
I love how much you hate me

[Hana’s POV]

I looked at the clock anxiously, come on, a few more minutes!!

We can’t give the stupid teacher give us a pop quiz.

I stared at the clock hardly, as if my stare would make it go faster.

‘Dude, you’re glaring at a clock.’ Na Young whispered to me, emphasizing the word clock.

‘So?’ I whispered back harshly and looked at the teacher who was about to say “pop quiz”.


Gosh! Saved by the bell.

I grabbed my bag and linked arms with Na Young.

While we were walking to the dining hall, I told her about the awful experience I had this morning.

Na Young burst out laughing after she heard what had happened to Hwang Sun’s consequences.

I smiled, amused by her reaction and continued walking.

‘AISHT! I have to return a book! It’s overdue.’ I smacked my head and quickly ran to the library.

‘I’ll be sitting at our usual places.’ Na Young called out and walked to the hall herself.

Panting and perspiring, I reached the library and pushed my overdue book to the librarian, Ms Han.

She cocked her eyebrow and said, ‘Your book has been overdue for a month Hana, it’s going to be expensive.’

‘I know Ms Han, but my brother-‘

‘No excuses Hana.’ She told me the fee I had to pay.

I reluctantly took out my money and was about to pay her when suddenly, somebody pushed my hand away and paid for it.

‘Yah!’ I yelled and turned around, to see Taemin beaming at me.

For a moment, I got in by his cute face, when suddenly the librarian fell over and I snapped out of it.

I have to be more careful..

‘Oh god. It’s you.’ I muttered and quickly left the library without acknowledging him.

‘Wait up Hana!’ Taemin called out.

I continued to make my way while ignoring him.

He ran forward and blocked me.

I sighed and said, ‘What do you want.’

‘Um..w..well..’ He stuttered nervously.

‘Oops! Too long, move away’ I pushed him away and continued walking.

‘I want you to tutor me.’ He caught up with me and said.

‘Bwoh?!’ I halted and spun around.

‘I’ve been failing my subjects and my dad said that if I don’t pass at least my biology, he would ground me for the year.’ Taemin rubbed his head sheepishly.

‘Why me then.’ I tapped my foot impatiently.

‘You’re the ace-student of all the classes! Every year, it’s As non stop.’ Taemin waved his hands to exaggerate his point.

He smiled cutely at me, obviously waiting for me to fall into his trap again.

‘I’m sorry, but no.’ I said and stalked off.

As genuine as he seemed, I knew it was just another scheme to make me fall in love with him.

I’m not some stupid toy that people bet on, I’m a person.

And I don’t put up with crap like that, cos I’m the one and only Kim Hana!!


I looked at Na Young as she ate her measly sideplate of salad.

‘Can you survive on so little food?’ I asked her as I slurped up my spaghetti.

‘I’m fat as it is already.’ She pressed her totally no-flab, flat stomach down while looking at my eating style in disgust.

‘Be more like a girl Hana, you have the looks babe! So eat like one.’ She poked my cheeks lightly while stabbing her lettuce.

‘There’s no such thing as eating like a girl or not. It’s called enjoying your food’ I waved my fork around and continued to eat.

Na Young rolled her eyes at my defiance and decided not to pursue the matter.

The bell rang and we went back to class.

After our boring classes ended, Na Young and I walked out of the classroom lazily.

‘Hana!’ Mr Lee, our science teacher stopped me.

‘Neh Mr Lee?’ I asked.

‘Since you have the best grades in class, there is a student in our class who is struggling. I decided to let you tutor him.’ Mr Lee said proudly.

‘Tutor?! I don’t think I can tutor..’ I said uncertainly.

‘Oh you can! Anyway, the student is in great distress and I’m sure you won’t mind helping him out right?’ Mr Lee said.

‘Neh… But who is the student?’ I asked curiously.

‘Lee Taemin.’ Mr Lee replied and quickly shuffled away.

Oh god, what have I gotten myself into?

[Taemin’s POV]

I frowned as I thought about Hana’s reaction to me paying for her fee and my cute smile.

How could she not fall in love with this smile?

I stared into the mirror and splashed my face with water.

I exited the restroom and made my way to meet my hyungs in Key’s car.

‘Got a date yet?’ Jonghyun sidled up to me and asked.

‘No…’ I said quietly, my ego hurt.

It was like my confidence took a huge blow when Hana rejected me.

Jonghyun started laughing at me.’

‘I told you it wasn’t easy.’ Jonghyun waggled his finger at me mockingly.

‘Whatever hyung.’ I rolled my eyes at him.

‘So she didn’t fall for your cute smile?’ Jonghyun continued asking.

‘Yes hyung, she didn’t.’ I said angrily.

Jonghyun laughed harder and tears came out soon.

What should I do!

I’m losing my touch..

I don’t even have a plan yet!

So engrossed in thinking of a plan, I didn’t notice Mr Lee walking.

We bumped into each other and fell down.

‘Mr Lee! Have you asked Hana?’ I blinked at him innocently.

‘Yes my dear boy, and she agreed!’ Mr Lee smiled at me and got up.

‘Thank you Mr Lee!’ I bowed down lowly and did a cute aegyo.

Mr Lee nodded and went off.

‘.’ I muttered to myself.

‘Thank you Mr Lee!’  Jonghyun mimicked me while snorting loudly.

‘How come I never seen that side of you before minnie?’ Jonghyun snickered again.

I sighed, at least now I have a plan.

I smirked thinking of how easy it was to trick Mr Lee.


‘Mr Lee! Please help me get a tutor! My dad is already very sick and he wants me to get into a good school before he dies!’ I cried while clinging onto him.

Mr Lee’s eyes softened after seeing me in my “devasted” state.

‘Okay, I shall ask one of my students.’ Mr Lee nodded firmly at me.

‘Really? Thank you Mr Lee!!’ I wiped away my tears hurriedly.

‘Mmm..’ He waved me off.

‘But can you please ask Hana?’ I looked at him.

‘Hana? Why?’ Mr Lee turned to look back at me.

‘Hana is a straight A student, I think she’s the best choice!’ I said earnestly.

‘Hana eh… Okay then, I shall ask her for you.’ Mr Lee ruffled my hair and walked off.

‘Old man, you got tricked by Lee Taemin!’ I cackled to myself once he was out of sight.

(recap end)

I laughed at that thought and waved at Key.

Key and Jonghyun quickly hugged each other and walked to the car.

No wonder people think they are gay.

They keep on hugging each other and holding each other’s waists.

It so gross that I feel like puking!

Onew and Minho quickly reached and we went off to our dorm. (a/n they are not famous or w.e in this story, they just live together)


 its shorter that i thought i would be -.- (: enjoy this chapter! i shall not talk that much today~ school's starting~ sian -.-

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elf_shawol_sayA_sone #1
Chapter 11: Love ur story update sooon <3
Chapter 11: author-nim please do update! you're killing us,the readers ...urgh well I'm a new reader or late uhmm whatever...but please like update!!!!
How come you aren't updating anymore? I almost forgot what this story was about
update soon!
hey, new reader here. love this and waiting for updates..keke
waiting for your next chappies..BTW nice story XD
Please update soon~! I really love it..
Waiting for more eonnie..