Chapter 1- the shocking news!!!

Love on the Clock

(G&Bei on the phone)

G: Hey Bei! do you remember what I told you about our school's design competition? That the winner will win a trip to Korea?

Bei: yeah?..*suspicious*well, what about it?

G: I’m going to Korea!!

Bei:woah!that's so cool!*shocked*when are you leaving?

G: well..uhm.. tomorrow, my flight leaves 5am.i'll be staying there for a year.

Bei: wait. WHAT? a year!?*shocked*but we made a pact to go to Korea together and stalk BIGBANG together.*sad*

G:yeah. i know. but i didn't expect to win the competition. and well. I didn't expect to go to Korea so soon. and without my bestfriend.

Bei:well keep me updated, okay? and send my love to TOP!

G:no prob! bye!*hangs up*


it's been 5 weeks since G left for korea and Bei is still back at home getting green from envy from the stories G tells her about korea over the phone.

(G&B on the phone)

G: B!!!!!!:) how are you? I miss you!!

Bei:HEY! i miss you too!! I’m doing good. you? how's Korea?

G:i love everything about this country! food, culture, places, people, and of course.. FASHION!

Bei:wow! i wanna be there too!!! that's why i'm flying over there soon!

G:woah! really? really????*psyched*

Bei:yeah! can't wait to stalk big bang with ya!

G: uhm..yeah! that would be fun!

Bei:hey, have you read the rumors about your bias? that he's dating someone right now?

G: yeah..i've read it somewhere.

Bei: i bet you just wanna hunt that girl down don't you? *laughs*

(Meanwhile as you continue talking on the phone, you hear a familiar voice in the background)

"Baby! I’m home!"

Bei:who's that??

G:*stuttering*well..uhm.. that's..well.. that's.. you can keep a secret, right?

Bei: you know me. shoot!

G:alright..well, it's like this. I know this will surprise surprised me too! hehe*laughs nervously*

Bei:your secret's safe with me. come on, what is it?

G:well..uhm..i haven't been completely honest with you over our past conversations..i have sort of..uhm.. I have been dating GD...for almost a month now.

Bei:huh? what? GD? YOU? DATING!?? did I hear it right??

G:yeah.....please don't be mad!*nervous*

Bei: wait.. i know we've been dreaming of dating GD&TOP.. your kidding, right?

G:*sings lies*I’m so sorry but I  love you!! I just can't lie...*can't help but be all playful on a serious note*

(then Bei hears that familiar voice again chuckling and whispering in the background)

Bei:*starts to wonder and get puzzled why that voice really sounded like GD's*

G:hey.. you still there?

Bei: yeah still here..

G:actually, he's here with me now.

GD: who are you talking to?

G:Bei, my bestfriend..

*GD gets the phone from G*

GD: hello! this is GD! nice to meet you!:)*with a cute but swag voice*

*G takes back the phone from GD*

G:sooo... uhm.. do you believe me now?

Bei:woah! that's really GD's voice huh?????*shocked*i mean... WOW!*hysterical moment*wait! how? when? where?? how did this start??

G:i met him at a cafe in Seoul a few weeks ago..are you mad? please don't be! i wasn't sure how to tell you and we were supposed to keep it on the down low.

Bei:oh..i see.. wait a second, so those rumors and paparazzi shots were...YOU???

G:yeah.. i had to go through a lot of hurt and trouble especially GD before YG was able to settle it and make the VIPs calm down.

Bei: aww..I’m so happy for you guys! there you go! Fight for your love and no matter what, just be there for each other. hwaiting!!

G:thank you! i really appreciate your support and everything. i miss you! can't wait to see you here! and i'm guessing your not mad?*thinking "please say your not mad"*

Bei: no i'm not mad.. i totaly get it. i miss you too G! i'll call you when i arrive in seoul! and you better spill every detail about what you just told me when i arrive!

G: i will! thank you soo much for understanding! your the bestestfriendever!!!!!



sorry if it's boring..but i promise it will get better!:) please leave a comment! or suggestions! they will help me big time!:) thanks!<3

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Iheartlife #1
new reader..update when you can :D
pixieGD #2
thanks!:) i'll keep that in mind!:)
its quite interesting at points but develop it and it should come well