Wished Lies ch1 BigbangXreader

Wished Lies

Damn. It was still freaking raining outside. It's a miracle that it hasn’t flooded yet; it had been raining for the past few weeks non-stop. Granite, it was always light, never pouring but it still blocked out the sun. Not that it would matter anyway, since your family was shipping you off.


Dad had a great job, a job that supported the families needs. The only thing was he traveled everywhere, leaving you with your demon-like mother. She was the type of woman who was a real monster, always breathing fire at people. But when dad came home every once in a while, she turned into the pretty princess, innocent and perfect. The minute he left, she would storm into your room, reminding you of how grateful you should be. A living hell. Than one day, you finally take your stand.

It was a Friday afternoon, and you just got back home from Barnes's High School. It wasn't a real classy place, just a brick walled prison filled with kids who only cared about themselves. It was a pretty good day though, you aced your midterms and you got no homework over the weekend- all that's left is the one place you dreaded going to everyday, home.

The house was pretty modern for a country side New Yorker, it had a long, cracked driveway bordered by short grass. Your house sat on top of a little hill, making you want to turn back with every step you took closer to it. "It's so deceiving.." you muttered. "Such a nice house- one car garage, modern kitchen, living room, bedroom.. but all that leads to is the great witch of the We-" you shut your mouth as quick as you could as the living nightmare herself came out the front door. It was pretty obvious that dad was home.

She had disguised herself as a doll again- her auburn hair straightened, flowing down her back, adding flare to the bright pink lipstick and matching pencil-skirt she wore. 'Fake!' flooded your mind, but you kept those words inside. "Oh dear,…" She cooed, her voice high and filled with pity. "If you keep talking to yourself like that, people will look down on you" It's funny how she could still find ways to make fun of me when she put on her 'innocent' mask. "But never mind that, come inside. Your father arrived a little while ago. We have something to discuss." she motioned for you to follow her and smiled her fake smile, finally going through the door.

"Yes ma'am" you uttered and slowly followed her up the steps into the house. What was this? Dad wasn’t supposed to be home until March 2, three weeks from now.. and what did we have to discuss? Well, you wont find out unless you go in. You sighed and prepared for the worst.

Your dad, looking rather shaggy as his black hair receding and the bags under his eyes resembled bruises, just smiled at you as you walked in. "Ah... my dear ________.." He sighed, in his very tired matter. "Dad, what's this all about? Why are you here? I mean I'm glad you are but weren't you supposed to come home in three we-" Wait. You stopped yourself. It must have been important. Did someone die? Nanna had died a few years ago, and you didn’t really have any close family.

"Dear, you have been troubled havent you? Well I got just the thing, the resolution to the problem, as your mother suggested," Uh-oh; as the witch suggested.."that a nice break would be good for you. She told me that you have been misbehaving, and that you have been, well," He stopped to catch his breath. "An undesirable child. At her kind suggestion." Mother's eyes flashed at the word, leaning over Dad's shoulder. "That we send you to a good school in Seoul. To be honest, it seemed queer to me, but she has good intentions, the schooling is superb, you have taken Hangul (South Korean Literature)-"

"Dad!" You finally let out. "What has she said I have done? I have done everything I possibly can, cooked, cleaned, everything! How can you believe her so easi-"

"Oooh dear," the abomination pouted, pink lipstick shining. "She does this every time I try to resolve our problems.." She stared at your dad, fake eye lashes batting. Looking at my mom, than back to me, dad stood up. His face folded, his brows becoming bushy and his eyes like buttons. "Enough, that is quite enough. You are now certainly going there, after what I have seen. I was going to let you have a say, but blaming your mother and spewing lies isn't going to grant you that. Pack your bags missy- your headed to a new country!" He slurred the last few words, his anger dying down.

Numb. That’s how you felt. Sure, it was only a matter of time 'till they got rid of you; but so soon? All you could do was crawl back to your room and start throwing your clothes into a bag.

So now, with the rain reflecting your feelings, you sat on your bed. There was only minutes left before they shipped you on the plane… Only minutes left before –your world will be flipped for the worst.

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Chapter 7: Please update! I REALLY like this story!
Chapter 7: i love this please update soon
Ginniosa #3
Chapter 7: This is a cute story. Poor Taeyang is confused haha update soon