Wished Lies ch3 BigbangXreader

Wished Lies
What..? What?
 "Are you sure there isn't a school with that name here? Like, there could be a possibility that you are wrong right? But.." You just sat, numb again, and brain dead. The news hit you like a bull- left you confused and feeling useless. 
You weren't looking at him (You where trying to grasp the news by downing your coffee), but you heard him shift his weight in his chair. "I am afraid not.. I am sorry, friend.. But, not meaning to kick you while you are down, but what are you going to do now?" 
Chuck Puhk huhnk huk huh! You chocked on the mildly warm coffee. What were you supposed to do now? Where are you supposed to go? You only had enough money to get you-where? To a school that doesn't exist...Great. That damn witch of a mother.. You knew she was hell, but you didn't know she was that low.. Stop self pitying yourself! Right! Right- money- "How far will this get me?" You asked, hesitantly showing Teddy, your new 'friend' the small wallet of Korean cash. He slowly reached out his hand, than asked "May I?" and after you nodded, flipped through the bill. His eyes fell and his mouth frowned. You just put your head in your hands. "Bianhye" Teddy apologized and patted you on the back. "He then got out of his chair and picked up your bag. He reached out his hand and guided you out of the cafe. 
"Teddy," You muttered after you had been walking with him for a few minutes. "Hmmm?" "Thank god I met you, but in all respect, may I ask you where you are taking me?" You had been reading the signs in the busy airport, but it seemed like everywhere you thought you were going, the course suddenly changed. After you said what you did, Teddy suddenly stopped. And not for the first time, he burst out laughing. You heard him say something like 'kidnapper' which didn't sound too good, but then he added to your relief. "I am taking you to the office- someone there knows what to do in a situation like this, I am sure. First, we need to get to the car.. sorry it looked so suspicious. And-oh." He released you from his arm and looked at you through is glasses, smiling. "You can walk by yourself now, right?"
"Of course!" You sounded a bit more angry then intended.. oops.  "I am stronger than I look." You said in a kinder tone. Teddy just shrugged and walked ahead of you, only saying "Try to keep up" Before mad-walking through the maze of a thousand people. 'It's not like I can lose you' You thought discretely. 'You are wheeling my one and only hello kitty suitcase with a creepy overcoat on' There wasn't a lot of time to dwell on that thought though, the man was already at the edge of your vision. "Wait up!' You gasped, and ran after the strange new friend.
Huff Huff Puff.. You sounded like a wounded train by the time you reached his stupid car. "Why..!" You panted, holding up a hand to signal you needed a second to catch your  breath. "Why, on Earth, do you have to park so far away?" You looked up at Teddy and he just stood there smiling. "We still have a little way to go. C'mon, just sleep till we get there" He beamed and opened the door. 'He already put my suitcase in, and it's not like I have anywhere else to go.. Oh well, screw all the things people have said about getting in not-known-well-men's-cars and just get in this guy's vehicle, where else will you go? You sat in the passenger seat of the strangely new looking car and buckled your seat belt.
"Bring me better fortune" You said as Teddy started the engine. He seemed a little shocked at this, judging by his raised eyebrows. You let out a sigh and explained, well, everything. How your mom was a witch, your dad was distant, and how you are a slave and a discarded puppet. You explained everything up to the point of when she was dropped off at the airport- and saw the strange looking man in the overcoat. 
"Wow. You aren't even crying." He said sympathetically  driving the car onto some unnameable street dotted with people and signs and shops everywhere you looked. "Oh course." You said, looking at the various sights: Tall buildings, street vendors, the cloudy early morning sky above.
"Why should I be sad? I get to be here, I get a new chance at life- a chance not many people get." You smiled, it was true.
"Sure," You added. "Having no money is kind of a problem." You looked at Teddy, his glasses intently staring at the road deep in thought.
"Right. What are we going to do about that..?" He looked up and smiled. "Whatever they suggest." He stopped the car and was pointing at a weird shaped building. "Y.G Entertainment; currently one of the best entertainment companies in Korea, and I am Teddy Park, producer of the company."
"What? But- wait, that's why you are in disguise, right? Ahh, I had no clue.." Wow. You feel really stupid.
"Surprise huh? And you thought I was a regular ol' Korean... Haha, you should have seen your face. Either way, we have a bigger problem- but I think I have a resolution. I just need to pray it will work." At that remark, Teddy got out and went through a backdoor into the building. He peeped out the door and took off his glasses. "You coming?" He turned around and left the door open for you to walk in after him. "What will this door lead to?" You wondered.
Y.G was pretty big. The outside made it look crammed, but inside it was modern and spacious. White polished walls and high ceiling, with receptionists running the desks up front. "Whoa.." You said in awe, opening your eyes as wide as they could go so you could soak in everything. "Cool huh, yeah it just seems like yesterday.. come up these stairs.
"Oh!" You almost fell on your face, not looking where you are going and tripping over the first stair.
"Ah, try not to be so clumsy, remember i'm trying to ask a favor for you." Teddy helped you get up.
"Hyung, don't be caught holding on to people like that, you will stir up scandals." A voice echoed at the top of the stairs.  A rather straight faced man was staring, disapprovingly down on us. "Ah, Tablo, it's not what you think." Teddy looked at me for help. "Ah, yes, Teddy is a friend, and I almost fell.." The man, 'Tablo' didn't look to persuaded. Um..ah! You swung your arm around Teddy.
"Teddy and I are like brother and sister!" You smiled your best smile. "Well," You walked a little up the stairs. "Teddy, you were bringing me upstairs..?" You turned and winked at him.
"Ah.. ye-yes" He went ahead and lead you up the stairs and past the 'Tablo' man. While you went down the hall, you heard him mutter "I haven't seen her around though.."
After we were far enough away from him, Teddy looked back on you. "That was close." He said, Eye brows raising.
"Too close" you added.
"But, ________, I think we really will be like brother and sister, if this works out.." He smiled and continued walking. What did that mean? Oh, how does he walk so fast? He was already at the end of the hall! You rushed there when he stopped in front of the doorway. "If you walked a little slower-oh?" Teddy raised a finger to his mouth, than to the door. The door had written in cursive on a fancy plate 'CEO'. He looked at you, mouthed 'Wish me Luck' and walked in, shutting the door behind him.
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Chapter 7: Please update! I REALLY like this story!
Chapter 7: i love this please update soon
Ginniosa #3
Chapter 7: This is a cute story. Poor Taeyang is confused haha update soon