Wished Lies ch6 BigbangXreader

Wished Lies

Reader's POV

You woke up to your alarm going. You opened your eyes and panicked, where were you? This wasn't your room..
'oh yeah' you mumbled as you remembered the past two days. Suddenly, you felt an arm around you, pressing you against the bed. You looked over to see a man laying on your bed, just stirring as you woke up.
'AHHHHHH!' you yelled. What in the hell? Why is there a man in here? What, just what what what, why blue hair, wtf? When you yelled it woke up the man next to you. He got up and started to open up his eyes.
      It isn't really a good sign if you wake up too a scream. And that's exactly how T.O.P started his day. 
  Choi Seung Hyun heard a scream rip through the air. It jolted him right awake, making his heartbeats quicken. Somewhere, a girl was in danger of something. He bolted straight up in his bed and opened his eyes. The first thing he notices is a boy, on his bed, pressed up against the wall with a look of terror in his eyes. The boy was weird, his hair uneven and short, but what was weirder was that he was in his bed.
  "Who are you? Why are you in my bed?" T.O.P questioned, looking at the strange boy who had woken him up. The boy immediately replaced his OH-MY-GOD-WHAT-THE-HELL? look with a calm but slightly startled expression.
'Hm humph hm hm' the boy cleared his throat before speaking and looked right at Seung Hyun. "I should be asking you that. I moved in yesterday and this is my room." He said confidently, holding his gaze. What? His Room? 'This guy, at this hour.. what kind of punk pulls these tricks..'
"I have lived in this room for five years.. It is my room." Before the boy could react, all of a sudden, four men tumbled into the room. T.O.P looked over to see G.D, Seungri, Daesung and Youngbae collide into the room.
"Hyung," G.D said out of breath."I heard the scream, are you alrigh- who is that?" Ji Young looked more confused than ever and pointed at the boy on his bed.
"Who..?" Daesung followed G.D's finger and looked at the boy too, perplexed. Youngbae and Seungri just stood there, stunned. After a few minutes of silence, Seungri started to blush.
"Ahhh, hyung,  I didn't know you had that kind of situation.." Seungri started grabbing his hyungs as they started to blush too. Everyone but Young Bae seemed to get it.
"What? I mean, he's a guy, it's not like they could of done anything." Tae Yang said confused. Then he realised what he said and blushed. "Hyung, how long have you been hiding this..?"
"Pabu Pabu Pabu! You stupid Young Bae!" Growled G.D and grabbed him by the arm leading him out. T.O.P was stunned. He tried to stop his hyungs, but every time he tried to speak, his voice wouldn't come out. And what did Seungri say? Did he mean that.. no way, the t.o.p with a guy, like more than freinds? T.O.P put his head in his hands.
He then looked up at the boy. He looked so freaking awkward! The stranger was pressed against the wall still, kind of hiding his face. "YOU STILL ON MY BED?!?!" screamed Seung Hyun. The boy looked up shocked, and tumbled off the bed, landing on his face. "oww" he moaned pitifully. "GET OUT!" screamed T.O.P. The boy got up, and limped out of the room.
"Aish.." sighed T.O.P, as he got up to get dressed. "Why me..?" He complained, putting on his Rolex watch.
Young Bae's POV
Youngbae, along with the rest of bigbang, (with the exception of Choi Seung Hyun) were gathered outside the kitchen. The all got up when the boy entered the room. YoungBae was the first to realise his limp and walked over, while the others pretended to be focased on somthing else. 'Jerks' he thought secretly to himself, but he knew why of course. I mean, T.O.P's lover? That's crazy! And it's a guy... no wonder they pretended like he didn't exist.
"Are you okay? We heard hyung yelling..." Bae asked innocently, walking up to the limping guy.
"I'm fine" The boy said, staring at the ground. Suddenly, the boy looked up at Youngbae and said,
"What time is it?"
"6:30, why?"  the boy closed his eyes and muttered 'aish...' cutely. Wait, cutely? What the hell Youngbae?! The singer closed his eyes and shook his head. The stranger spoke up again. "I need you guys to change into clothes quickly, and also, tell that other guy.. I don't want to mess with him. Hurry Hurry!" The boy was now running around the room shaking the hyungs.
"Ya! who do you think you are? Seriously, you may be 'close' with T.O.P, but you cant order us around!" Daesung growled at the newcomer, making him step back in surprise. Who knew the guy would be so unwelcome to newbies?
"He's right, we need the whole story. Right. Now." Said G.D a bit aggitatidly. "It's just that.. T.O.P-hyung never mentioned anyone he liked before, so it is a bit of a shock to us, you know.." No one but YoungBae seemed to notice the expression on the stranger's face. It was so sad, like he was beginning to give up on everything.. but still, who in hell was he? The boy sighed and sat down.
"I cant explain now, we are so out of time, and I will be killed if I don't get you guys there. So pleas! Pleas Pleas Pleas guys, just trust me this once! I will explain once Teddy gets here." Exclaimed the boy hysterically. He walked up to the bandmates in order, giving them pleading looks. Seungri, followed by Daesung, sat on the couch and faced the T.V. G.D walked into the kitchen. The boy looked hopeless. 
"What ever, you just want attention.." Muttered Seungri, flipping through the T.V channels. YoungBae sighed.'Maybe I can help...'
He  then looked at the guy when no one was paying attention and whispered, "You owe me..." With that, YoungBae looked at his friends.
"Idiots! You think you can say that to T.O.P's lover? Plus, he said he had connections with Teddy.. Come on, he will explain later" Tae Yang grabbed his friends and pushed the into their rooms.
"Thank you! I will repay you I swear!" Said the boy with a confident smile. Young Bae turned around to see him; and was stunned. He was really cute! How can a boy be so cute?...
"Uh, yeah, yeah, buy me dinner tonight, thats how you can repay me." He said, walking into T.O.P's room.
Reader's POV
You smiled as you saw nicer band member open the door to that really mean guy's room and walk in. Dinner, huh? But what would he like to eat? Oh wait, how would you buy it? "Aish.." You mumbled. Ah! Right! You have to make breakfast! You ran into the kitchen and grabbed eggs, bread, and juice out of the fridge.
After fiddling with the Korean stove for a while, you learned how to operate the mechanical beast. Soon you had twelve eggs frying, (Two big frying pans) Toast toasted, and a table set with juice poured in the cups. By the time you put the food on the table, the band was out and dressed.
"You better give us an explanation now. I mean, who are you to- woah." you saw one of the members, the one with short black hair walk in. He noticed you washing the pans and looked up. "You made this?" He asked disbelievingly.
"I am soo hungry!" Sounded another band member with longer blond hair as he sat down. "You need forks and knives-" You said before he could eat, place the silver ware in front of him, and then the rest of the plates.
"Thanks!" He smiles. 'what do you know' you thought, give them food and they're happy.' "Come on, come on, don't let it get cold." You offered kindly, smiling your best smile.  
"Where did you learn to cook American food?" Asked the kinder one from before, sitting down next to his band mates. "Ah, I will have to explain that later also," You said, remembering your time limits. "But where is that other guy, that  guy in the bed?" Everyone started choking on their food.
"YOU DON'T KNOW HIS NAME?" they all screamed at you. You just sighed and looked at the clock again.
"Aish, I told you guys I will explain! Just, I am really short on time, is he still in his room?" You were put up with all their accusation and left for the mean guys' room. 'If he wasn't going to come out, you will just have to come in' you thought evilly, pounding on his door. 
Choi Seung Hyun heard the second most annoying noise this morning: a fist on his door. After he ignored it, the door opened. The owner of the room looked up.
"You crazy?" he said in astonishment. It was that guy from before, he would dare walk into your room. At first he looked really determined, then scared, then determined again.
"You are already dressed, pleas come outside for breakfast, I cooked-"
"I won't eat it." T.O.P cut him off, narrowing his eyes and curlig his lips like he smelled somthing disgusting. 
The small guy pursed his lips. "Just come outside, I will make something els-"
"Leave. I don't know who the hell you are to just sleep with me, the internationally famous Choi Seung Hyun, or how you even got in my bed, so just ing leave. Damn crazed fan from hell..." Now Choi wasn't even looking at him, just scrolling through things on his phone.
At this, he heard the boy mutter 'alrighty then..', but he just continued to ignore him. Suddenly, Choi Seung Hyun felt his arm being pulled, hard.
"YAH! HOW DARE YOU TOUCH ME!" Yelled T.O.P, roughly shoving the male away. 'Really? Who the hell is this ert!?'
"Trust me, I didn't want to, but you gave me no choice.." sighed the stranger, grabbing and pulling T.O.P toward the door again. 'What the ?! This bastard..'
This time, Choi got so mad, he pushed the jerk on the ground hard. The smaller guy winced in pain as he fell, but the rapper wasn't finished. Choi raised a fist, about to punch this guy back into his place. 'ing bastard!' T.O.P than pulled his arm back, his knuckles going white.
"HYUNG HYUNG NO NO NO" T.O.P looked up. YoungBae and the rest of the gang was looking at him with terrified eyes, along with a pissed Teddy. Teddy rubbed his head, stressed.
"Hyung..?" Choi said, puzzled. "Why are you here?"
"That doesn't matter! How can you-" Teddy took his hand off his face, super pissed. "How can you try to punch your new assistant manager?"
WHAT WHAT WHAT? He said what? Seung Hyun looked down at the cowering boy and lowered his fist. What was happening to him now? And why.. did he feel like he started somthing very, very bad. 
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Chapter 7: Please update! I REALLY like this story!
Chapter 7: i love this please update soon
Ginniosa #3
Chapter 7: This is a cute story. Poor Taeyang is confused haha update soon