New guy

I love how much you hate me

[Hana’s POV]

‘I’m sorry.’

‘I’m sorry’

‘I’m sorry’

‘I’m sorry’

I stopped and whirled around.

‘Leave me alone! I get your apology!’ I jabbed Taemin.

‘But you didn’t show up for yesterday’s tuition.’ He did a puppy dog look at me.

‘GAH!’ I tugged my hair angrily.

Stupid cute freak!

He was wearing a beanie today and a grey woolen sweater.

It looked freaking cute on him, but no way am I ever going to admit that.

‘How about tuitions on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday instead of everyday Taemin?’ I smiled sweetly at him, trying to convince him that I’m not mad at him.

Taemin smiled back and nodded before skipping off.

I knew his steps very well.

His first approach would be cute and sweet like now.

That will soften up the girl.

Then he will become more rough and act more manly to secure the girl and make her fall in love.

After that, when he is sure that the girl likes him.

Taemin crushes her heart like a little piece of paper.

I snorted  and walked home quietly.


It was Sunday and Taemin was coming over to my house.

Hwang Sun was crazily cleaning up the apartment and flitting around like a ballerina.

‘Quit it Hwang Sun. You look weird.’ I complained as he did a twirl in front of the tv.

‘Oh shut up.’ Hwang Sun replied with a british accent to it.

I sniggered as the doorbell rang.

‘I’ll get it!’ Hwang Sun sang like a girl as he tip toed to the door.

He opened the door and fell over immediately.

Clumsy dope of a brother.

I got up and welcomed Taemin in.

He looked around at my house.


[Taemin’s POV]

‘Nice.’ I said to her.

Suddenly I heard a grunt as I quickly looked at the person who made that sound.

I saw a blondish- brown hair guy who was about two years older than Mi Kyoung getting up.

He had sharp features and a charismatic glint in his eyes.

I immediately shifted my mood to be more manly.

Guys feel threatened when they see handsome guys that are more buff than them.

‘Chill dude. No need to get so worked up over Hana.’ The guy patted my back lightly.

‘Who’s that?’ I whispered to Hana as she rolled her eyes.

‘Some loser.’ She said loudly.

‘I HEARD THAT!’ The guy shouted back as we were reaching her room.

Hana let out a jingle of her laugh as she opened the door.

‘No seriously’ I looked at her deadpanned.

‘He’s my brother silly.’ Hana smiled at me.

I relaxed at once.

So no competition huh.

I stepped onto a carpeted floor as I looked around her room.

It was partially black and white.

I jumped onto her bed and laughed while rolling over and facing Hana.

‘Am I cute?’ I said in a cutesy voice.

Hana rolled her eyes at me and didn’t answer.

‘Let’s get started then.’ She said while clasping her hands together.

I frowned, usually that would work on girls.

As I was getting up to start studying, the doorbell rang.

Hana groaned as she quickly ran out to get the door.

I followed her.

She opened the door and smiled almost after a split second.

I looked outside..

And changed my mood back to being manly.


Uhoh~ new guy! (:

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elf_shawol_sayA_sone #1
Chapter 11: Love ur story update sooon <3
Chapter 11: author-nim please do update! you're killing us,the readers ...urgh well I'm a new reader or late uhmm whatever...but please like update!!!!
How come you aren't updating anymore? I almost forgot what this story was about
update soon!
hey, new reader here. love this and waiting for updates..keke
waiting for your next chappies..BTW nice story XD
Please update soon~! I really love it..
Waiting for more eonnie..