Love on the Clock

(this is what happened after TOP pulled Bei with him so GD can talk to G hope you guys like it!)


Bei started to wonder why top grabbed her hand and ran so fast.

Bei: Uhh. TOP, why are we such in a hurry?

TOP: oh. Uh.. because.. do you like that bear?

Bei: *confused* it’s cute but that’s pretty huge.

TOP: Held bei’s hands and ran towards the stuff toy section.

Bei’s heart starts beating faster and faster feeling her hand on TOP’s

TOP hands KRW 10,000 to the guy and starts playing shoot the target

Bei: Hey, don’t you think you’re gonna spend too much?

TOP just looked at bei and smiled

TOP: I’m not stopping until I get that bear.

Bei starts to blush thinking would he really go through that trouble to give that bear?

It’s been half an hour but still TOP hasn’t scored enough to win that bear

TOP: Aishh. What wrong with this gun??

He looks at the gun and inspects it

Bei: Hey, it’s totally okay if you can’t get that bear.

TOP: But I’m Vick. (TOP’s role in IRIS) I shoot to kill! *says in a cute way but with a husky voice*

Playing the game for almost half an hour TOP realized his shades was affecting his vision and took them off. Not realizing he was exposing his face.

TOP: Can you hold this first for me?

Bei: Yeah sure!

TOP then starts to concentrate and get serious while playing

Bei starts cheering for TOP as he got close to getting enough points for the bear


TOP: *stops playing to look at Bei* Oppa? *smirks and raises his eyebrows*

BEI: omo! Sorry! Ididn’t mean it like you’re my..uh.. boyfriend or uhm something..

Bei starts to regret what she said and doesn’t know what to say to TOP so he won’t think of something bad till..

TOP: ani! Kyowo! (no! it’s cute!) *smiles widely and goes back to the game* Oppa can do this!

Bei blushes.. after a few minutes, TOP finally got enough points and was so happy and got too carried away that he hugged Bei unexpectedly. Bei was surprised by the hug that she got all stiff then TOP felt Bei’s stiffness and slowly released her.

TOP: Kenchana? Miyane..

Bei just nodded still surprised from TOP’s actions. The guy from the booth handed the bear to TOP and TOP gave it to Bei with a sweet smile

Bei: Komawo *smiled shyly*

Suddenly a girl yelled “TOP oppa?”

Realizing he’s been recognized, TOP quickly got his shades from Bei and wore it. Then he grabbed Bei’s hand and ran as fast as he could pulling Bei with him. Fans started shouting and screaming “TOP oppa!!” “Omo oppa deuguya??” “Oppa saranghae!!”

Bei tries to keep up with TOP as they run away from the fans. They turn right and left, not really sure where they were going.

TOP: we need to find a place to hide! *almost out of breath*

Finally top turned to a corner and found a storage area near them. He ran faster with Bei still in tow and Bei still holding the big stuffed toy, they entered the storage room. Not sure they lost the fans they stayed quiet for a few minutes just incase a fan will pass by before TOP called GD.

TOP: *on the phone* Jiyong-a! The fans caught us. They recognized me. It’s best you and G leave this place right now. I’ll call manager hyung to pick us up. Wait for my call.

After talking to GD, TOP faced Bei

TOP: Do you have something there that i can use to cover my face?

Bei: Wait lemme check *looks inside her bag and feels her pockets to find something* Here! *hands TOP her hanky* I think it’s big enough to tie over your mouth.

TOP gets the hankey from Bei and ties it around his face just like what he did in the old days.

TOP: Thanks. Let’s go to the parking lot. We’ll meet GD and G there.


When GD got the call from TOP he and G just got down from the ride they were in.

GD: Babe, TOP hyung just called me, some fans recognized him and they were chased.

G: oh no! Are they okay? Where are they?

GD: don’t worry, we’ve done this before. TOP hyung knows what to do. They said they’ll meet us at the parking lot. He already called manager hyung to pick us up.

G: oh okay then. *they start to walk to the parking lot* wait.. can you pull down your hood lower? somebody might recognize you too.

GD: *sighs* nobody will recognize me as long as we blend in. *but he still obeys what G said and pulled his hood lower*

As they walk, people frequently looked over where GD was but luckily that was it. Nobody recognized GD just like what he said.


At the parking lot as TOP and Bei wait for GD, G and their manager they decided to lay low and sit on a bench at one corner.

TOP: sorry bout that. I got carried away with the game and didn’t notice I was taking off my disguise. Are you okay?

Bei: yeah, I’m okay..that was an experience I think  I’ll never forget! Getting chased by the VIPs with the TOP of BIGBANG! *laughs at the memory of what just happened*

TOP: *smiles widely and slowly turned his head to glance at Bei*


GD: there they are.. *points to where Bei and TOP was sitting*

TOP: *looks up and sees the two approaching them* ya, did anyone recognize you?

GD: nah..they looked but I guess they thought otherwise. Where’s hyung?

TOP: he’s almost here. *turns to G* sorry if I cut your fun time short. *says it with a sad face*

G: ani, it’s okay. We still had fun. *smiles reassuringly*

Just then a black van pulled over in front of them. It was their manager.

Manager: Ya! Over here! Let’s go before anyone else recognizes you!

GD: *looks at G* miyane..i’ll make it up to you. *kisses G’s forehead*

G: like I said, it’s okay. No worries.

GD: I’ll call you when we get home. Bye Bei! *waves his hand to Bei*

TOP: *steps in front of Bei and put a hand on Bei’s shoulder* I’ll see you then *smiles and went into the van, before he closes the door he waves to G*

Bei: well that was fun. *still following the van with her eyes and smiles*

G: I can tell.. *eying the giant toy in Bei’s hands*




okay!!! sorry we haven't updated in a LOOOOONG time. been busy and stuff.. this was writen by me and my bestfriend..:) please comment!:) and feel free to suggest!:)

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Iheartlife #1
new reader..update when you can :D
pixieGD #2
thanks!:) i'll keep that in mind!:)
its quite interesting at points but develop it and it should come well