Stalking Of A Kind

The Listener, The Observer, The explorer, The story-teller


Yet another afternoon has passed and Taesnin has not had the courage to go up to foreign boy to speak to him, instead, he has turned to following him silently and watching him for afar. He has been doing this from almost the past three days now and he thinks there is still a while till it would be time for him to actually start a conversation; Azam on the other hand is totally against that idea.


‘‘Taes, you know that stalking him like this is not going to make him suddenly come and talk to you or something right’’, Azam says with a matter-of-factly tone.


‘‘Oh I know alright, I just don’t think that I am really ready to speak to him yet, plus I don’t even know what to say’’, and that was a complete lie for he had practiced at least a dozen lines in his head about asking where the boy was from, what his name was, why they were here and things of that sort. He obviously was not going to admit that to Azam though, he never will.


‘‘So you agree that you’re stalking him then’’, and Taesnin mentally face palmed, the idea of this he thinks, this being him following around the boy how baby chicks follow the mama chick, was referred to as research, or even observance in his mind, but stalking, stalking, that was a big no. Then why did he totally let that word pass and only cared about when he’ll actually get to talk to the boy, that to Taesnin is still a little unknown.


‘‘It’s obviously not stalking, I let it pass because I know you choose some of your words wrongly, you’re not a born qatari after all, you’re language skills are a little week’’ he spat back instantly, he knows Azam won’t take any offence, he just needed to blur things out to make his case sound legitimate. Hopefully it worked.


‘‘Whatever you say, you still need to be a man and speak to him’’. And it did, at least kind of.


‘‘And I will my friend, just not right now. Or today’’, he added and turned around from the scene to move towards their usual eatrie.


Taesnin knew that his watching the boy like this and thinking about him all hours of the day that he wasn’t able to lay eyes on his gorgeous face was probably more unusual and abnormal then what his friend thought was going on here. Sure enough he would come off as a little stalkerish and creepy, but that is all he could do really, it’s like he was conditioned to that in this situation.

At first he thought it was the strangers beauty, the handsome face and tall stature that intimidated him, but he’s come to realize that it’s about the personality that is really keeping him away. Not because he’s mean or violent, just the opposite actually. He’s been noticing that the boy is rather solitary and reserved, he has only seen him interact with what he presumed are his family members and some kids by the great park. He’s so picky about the people that he chooses to talk to that Taesnin is afraid he won’t make the cut, he’s not that interesting after all. Taesnin really wants to talk to him but he’s scared that once the boy refuses and thinks lowly of him, he’s done. No more chances, all he could then do is dream about his glistening eyes and plush lips, much like he is doing now, so why take the chance?




A/N: This is a short and rather dissapointing, more like a filler, but I promise I am working on better-ing myself, do forgive me my lovely readers.

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Chapter 7: OMJ Miyaz (or rather author-nim) you wrote such a beautiful poem!!*O* Soon the Story teller is going to work his magic on Taesnin!xD
Chapter 6: I love the way you describe things!!*O* Your description of Taesnin from Miyaz's eyes made him all the more beautiful!!
When i read Azam say "You're talking like you have an appointment with him," I imagined Dr. Choi!:P
Chapter 5: Miyaz wanted to hear more of his description!xD
And Taesnin you definitely are in love with him! It's not admiration!:P
Chapter 4: Anyone would become a stalker for Minho!!xD
like a god of sorts that Tae is scared yet intrigued by
Tae get it together man!! ok im totally digging this now and i want to know more
this is not pointless or plotless or whatever it was u called it
its good and exciting so work ur magic
Chapter 2: so yeah im just going to read it today coz im not one to wait
cant wait for choi
idk why im commenting on each chap but ya..ok
im scared for Tae for some unknown reason like something bad is going to happen and i hope his curiosity only serves him well!!
Chapter 1: u need to add in that tag and i really should get back to fics
anyway this is amazingly well written and thought out too since the back drop is so carefully set
taking it one chap at a time but i really do like the starting off
p.s- im still imagining Taemin xD cant undo
Chapter 3: You're back!!!:D
Just asking will there be love/romance in this fic?
Chapter 2: I have a feeling that Miyaz is a prince or a really rich merchants son or something like that!xD
Chapter 1: Hmmm i wonder what this story will be about :D I shall wait and see i suppose :)