monkey/ questions!

I love how much you hate me



[Hana’s POV]

Class ended quickly with Lee Taemin.

Surprise surprise!


My luck is horrible!

Somehow, I managed to get a class with Taemin outside school for tutoring, and now?!


I felt incredibly embarrassed after dancing boom boom pow.

Usually, I wouldn’t care about people looking at me while I dance but somehow, those eyes of Taemin which follow my every movement just makes me uncomfortable.

I sighed as I changed out of my clothes in the locker.

‘Your friend is really hot! I absolutely love his long blonde hair..’ Bonnie gushed as she packed her bag.

 ‘I guess so.’ I replied while shutting my locker.

I said bye and left quickly.

That leads me to another topic.

Why did he change his hairstyle?

He looks so… y now.

Even though that’s hard for me to admit.

Is he changing his tactic from cute to manly?

I don’t think so…

As I was stepping out of the studio, someone suddenly linked his arm to mine.

‘Ya! Wha-‘ I started to yell and pull away when I noticed it was Taemin.

‘Hana?’ He cocked his head to the side while looking at me.

‘Oh it was you.. You scared the poop outta me!’ I clucked at him.

Taemin let go of me sheepishly and apologized.

I sighed again and continued walking.

‘Oof. Wait up!!’ Taemin called.


Somehow we ended up eating together at some sushi bar.

‘Mmm!’ Taemin stuffed himself with the salmon.

I flicked his nose and said, ‘Just because I said I’m treating doesn’t mean you have to go and take so much food.’

Taemin giggled and didn’t reply.

‘So.. why the change?’ I asked him while putting down my chopsticks.

‘What change?’ Taemin looked up while grabbing one of his sushi and putting it in front of my mouth.

‘Ahh, open your mouth!’ Taemin asked.                                           

‘Huh?? I don’t really like salmon..’ I leaned back as Taemin moved nearer to me.

I’m sure my face was red by now.

Come on!

Like a y young boy who approaches you wouldn’t turn you on.

I leaned further back, stuttering, ‘T-taemin..’

He leaned closer, I could feel his minty breath blowing onto my face.

‘Eat!! I saw you stuffing your face with salmon just now! Don’t try to find excuses.’ Taemin put the sushi nearer to my face.

I was in total dilemma.

‘I’m not trying to ma-‘ I was shut up by Taemin as he shoved the salmon into my mouth.

‘Now wasn’t that easy?’ Taemin asked while smiling and not moving at all.

‘Erm. Taemin… people are staring..’ I used my finger to push his chest back.

‘Huh?’ He asked, continuing to stare at me.

‘Move up!’ I pushed again.

‘Oh. Yea right.’ He blushed and quickly moved back and stared at the sushi conveyer belt in front.

I smoothen my clothes as I picked up another sushi to put in my mouth.

Awkwardness hung in the air.

‘Soooooo, what were you saying about the change or something?’ Taemin tried to start a conversation.

‘Yea, um, your hairstyle. You look really different now.’ I continued, glad the awkwardness was broken.

‘Oh that. I changed it because of you.’ Taemin said while looking down.

‘Me?!’ I exclaimed.

‘Yea.. that time when you said you didn’t like cute guys, you wanted a manly and y one?’ Taemin mumbled quietly.



‘So Hana.. What type of guys do you like?’ Taemin said as he worked on the question I gave him.

‘Hmmm, I like y guys that have a lot of charisma..’ I said after thinking for awhile.

‘Like me!’ Taemin posed while sliding his thumb across his lips.

I ruffled his hair.

‘Never, haha! You’re too… full of cuteness and fluffiness!’ I laughed and continued marking.

(recap end)

I didn’t think much of it anyway.

‘Oh wow..’ I said.

Noticing the weird atmosphere, I quickly said ‘But how did you get your hair so long?!’

Taemin tugged onto his long hair, ‘Extensions’

He giggled again before grabbing another dish.

‘Oh boohoo, I’m going to go broke.’ I sighed as I slumped against my chair.


‘Oh my freaking god. So expensive?!’ I gaped at the bill as the waitress stared at Taemin’s chest.

Who asked him to wear such a low cut tee.

Taemin was totally oblivious to the stares he was getting as he stared in awe at the tv commercials.

I wonder how this kid could actually be the player of our school.

Biting my lip, I opened up my wallet and took out my money.

Sighing, I was about to hand her the money when Taemin shoved his money into the waitress’s hands.

Startled, the waitress bowed and left to get his change.

‘YAH! I thought I was paying?!’ I reprimanded him while giving him my money.

‘Keep it. Next time you’ll pay.’ Taemin smiled and went out of the shop.

‘Sir! Your change!’ The waitress came running over with the change, fyi totally ignoring me.

snatched grabbed it and said I would pass it to him while running out.

‘Your change Taemin.’ I gave his money to him.

As he took it, a small piece of paper fell out.

Taemin didn’t notice it as he continued walking.

I bent down and picked it up.

‘Call me, xxx-xxx-xx (okay wth? Idk the number thingy of korea)’ I read.

‘Ew gross disgusting! What a monkey..’ I thought to myself.

I looked up to see Taemin calling me to hurry up.

I’m not sure why, but something about that paper made me feel like throwing it away and not letting Taemin see it.

Looking at Taemin again, I crushed it and threw it into the bin while skipping forward.

He doesn’t need it anyway right?

I’m just getting rid of the rubbish for him.

Yea, just getting rid of it..


Hello! Short update! (: anyways I wanted to interact with all my awesome subscribers. You know, it suddenly hit me that more than a hundred people all over the world or country or whatever are reading my story  and I'm really glad about that sooo, I wanted to ask you a few questions or maybe one. If you manage to guess the correct answer FOR ALL my questions.  I'll either

1) Show you how I look like

2) Add you in my story (not permanent? Maybe only a few chapters lik 5-6)

3)  Not sure. haha!

So here are the questions:

1) Guess what's my three hobbies

2) Do I have short, medium or long hair, why?

3) Do I seem like a timid or outgoing person. Explain why

Btw, you have to guess ALL i repeat ALL correctly~ anws if you all dont get it correct... TOO BAD! jk~ i choose the best one. and if I do have fun with this, i guess I would update more. Cos usually if something interests me a lot, I would keep on doing it again and again. dont bring me down. as you comment, answer! usually comments with "update faster!" makes me a tad disappointed. it only takes one minute to write a longer comment right?


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elf_shawol_sayA_sone #1
Chapter 11: Love ur story update sooon <3
Chapter 11: author-nim please do update! you're killing us,the readers ...urgh well I'm a new reader or late uhmm whatever...but please like update!!!!
How come you aren't updating anymore? I almost forgot what this story was about
update soon!
hey, new reader here. love this and waiting for updates..keke
waiting for your next chappies..BTW nice story XD
Please update soon~! I really love it..
Waiting for more eonnie..