Chapter 11

After You

Minho’s days have been very different after Eve comes into his life. Yes, it’s official that her name is Eve, not Tammy or Tabby like Changmin had recommended. Didn’t you say she reminds you of your lover boy? Shouldn’t you name her Tammy or Tabby? What’s your lover boy’s name again? Changmin must be very dumb to never get Taemin’s name right. Or maybe he just likes to get on Minho’s nerves.

Back to Eve, that cute little creature demands Minho’s attention the moment Minho arrives home from university until the bed time comes. Eve listens to Minho very well. Minho barely meets any difficulties to train her. She follows him almost everywhere and even sleeps in Minho’s room. She likes to sleep under Minho’s night table the most so Minho sets a pillow and blanket for her there. She instantly becomes Minho’s best friend and successfully brightens Minho’s life.

“With this amount of money, I think I can get a phone by next week.” Minho tells her while putting back his savings into the small box under his bed. “It means we can call Taemin soon and hear his voice. Taemin has a soft voice. I have a feeling you’ll fall for his voice when you hear it.” He scoops her from the end of his bed and puts her on his chest as he lay down. “You’ll be good to him, right?” she barks once. “Nice girl, high five.” She raises one of her front legs to meet Minho’s hand and Minho feels like a proud papa when she does so. But his little happiness crashes when Changmin enters his room without knocking first. With a big silly grin on his face, he says…

“Minho, I found her!”


“So you want me to go there with you tomorrow?”

“Yes. Remember that you owe me!!”

“You’re just going to say meet me there tonight at 7 to her and you can’t do it alone?”



“You’ve been acting weird since morning,” Taemin comments nonchalantly.

“I don’t!”

“You do. You've been looking around and being all cautious, like you're avoiding something or someone. Do you just wake up in the morning suddenly get paranoid about someone following you around or what? Trust me; no one’s interested on kidnapping you.”

That earns Taemin a smack on the head.

“Can’t you stop being mean and be a useful friend by helping me avoiding that Changmin guy I met yesterday?”

“Oh, so it's about that Changmin boy. Listen up, first, I’m not your friend. Second, why are you avoiding him? Three, I saw you smiling and laughing and acting so princessy in front of him yesterday.”

“So a friend of me warns me that he’s a –“

“Jihye, hi!”

“Hi, wow, such a coincidence. What are you doing here?” Changmin doesn’t answer her straight away. Instead, he’s eyeing Taemin and fortunately Taemin is sharp enough to understand it as a sign to take his leave. So he does.

“I’m waiting for my friend.” Changmin points the male bathroom that’s a few feet away from them. “By the way, are you free tonight? What about having a coffee with me at yesterday’s place?”

“Uh, sorry but I’m occupied tonight, you know, university’s stuff.”

“What about Saturday?”

“Well, Saturday, sounds good.”


To: Taemin

Your prayer has been answered

You get a Jihye-free night today


“Come on, let’s go back.” Changmin says when Minho walks out of the male bathroom.

“Aren’t you searching for –“

“Just met her while you were doing your business” he cuts off.


“She’s busy tonight but we’re having a date this Saturday!”


Minho leaves the building with a smile gracing his already perfect face. His hand clutches the package tighter as he heads to his car, where his cute little puppy is awaiting for him. When he gets into the car, he faces Eve – who is sitting down on the passenger’s seat – and actually becomes happier to see her looking up to him with her irresistible eyes.

“We got a phone!” he announces as he holds the package up in the air. “But this is just the box.” He then throws it to the back seat. He quickly shoves his hand into his pocket and shows his puppy the real phone he just bought. He takes Eve with his other hand and holds her close his chest as he turns on the phone and dials the number that he still remembers so clearly. “We’re calling Taemin now. You gotta be nice to him, okay?” He presses the call button and nervously waits for a respond. But much to Minho’s dismay, he’s greeted with operator’s telling him that the number he’s calling is inactive. Minho frowns. “Did he change his number?” He tries one more time only to get the same respond. With a heavy heart, Minho tries on a different number. Somewhere inside his heart tells him that it’s not going to be good, but he has no choice. It’s either facing his hyung’s wrath or not hearing about Taemin at all. He chosees the first, of course.


“Jinki hyung, it’s me.” His voice comes out weak and hesitant he dislikes this. And the uncomfortable silence that follow makes him want to end the call and forgets about all of this.

“What do you want?” is the first line that breaks the silence and it’s coming from Jinki. It sounds so cold as if Jinki’s talking to his enemy instead of friends.

“Hyung, I’m sorry I haven’t called since I left Seoul.”

He gulps a lump on his throat when he hears no respond from the other line.

“Dad took my phone and my cards. I was homeschooled with no internet and couldn’t even get out without being followed by Dad’s man. But things got better once I enter university. I get to drive a car on my own and Mom gives me some cash so I saved it up for a phone. And I just got one” Minho chuckles, trying to get rid of the anxiety he’s feeling. “I know all of you must be… mad at me and I understand that. But I really am sorry, hyung.”

“It’s okay if you can’t forgive me.” Minho adds when Jinki remains silence. However, deep down, he isn’t okay with that. “Hyung, can I ask you something? I tried to call Taemin but the operator said it's not active. Did he change his number?”

“He did.”

“Can you give me his number please? I need to talk to him.” Minho pleads, even though he isn't sure Jinki would tell him.

“He did. But I won’t tell you. Because of you, he flew all the way to Vancouver, alone, and has been going through hard times adjusting there.” Minho swears his heart skip a beat when he hears that. He never thinks Taemin would take a risk chasing after him to Canada.

“Taemin’s here? How come? Where is he? I promise I’m going to him right away if you tell me where he lives. He can’t be alone, hyung –“

“No, I won’t tell you. Find him and you’re forgiven.”

Before Minho could argue, the line goes off. Profanity slips when Minho realizes that his hyung just hung up his call. He doesn’t waste his time. He soon dials Jonghyun’s number and prays he would tell him where Taemin is because he won’t be able to sleep in peace knowing that somewhere in here, Taemin is living alone.


“Jonghyun hyung, it’s me, Minho. Hyung, please listen and don’t cut me off. Hyung, please tell me where Taemin is. You can shout and swear and whatever you want to do to me later but I need to find Taemin now. Jinki hyung told me he’s in Vancouver but refused to tell me where he exactly is. Hyung, I need to find him now. He can’t –“

“As much as I want Taemin not to be alone, I don’t think telling you where he lives is a good decision. I know it’s not your fault, leaving us like that. But I still can’t bring myself to take your side. Taemin will find you and you’ll pay for what you’ve done. Just stay still, he’ll find you.”


Never in his life Minho think he will lose his childhood friends. But he just did. He wants to yell at them but at the same time, he wants to understand and accept this situation. However, he can’t bring himself to think about any idea to make up with them. He has to push that thought behind and focus on finding Taemin. He decides to not call Kibum because he knows he won’t get what he wants. So he calls the only person who will help him out, Changmin.

“Hyung, text me where you are, NOW!”

After what seems like one minute, he gets a message from Changmin congratulating him on his new phone and telling him that he’s at the café he talks about yesterday, complete with the address and a ‘what’s wrong’. He doesn’t bother to reply him. He’s changing his direction and heading to Changmin’s place.

Finding Taemin definitely can’t wait.

Hello :D

Sorry for the long wait.

I was working on Vision and got bored so I moved to write this XD



anyway, thanks for the comment c:

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working on the next chapter ♥


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fireheart6v6 #1
Chapter 20: i hope you'll continue this authornim🙏🏻
Chapter 20: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/484123/20'>Chapter 20</a></span>
Me I'm waiting for Your Jongyu fic That man's child I love Jongyu ship I will wait till you are ready to update too
Chapter 19: It's must be because what happened with Taemin life in past. I hope Minho family can see how good Taemin is really so he and Minho can be together...
Chapter 19: Hope minho's mom will keep her promise...
Chapter 17: Finally I’ve caught up to the most current chapter. I had to restart from part 1 before continuing on with the sequel. Can’t wait for the next update
Chapter 17: Glad you comeback and glad Taemin forgive Minho.. i hope their time together it's last long..
Chapter 17: Love the progress of this story~~~ =)
Chapter 16: I'm so happy they are finally reunited... i just hope minho's parent won't try to separate them anymore...
Chapter 16: Thank you for updating authornim...
I have to reread this story again, because it's been a while...
But i'm not complaining... :)
Can't wait for the next chapter..
Chapter 15: YAAAAAY!!!