The Listener, The Observer, The explorer, The story-teller


So, I was watching this history show on tele and all I could think of was 2min. 

Warning: I will not be using Taemin and Minho's name but Arabic names very close to their so that it's easier to imagine. I know if it's not Tae and Min it's not really 2min, but I want the looks and characteristics of our SHINee boys, just not their names because only then does it fit the story well. 

Anyway, this is not going to be too long and I hope I can deliver everything you want and all that I am imagning right now with this plot. 


Taesnin is overly curious about the world but his current circumstances do not allow him to aspire his dreams the way he would have liked. That is until he reaches the town of Feyh that opens the doors for new opportunities and acquaintances.


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Chapter 7: OMJ Miyaz (or rather author-nim) you wrote such a beautiful poem!!*O* Soon the Story teller is going to work his magic on Taesnin!xD
Chapter 6: I love the way you describe things!!*O* Your description of Taesnin from Miyaz's eyes made him all the more beautiful!!
When i read Azam say "You're talking like you have an appointment with him," I imagined Dr. Choi!:P
Chapter 5: Miyaz wanted to hear more of his description!xD
And Taesnin you definitely are in love with him! It's not admiration!:P
Chapter 4: Anyone would become a stalker for Minho!!xD
like a god of sorts that Tae is scared yet intrigued by
Tae get it together man!! ok im totally digging this now and i want to know more
this is not pointless or plotless or whatever it was u called it
its good and exciting so work ur magic
Chapter 2: so yeah im just going to read it today coz im not one to wait
cant wait for choi
idk why im commenting on each chap but ya..ok
im scared for Tae for some unknown reason like something bad is going to happen and i hope his curiosity only serves him well!!
Chapter 1: u need to add in that tag and i really should get back to fics
anyway this is amazingly well written and thought out too since the back drop is so carefully set
taking it one chap at a time but i really do like the starting off
p.s- im still imagining Taemin xD cant undo
Chapter 3: You're back!!!:D
Just asking will there be love/romance in this fic?
Chapter 2: I have a feeling that Miyaz is a prince or a really rich merchants son or something like that!xD
Chapter 1: Hmmm i wonder what this story will be about :D I shall wait and see i suppose :)