Wished Lies ch2 BigbangXreader

Wished Lies
"Well, dear, I guess this is goodbye. Have a safe flight!" Mother just cooed out the too-expensive-for-my-tastes car and waved in my face like she was the queen of England. Dad didn't even step out of the car, he just said his goodbyes sitting in his seat with his sun glasses still on. Gee, what a family..
    Look on the bright side! You were leaving the witch to go to a country you have been studying the language of for the past few years! Time to put it to use!.. Now just where was the gate..? Parents couldn't even tell you directions or where to go before they left you, huh? "Well, I will just have to fend for my self" you muttered as you made your way to a sign that had all the gates numbered on it. 
    You finally found your gate (After grabbing a donut and a cup of Joe of course) and were just about to get on board when someone caught your eye. There was a really stuffed looking guy in the corner of the waiting area. He had thick sun-glasses, an overcoat, khakis and a pair of leather shoes, he also had black, business style hair. It looked like this guy was not trying to stand out, by the way he awkwardly sat with his legs crossed staring at some newspaper. Before you knew it, you were hovering like a major creep over the man. This seemed to startle him.
"Yes? Is there something I can help you with Miss?" The guy had pretty cool voice, smooth and it made you think he was really more than what met the eye, a leader. Wait- what are you supposed to do? Talk, talk for goodness' sake! "Um... listen, you look kind of awkward..." What? What did you just say? Are you kidding me? '"No, No I don't mean that! Um, you look like you are trying to blend in, but to tell you the truth" You pointed your finger at his newspaper "To blend in, you might want to read your newspaper the right way.." The man looked at the paper, flipped it over so it could be read correctly, and looked back at you.
"Um, thanks.. But how did you notice? I mean no one else here noticed me... What blew my cover?" This guy really didn't have a clue. "Well, first off, you might want to dress like you are going on a 14 hour flight, not a fashion show; not that anything is wrong with that but-" You pointed to your sweat pants and loose T-shirt "This is a little more comfortable and less noticeable... oh, that's me." You said when you heard the flight attendant call out your seat number. "Sorry for calling you out.. it was really rude of me.." You noticed how bratty you must seem and blushed. "I will make it up to you when we reach Seoul." you said at last and wheeled away your luggage toward the airplane. You hear a mumbled "Okay.." while you walked away. How were you going to repay this guy? 
    The flight was killer! 'Ouch ouch ouch' you moaned and stretched your bunched up back. You didn't see the man from before what so ever, but hopefully you could catch him and buy him some coffee (To repay him) when you got off the plane. '
    After a delayed get off of twenty long long long minutes, you were finally in the airport. It was small, and cramped, and busy, and very, Korean. Sure, you were now in Korea, but you weren't prepared for the whole cultural difference- people were bowing and talking really fast- would you be able to keep up? You shuffled in your bag looking for the name of the school and found a crumpled up piece of paper with the name scribbled on it- but not before someone found you. "So." the voice suddenly sounded in Korean behind you. The voice startled you so much, you immediately turned around the punched whoever was behind you. Instantly, the figure crumpled over. "Serves you right for being a ert against a black bel-" You stopped yourself.
"Please, don't hit me again.." It was the man from before! How could you- Aww jeez, you just got in the country! You picked the man up and asked if he was okay. People were starting to stare. Okay, blend with the crowd, with the crowd.. ahh! You saw a little cafe with a lot of people in it. "This way, this way.." You guided the man, and somehow also managed your luggage  toward the little coffee shop across the hall.
    You ordered two coffees and looked at the man. He still had sunglasses on, but he seemed more open- or maybe that was because you punched him.. either way, he had gained his senses back. "I am so sorry" You said in your best Korean. "I didn't know it was you.." The man just stared at you, and than burst out laughing.
You were confused. You just socked this guy in the stomach, in public, and he was now laughing? Maybe Koreans are more awesome than you thought. "Nothing like that has happened to me in, well, since middle school! Hahahaha" He chuckled. "What's your name? Mine is Teddy Park, nice to 'formally' meet you" He laughed at the word.
You told him your name and asked if he was alright again. "I'm fine, I'm fine.. but what about you? You have never been to Korea, at least by the looks of things, maybe I can give you directions.." Ahh, yes! With your sense of directions, help would be awesome! You said thank you and handed him the crumpled up piece of paper. He read it, and picked up his phone and called, speaking a bit too fast for you to hear. You just sipped on your coffee while he finished up his fast paced conversation.
"This is as I feared.." He sighed, brows lowering. Wait, what? "This school you have on your piece of paper..." "Whats wrong with it?" You asked. Why was he acting so upset, it's really weird.. "I am sorry, but this particular school- doesn't exist in Korea."
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Chapter 7: Please update! I REALLY like this story!
Chapter 7: i love this please update soon
Ginniosa #3
Chapter 7: This is a cute story. Poor Taeyang is confused haha update soon