Chapter 5

After You

That evening, Taemin has decided to visit his house to tell his parents about his plan. Even though he knows that they will care less about what he will do with his future, he still wants them to know. He lied to Key earlier, saying that he would go to the library because Taemin doesn’t think Key would let him come to his parents’ place. Not when Key already knows how they treat him.

With a determined heart, Taemin steps out of the cab. He takes a good look to the place he used to live. A place he grew up in. A place he would leave behind and probably would never see again. His first step is hesitant. His push on the gate is weak. For a brief moment, the memory of his parents blaming him for his friend’s death fills his head and for a aplit second, Taemin thinks of running away again.

But something inside his heart tells him not to. Something tells him that it’s okay to walk further and knock on the door, so he does.

It’s on the exact fourth knock when the door swings open, revealing the face of his older brother.


Taesun was asleep on the couch in the living room when a consistent sound of thud on the door awakened him. He was going to curse at whoever it was. But now knowing that it is his little brother, he couldn’t bring himself to do that. He is beyond surprised to see Taemin at home, something he would never expect to happen… unless something bad happens. He immediately turns around to ensure that no one's coming before turning back to Taemin.

“What the heck are you doing here?” he asks, keeping his voice low. He’s afraid if their mom or dad would come out.

“I need to see Mom and Dad” Taemin’s reply comes weak.

“What? What’s for?” Taesun doesn’t believe his ears when he hears that.

“I have something to tell to them.”

“What? What is it?” Taesun keeps on showering him with questions instead of letting him in. He turns back and does a short check about the situation inside to make sure that no one sees them.

“Can you just let me in so we can talk more comfortably?” Taemin’s patience starts to wear out. He wants to make it quick but his brother prevents him from doing so.

“You wait here!” Taesun commands him before going inside and coming back in seconds. He drags Taemin away and walks toward his car. He has his key on his hand. Once they reaches Taesun’s car, he shoves Taemin in and gets into the driver’s seat and hits the road soon after that.

“Hyung, where are you taking me to?” Taemin complains. “I need to talk to Mom and Dad so take me back home, will you?”

“Not before you tell me what it is about.” Taesun insists.

A sigh escapes Taemin’s lips on his brother stubbornness.

“I’m leaving Seoul.”


“I’m leaving for Canada. I’m leaving for real.”

The car stops rather hastily, making Taemin sends a glare to his brother.

“It’s about Minho, right?”


“Do you love him that much?”

No answer.

“Aish, you must love him very much. And what now? You thinking of going after him? I suggest you not to try. Just forget him and start a new life, moving on. They know. I doubt they’ll let you go.”

For a split second all Taemin can do is staring disbelievingly at his brother. “They what?”

“They know, Taem. They know about you and Minho. I don’t want to recall how mad they were after they got the call from their boss. Minho’s dad told them all. That’s why they’re all moving to Canada, for the sake of separating you two. He wanted Mom and Dad to watch over you. You’re lucky he asked them not to do anything to you if you behave. And now, you show up and say you’re going to Canada? Come on, just forget him and find another person.”

It’s all just too much for Taemin to hear at once. His little mind has yet finished processing all those information when his brother adds, “Just don’t, whatever plan that’s running on in your mind, don’t do that. Also, don’t tell Mom and Dad.”

“Hyung,” Taemin manages to say. “Why didn’t you tell me about this earlier?” asks him. There are so many things running on his mind right now, after fully comprehending what he just heard.

Taesun, who doesn’t really have any reason for not telling his brother, is at loss of words. He can’t even say a word towards Taemin which only makes Taemin more upset.

“I don’t get why people like keeping things from me. What’s wrong with telling me the truth, huh? I guess you guys just don’t give a about my feelings.”

“Taem,” Taesun attempts on lighten his mood, calling him softly and pats his head.

“Don’t bother to pet me when things already become messed up like this! It’s not making me any better!” he dodges his brother’s touch and leans to the window.

“I’m sorry, okay?”

“What are you going to do now?” Taesun asks once again when he doesn’t get any reply. Taemin stares out of the window, doesn’t spare a look at him at all.

“Apartment.” Taemin replies fast.

With a sigh, Taesun starts the cars and drives his younger brother back to his apartment. The ride back is quiet, only the sound of the engine and the busy road surrounding them. Taesun peeks at Taemin every now and then but Taemin keeps staring blankly through the window. Guilt starts to find its way to Taesun’s heart. Even though they have been living separately for years, he does care about Taemin. He loves him nonetheless. But he is unable to express it properly.

About Taemin’s relationship with Minho, honestly, Taesun doesn’t mind it if his brother is gay. Plus, Minho looks like a good guy. However, Taesun is the type to stay away from problems. That’s why he prefers Taemin to forget about Minho and move on.

“Get in and do not show up at home without telling me first, okay?” Taesun warns him when they’re right in front of the apartment building.

“Hyung, what if someday Mom and Dad don’t accept your relationship with your girlfriend?” Taemin asks all of sudden, leaving Taesun in shock.

“I’m… well, I’m –“

“Just so you know I’m still going to Canada no matter what.” Taemin’s voice is stern, not faltering even a bit. Then he smiles. “Thank you, hyung.” He thanks him out of the blue. “I don’t know if we would ever meet again so this may be our last time seeing each other.” He turns to face his brother, giving him a sincere smile before getting out of the car.

“You can’t be serious, Lee Taemin.” Taesun shouts, hastily stepping out of his car and running after Taemin.

Taemin walks fast, passing the hallway, taking the lift without waiting for his brother. He really doesn’t want to deal with him now. Once he gets into his floor, he paces to his door and enters without knocking first.

“Oh God!” Key shrieks when he suddenly sees Taemin. “, can’t you knock on the door first?” Taemin only passes him and heads to his bedroom. “Yaah! Lee Taemin, I’m talking to you here!” Before he could even continue his nags, he’s interrupted by someone thumping on their front door. Key rushes to open it and finds someone he is unfamiliar with standing by the door.

“Who are you?” asks Taesun.

“What? It’s me who suppose to ask who the heck you are!” Key is too pissed to act nicely to their guest.

“Taemin’s brother!”

“Oh,” comes as Key’s reply.

“Where is he?”

“What is it now, hyung?” Taemin appears out of nowhere.

“Taemin, we need to talk.”

“What is it left to be talked about? I’ve made it clear; I’m going no matter what.”

“I’ll cover it for you!” Taesun yells. “I’ll make sure Mom and Dad aren’t going to find out, satisfied?”

Taken aback by Taesun’s words, Taemin bends his head and mutters “You don’t have to.”

“I have to. I’m so sorry I’m not telling you earlier about Minho’s dad. Now let me help you with your plan.”

“You’re doing this so that you won’t feel guilty later, aren’t you? What a brother you are!” Taemin exclaims, half smiling. Taesun can’t help but breaks into smile and reached his younger brother for a brief hug.

“Okay, what’s going on here? Mind explain it to me?” Key disturbs their sibling moment because he can’t take it any longer. He just can’t stand there, looking at those two chit-chatting about God knows what.

Taemin lets out a sigh, it seems like he has to go over what happened today.

Hello ^^

My internship period has ended and I've submitted my reports so now I'm finally back!

I don't think I'll be able to update this fast because I'm joining a fic challenge on livejournal and the due date is no joke. so it becomes my top priority now. But don't worry I'll still be working in this fic even though it would be slow.

Thanks for your patience. Enjoy the story ^^

and don't forget to leave some comments, ^^v

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working on the next chapter ♥


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fireheart6v6 #1
Chapter 20: i hope you'll continue this authornim🙏🏻
Chapter 20: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/484123/20'>Chapter 20</a></span>
Me I'm waiting for Your Jongyu fic That man's child I love Jongyu ship I will wait till you are ready to update too
Chapter 19: It's must be because what happened with Taemin life in past. I hope Minho family can see how good Taemin is really so he and Minho can be together...
Chapter 19: Hope minho's mom will keep her promise...
Chapter 17: Finally I’ve caught up to the most current chapter. I had to restart from part 1 before continuing on with the sequel. Can’t wait for the next update
Chapter 17: Glad you comeback and glad Taemin forgive Minho.. i hope their time together it's last long..
Chapter 17: Love the progress of this story~~~ =)
Chapter 16: I'm so happy they are finally reunited... i just hope minho's parent won't try to separate them anymore...
Chapter 16: Thank you for updating authornim...
I have to reread this story again, because it's been a while...
But i'm not complaining... :)
Can't wait for the next chapter..
Chapter 15: YAAAAAY!!!