, I'm not particularly on the search for an extremely long review listing my grammatical errors. I would really appreciate it if you could fix a few if you find them, but my main priority is character development and plot since I am aiming to improve in those areas first. Thanks!
Chapter 19: Thank you for the review!
There were things I was unsatisfied with in the one-shot and I'm glad you pointed them out. I'll work better on incorporating the titles with the stories and the plot itself the next time. Thank you again ^^
Title: Hate
Story Link: https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/645755/hate-gdyb-jiyong-supernatural-taeyang-monster
Genre: , supernatural
Harshness: 8
Chapters: 5 as of now (I'll be posting chapter 6 in an hour or so ouo)
Ongoing?: yes
Reasonable due date: one week, maybe 2 weeks?
Preferred reviewer: Iloveyoubaek
Password: we are one!
English: native speaker
Comments: My friend who I requested to review my fics is taking a while, so I wanted to get my first few chapters reviewed xD