My princess

Unexpected Love

We got to the math room.

"Well okay, it's time to say bye. I have to get to my class now. Good luck!" Luhan waved, smiled and ran off.

I looked at the class door and I could hear the teacher teaching already.

I turned the doorknob and opened the door slowly. Everyone turned to look at me including the teacher. I bit my lip.

The teacher tilted his head and asked "And who are you?"

"I'm Ji Taelynn, the new student." I bowed as I introduced myself.

"Okay go sit down" the teacher said and continued teaching.

I walked past the students and all eyes followed me. I saw Baekhyun, the handsome boy, sitting at a table with one free spot. He met eyes with me and smiled. He tapped the chair with his hand and I sat down next to him. *Yay! At least there's someone I know in this class!*

I listened to the teacher and I had no idea what I was supposed to do. Baekhyun tapped my shoulder. I turned to him. He pointed at his math textbook.

"Oh…" I whispered and got mine out too.

I looked at the page he was on.*347, okay* I turned to that page and looked at how hard all the questions were. *Oh my god, I'll never be able to solve this!*

I looked back up at the teacher and tried to figure out what he was teaching.

"To get the square root of a, you have to subtract c squared from b squared....." *Blah, blah, blah. This teacher keeps on talking non-stop*

He was writing really fast on the chalkboard holding a textbook in his hands. The time went by fast. When class was over it was break time.

I got up from my chair and reached for my backpack to find my schedule to see what class I had next. *Hmm...I have chemistry, I wonder where that classroom is.* I looked around the classroom to see if Baekhyun was there. He was nowhere to be seen. *Darn.* I sighed, picked up my backpack and left the room.

The hallways were all filled with students I didn't know. *Where is Luhan? I need help!* someone pushed me and all of my books that were in my hands fell down. I kneeled down to pick them up, and then I saw someone help me. I looked up to see the boy's face.

"Luhan" I said and smiled widely.

He smiled "Hey" he picked up the last book and placed it in my hands "How was your first class?"

We both got up at the same time "Well it was...boring."

"Hahah, no wonder" he looked around at all the students and then at me "Math is the most boring subject in school."

"Oh wow, really?" I sighed "I guess I was unlucky enough to get it as my first class." I puffed my cheeks a little and pouted.

"Don't worry; I had it as my first class too." He said and smiled "So what do you have now?"

"I have Chemistry, but I'm not quite sure where that classroom is" I answered looking around at all the people passing us.

"Okay then you can just come with me, I have Chemistry too."

"That's awesome!" I said with a big smile. I was happy I had class with him.

"Yeah...Now let's go my princess." He put his arm around me.

"Hey! I'm not a princess!" I laughed.

He looked at me and raised both of his eyebrows "Fine, you're a gorilla"

"No!" I lightly punched his arm and laughed. He laughed too. *I think me and Luhan are gonna be really good friends* I smiled at that thought as we walked to the chemistry class.

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